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Search results

  1. CACR25

    [PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)

    I know this is OT but did not want to start a new thread... Does anyone know what happened to Erzo's thread here in the forum? I don't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks in advance guys.
  2. CACR25

    UCL / Libertadores MAX Compatability, No Created Players, No Duplicates

    Does the Copa Libertadores file use the PLA League(Aka Liga MX) or "Other South American teams" section? Thanks in advance:)
  3. CACR25

    [PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)

    Great work Cristiano and everyone really! Very grateful for an amazing option file :cool: After I installed Version 4 I noticed some issues: Krosnodar missing 2nd kit and GK Kit Spartak Moscow missing 3rd Kit Young Boys missing all kits Extra Plzen .bin file Also I only applied V4 to...
  4. CACR25

    [PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)

    Just finished applying 3.2 update and had a couple of issues with it. Astana and Young Boys Bern don't have emblem. Kobenhavn and Rangers don't have enough players... (Shahktar too I think.) Is it just for me? Maybe I downloaded it wrong? Thanks in advance!
  5. CACR25

    [PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)

    Thank you Cristiano! :thumbsup:
  6. CACR25

    Euro/world classics

    Thank you! Really cool to play with these legends :D
  7. CACR25

    [PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)

    I'm anxiously waiting for Bundesliga file in 1024... thank you so much for your efforts Cristiano! I've seen other Bundesliga files but I feel your Bundesliga file has the most realistic player stats IMO. Really enjoying the 2048 version but I want more space since I want to have everything...
  8. CACR25

    [EXPORTS] Share Teams Thread

    Is it possible to put all of these clubs kits/logos/etc on one WEPES folder? Or only works if you download/install individually? Thank you in advance! Fantastic work lads!
  9. CACR25

    [PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)

    Press R3 for Live Updates OFF. Back up to main screen and then go back to the leagues screen.
  10. CACR25

    [PS4] DFL OptionFile 2017 (Bundesliga and more)

    This file is quality mate. Thank you so much for your work Cristiano! The detail of this file considering we are still on release day is crazy.:w00t It's true the Leicester bin is wrong but it's easy to fix. Just wanted to drop by to say thanks and ask if you will be making more leagues and...
  11. CACR25

    [KITS] Angeltorero Kits PES 2017 PS4

    Gracias por el muy buen trabajo Angel! Will it be possible to have 1 file for all leagues or do we need to download and transfer each individually? Thanks!
  12. CACR25

    [TEAMS] Classic Clubs by Various Editors

    Dumb question: Is it possible to have/ this classic clubs option file alongside the current 2016/17 version of kits/players/etc ? I would love to give this a shot this year but I don't want to lose the option to play with the modern version of the option file. Thanks in advance:cool:
  13. CACR25

    Demo Discussion Thread

    So far I've played around 10-12 matches on superstar difficulty and have been enjoying myself. At first it took me a moment to get the pace of the game right but once you do the gameplay feels very tight and just feels very good honestly. I'll post more thoughts about the game in the coming...
  14. CACR25

    Data update - BEWARE

    Konami always **** up. Not even surprising anymore... they are a joke.
  15. CACR25

    PES 16: Edit mode discussion.

    At this point I already have the option files which took me days to finish manually but yeah it would be great for them to do that :) I just wish they would increase the slots limit for the kits because 340 isn't nearly enough... we need at least 500, for me 750 would be ideal. Also we need...
  16. CACR25

    After 20 Years of Fifa - I've jumped

    Welcome. I played PES/ISS up until 2007 then i started to get into FIFA. Fifa 08 to about 11 was amazing and FUN IMO. Since FIFA 2012 nothing much has changed and FIFA Has become DULL IMO. PES has tons of issues too but for me personally it is just a better representation of the game. Feels...
  17. CACR25

    Just Terrible. Want to love PES again but:

    For me the gameplay itself is great. The lack of roster updates is what is very frustrating. Online gameplay needs a tweak too feels too fast and hectic a lot of times IMO... not to mention that in edit mode we need more than 340 slots for kits and a better stadium editor.
  18. CACR25

    PES 2016 news!

    Konami has missed a huge opportunity to bring in more FIFA players... how could it be possible that we have to wait until the 29th of October?!!! That's almost 2 months from release date smh... They are lucky the gameplay completely destroys fifa's repetitive and dull gameplay because otherwise...
  19. CACR25

    PES 16: Edit mode discussion.

    I can't believe we have to wait until Oct 29th to have updated rosters for master league.... :erm: At least that gives me time to finish my edits, Metal Gear solid V and play NBA 2K16 I guess.
