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Search results

  1. Mad-Max

    [Tool]decrypt/encrypt PES2018 PS4 file

    Have some of you guys been able to edit the ML hidden fake players with this tool ? I mean, Lobato and all his friends... Thanks in advance, mates !
  2. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Philips OF / Team exports

    Yeah, honestly I did not know those players existed neither before I noticed one of them, called Lobato, becoming Golden Player in my Become a Legend party. :| So, I am sill hoping someone will be able to edit those damn fake hidden...
  3. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Philips OF / Team exports

    Awesome work, can't believe it ! Congrats, mate ! ;) By the way, have you been able to edit the hidden ML players that are not editable in-game ? Thanks in advance, mate ! ;)
  4. Mad-Max

    ML Default editing sb ?

    Hi people, Has someone been able to edit the "ML Default" hidden players who are uneditable in-game (see the link below) ? With the encrypt-decrypt tool for instance, or whatever... Thanks in advance, mates ! ;)
  5. Mad-Max

    [PS4] V82 basis option file

    Hi vialli, Nice to hear from you, mate, and thanks for the notice. ;) By the way, congratulations for your national team, which did well in this tournament. ;) Cheers !
  6. Mad-Max

    [PS4] V82 basis option file

    Hey Vialli, what's up mate ? Still working on your amazing OF ? By the way, could you please share your job on the Brasileirão ? It would be nice from you. Cheers ! ;)
  7. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Sharing Teams Exports

    sobakus : Thank you, mate ! philips_99 : Nice, thank you for this method. Anyway, it appears to be a long and uncertain process once you have edited a lot of fake players with not many remaining, so I think I prefer do edit the rest on my own. :)
  8. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Sharing Teams Exports

    Hi people, does someone have a team of French speaking language (Belgian, Swiss, etc.) that could replace CO WHITE BLUE (ex-Bastia, I guess) ? I am asking because their banners show up in French in game... Thanks in advance, mates ! ;)
  9. Mad-Max

    Pes 2018 - option file series c v4

    Hi cmarchisio, Thank you for the good work ! But there isn't an export of Livorno yet ? ;) Cheers !
  10. Mad-Max

    [PS4] V82 basis option file

    OK Vialli, good to hear these good news ! ;) My list was based on an interpretation : I looked at the most represented nationalities within the squads of all the fake teams (on PES-Master), then I deduced the country where the team might belong to. I didn't look the .ted files. Therefore...
  11. Mad-Max

    [PS4] V82 basis option file

    Hi Vialli ! What's up, mate ? Still working with team editing ? Do you see the end of the tunnel, or are you still quite far from publishing a complete OF for the ML ?
  12. Mad-Max

    [PS4] V82 basis option file

    Hi Vialli, These are good news, good luck, mate ! ;)
  13. Mad-Max

    PS4 OF PES 2018 by Nicoultras

    Peace, people ! :obamasmug:
  14. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Sharing Teams Exports

    You're right, these two players are great. It's unfortunate Morgan left the best club ever, but that's life. Mertens is a crack, I discovered her during the last Euro. And what about the fantastic Van de Sanden ? And she plays for the best club ever now. Good choice. :laugh: To be back to...
  15. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Other Teams Asia (Lesser Known Teams!!)

    Thank you so much, Dorumagesu116 ! "Representing the enigma that is DPRK" :biggrin:
  16. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Sharing Teams Exports

    That's great, thanks a lot mate ! :clap: Vialli : I don't want to replace absolutely every single fake team by its real counterpart, I just want to respect the language used in banners and the crowd atmosphere (music and clapping during the games, different from a country to another, and PES...
  17. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Other Teams Asia (Lesser Known Teams!!)

    Hi SemiSilesian, please feel free to share your Naft Teheran once you've done creating it. I'm looking forward to playing with another Iranian team. :)
  18. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Sharing Teams Exports

    Well done, mate ! Would you bother sharing this interesting team with us ? I am personally still missing some Asian teams, and since I want to respect the game's structure with countries unless a lot of people who prefer complete leagues... ;)
  19. Mad-Max

    [PS4] Sharing Teams Exports

    Some of them might already be in game, have you checked ?
  20. Mad-Max

    [PS4/PC] Legend Players Import

    Do you call Carragher a legend ? Come on, be serious, mate ! ;)
