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Search results

  1. ferdinand001

    LIBERTADORES LISENCE in next pes!!!!!

    Just the biggest PES News in years.... AWESOME Colo-Colo in the Libertadores.... and then the WORLD CLUBS CHAMPIONSHIP against the UEFA Championons League champ...
  2. ferdinand001

    point rewarding system??

    Seems imposible to me... I always get points when i won... really annoying...
  3. ferdinand001

    this game seems to reward slower internet connections

    In Santiago the situation its almost normal... The problem is in some south areas of the country..mostly Concepcion and Constitucion, nearest dense populated areas to the hepicenter of the megadisaster in Feb, 27... they have been strongly violent shaked by a 8,8 richter earthquake with a...
  4. ferdinand001

    this game seems to reward slower internet connections

    Have to say, that IMO this is a real issue... I have a 8 mb down/ 2mb up connection speed... and i live in Santiago, Chile ( South America)... Every time that play against people in countrys like Mexico, Brazil, Central America( Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Honduras), Colombia...
  5. ferdinand001

    Blatent Cheating 2010...
  6. ferdinand001

    First Online game since it came out

    Yeah, community play or room servers are the key...with a good connection, of course..
  7. ferdinand001

    v1.04 affects gameplay?

    mmm...i dont know...but i can see some "changes" in the physics of the ball... more swerve in the freekicks...and more control on the corner kicks...and crosses to the box. And definitely the dribling accurancy is far better now... you can use the R2-RT to close control more...
  8. ferdinand001

    Palermo vs Real Madrid an online slugfest! LOL!

    Because of that i speak 3 lenguajes.. But most of the people in South America speak only spanish. Arentinian wife??, nice... really beautiful womans... Peace
  9. ferdinand001

    The showdown with MESSI and CR9 and the cutbacks is finally over now. BEST SOLUTION!!

    I am happy that finally you have your antidote Peace pal.
  10. ferdinand001

    where did the lag go?

    You are in US xbox live ??? what is your gamertag??... In topic, i dont thing so, there are lag... but the lag now is less noticeable....
  11. ferdinand001

    Blatent Cheating

    This kind of suckers above 700+ do the same thing all the time... Its easy to make... if you have a home network, they paused the game and start the laptop...they open some torrent administrator download and download every kind off shit...also send emails and open youtube in HD... for...
  12. ferdinand001

    What's the worst team you've played that pass it about like their Barca?

    Just because you are reseting the teamvision sthatistical data on the RAM... Remember thats TEAMVISION is a genetic algorithm
  13. ferdinand001

    Update is out!

    Anelka-Drogba Speed-Acceleration?? And what about Sergio Asenjo (atlético GK)??
  14. ferdinand001

    Palermo vs Real Madrid an online slugfest! LOL!

    Great history pal... PS: South americans like me used to the "jajaja", respect.
  15. ferdinand001

    Early PES11 Details: Redemption?

    Yeh i agree with you pal... but what i mean is PES needs a new stamina system just to do the game more like simulation... Its true that the good big teams always gonna have best oportunities to win...but IMO its the way they win... in real football we know that big players do 4-5 great...
  16. ferdinand001

    Everything is cheating/lamer tactics/cheese!

    maybe...i dont know...but he has 6 defenders and 4 forwards... and send long balls al the game into the sides to pato or robinho...then centered it to Adriano or Kaka... I say to him: "COME ON SUCKER, THIS IS NOT FOOTBALL..ITS RUGBY??"... IMHO midfield play is absolutely devaluated in PES...
  17. ferdinand001

    Everything is cheating/lamer tactics/cheese!

    ANOYING... Yesterday i was playing room matches and play against a spanish sucker called "IBAGUE634"... he put in her room, only nationals teams available...and he uses Brazil... and he has a 717 rating, 7th in the XLive US boards... I pick argentina to have a chance...but he beat me...
  18. ferdinand001

    Confused about PES10 tactical & assisted settings. Please help.

    In the condition player, be sure that every AMF, SS and CF has the Red arrow Attack Minded enabled. The rest is put Support slider at 80+ .Be carefull with this, you will get exposed to 1 on 1 situations with yours deffenders. Ah, try to kick on goal at the first opportunity holding RT or R2
  19. ferdinand001

    Your team and formation to beat Barza-Madrid lamers online.

    I use Atletico Madrid.. Formation: -------------------Asenjo(GK)------------------------ ----Juanito(CB)------ Perea(CB)---Ujfalusi(CB)----Maxi Rodriguez(DLI) -----------------Camacho or Assunsao (DMF)------------ Reyes(MDD)------------------------------------Simao(MDI) ------Sinamma...
  20. ferdinand001


    Lets face it... we always gonna find laggers and barza-madrid boys playing the game using awfull tactics and calling him selfs PES GODS...i dont like it like most of the people in this thread...but i never quit a game, just because i don want other quitting on my game... simply as that... By...
