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Search results

  1. ogaitnasind99

    Chinese Super League - MLS - Brasileirao 2017 OF nicoultras PS4

    That's great, thanks a lot! Looking forward to try it out!
  2. ogaitnasind99

    Chinese Super League - MLS - Brasileirao 2017 OF nicoultras PS4

    I think it's because the link is incomplete. MEGA links should be longer because of uncrypting. Try posting the full link please.
  3. ogaitnasind99

    [PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)

    Cristiano, are there plans to make the OF compatible with Fantastic 3's newly released Chinese Super League? EDIT: Nevermind, it's for PS3. Sorry.
  4. ogaitnasind99

    j708 pes5 OPT s07/08 -( based on Watson V4.0 of )- 30 new club teams

    Great parch!!! Could you please tell me how could you add the teams??
  5. ogaitnasind99

    [FACES] Faces by ogaitnasind99 (Requests Taken)

    Ok, I'll do it, but give me sme time, I'm quite busy with school...
  6. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] Mike1Zero's PNG´s

    Quite good, there are still aspects to improve, but it's great!
  7. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] Mike1Zero's PNG´s

    Thanks a LOT!!!!!! Nevermind Monchengladbach, it's alright ;)
  8. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] Mike1Zero's PNG´s

    Mike, any news about my request? Thanks as well for your kits :)
  9. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] Nemisiskidd PNG's 2012

    Thanks a lot for Ajax!! It's excellent!!
  10. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS & EMBLEMS] 1Ñ4/<1 kits for PS3

    SOypiarta no me podrías hacer la away 2012/13 y el escudo de centenario del Swansea y la home 2012/13 del Hannover?
  11. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] Nemisiskidd PNG's 2012

    Hey Nemisiskidd, any chance to do the new Ajax Away, already used in their last match? If you want I can later post the formulas :)
  12. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] Mike1Zero's PNG´s

    Hey mike is there any chance to make any of these new shirts of German teams? Stuttgart, Home, Away and 3rd (I'll use it as GK :lol:: Borussia Monchengladbach Home: If you don't mind, if you finish them I'll post formulas for both kits :)
  13. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] ¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ-[14] PES 2012 PNG´s[PS3]

    That Montenegro kit is very old, the youth team is using it ;)
  14. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] The Italian Job [by Vixon] no request

    A million thanks Vixon, a whole lot of kits in so little time!!
  15. ogaitnasind99

    [FACES] Faces by ogaitnasind99 (Requests Taken)

    Here is Franck Moussa, once and for all. IT has also been a very difficult face since it's the first non-white player I've ever made, and at a time it was erased form my PS3: Franck MOUSSA - Chesterfield FC (ENG) Base: 5/5/4/-4/1,2/+2/-2/+1/+4/+2/-2,3/-1 Eyebrows: 10/1/2/-2/-3/+1/+3/+4/4/Blk...
  16. ogaitnasind99

    [KITS] Emilio07 PNG´S

    Muy buena la del rojo!!!!!
  17. ogaitnasind99

    [EMBLEMS] Logos and pngs

    Sorry, but I meant you to do it the vertical wat, so that it could work as the league emblem as well as the overlay ;)
  18. ogaitnasind99

    [EMBLEMS] Logos and pngs

    Very good ones!!!! Can you please make Liga Adelante without white BG and resized?
