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Search results

  1. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    Ice would you try Ronald Koeman from Classic Netherlands
  2. J

    [FACES] Copa Movistar - Peruvian Players

    Dont forget advincula my friend
  3. J

    [FACES] Copa Movistar - Peruvian Players

    Yeah bro, it is good. If you dont mind, just post the formulas. Thank you in advance
  4. J

    [FACES] Faces by Maquiavelo (no request)

    Maquiavelo lo hiciste muy bien Caniggia pero te voy a decir que no lo pongo como uno de tus mejores trabajos, esta mejor que cualquier otro facemaker ha hecho pero no te pongo tu firma en esta. El cabello es muy dificil en este loco, los ojos como que deberian de ser mas chicos, yo nose. No soy...
  5. J

    [FACES] Copa Movistar - Peruvian Players

    I am sorry my friend i was out for the whole week. Ok lets see. Andy polo (he is not in the game but he has being called I believed), E delgado (goalkeeper) libman, (goalkeeper) Guevara, lobaton, fano, rengifo o advincula. Well I know there are a lot but just whatever you could post It would be...
  6. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    Perfect my friend; I appreciate it! you are a beast. My friend do you think you can do David Platt Classic England??
  7. J

    [FACES] Copa Movistar - Peruvian Players

    Dude its, pretty good; Any chance you could make the Peruvian National Team??
  8. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    Iceman, Any chance that you found the formula for Branco??? I would really appreciate it. He looks awesome!
  9. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    Comprendo. non era mia intenzione fare questo my friend. Aspetterò e scuse
  10. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    By the way my friend, your Fernandinho from Shaktar in your other forum does not show the formula, would you post the formula?? Grazie;
  11. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    My friend Ice, if you could give me the link where to find Branco cause I have look for it through the net and I can not find anything. By the way that Branco looks AWESOME!! Thank s for the Ramon Diaz!!! BELLISIMO!!!
  12. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    My friend Ice I know you are in a different time zone but let me tell you that you have done a great job in your other italian forum. Would you accept to do Branco (classic Brazil) or David Platt (classic England)??
  13. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    Awesome my friend!!! Ramon Diaz I have been waiting for that player and I knew you would added to your list mate!! You are believe the only facemaker who actually post a request from any user!! Thanks mate! P.S. Look I dont know if you are willing to do either whichever is easier or more of...
  14. J

    [FACES] Faces by Iceman8m

    Hello Ice; Ice Do you think you could David PLatt from classic England or Ramon Diaz from Classic Argentina??? Also like I told you before I follow you through others forums and I see that you have made Jorginho from Classic Brazil, but there is no formula for him. Would you be so kind to post...
  15. J

    [BLUS30805] SammyGunner11's PES2012 PS3 Option File [US Version]

    Hello Sammy; I know that you are not updating this OF but like others have said, it woulds be so bad to let this awesome piece of work die like this. But I respect your decision. A question for you: -Do you know if there is any other user from this forum who has some patch like yours and its...
  16. J

    [BLUS30805][USA] pategato's PES 2012 Option File - Spain's 2nd Division & Bundesliga

    Pategato; you know I have tried to do my own fix and you know that I have tried everything in order to fix this but I couldnt but today you just made my day!! First you gave a great tip about how to create players and add them to the team you want Second you have created an awesome patch...
  17. J

    [BLUS30805][USA] pategato's PES 2012 Option File - Spain's 2nd Division & Bundesliga

    Awesome, man I am gonna try when i get home!! thanks alot! Hey Pategato you know if you used maquiavelos faces?? cause he is a good facemaker also iceman8marco or lucciu a couple italian facemaker that are awasome too?? Which facemaker have you used my friend in your patch??
  18. J

    [BLUS30805][USA] pategato's PES 2012 Option File - Spain's 2nd Division & Bundesliga

    Pategato; I dont know how to transfer a new created from scratches player to a team, I think you can not do that! the only way to transfer players is to overwrite a player that is already in a club team and then transfer it to the club team desired. Is that true my friend?
  19. J

    [BLUS30805][USA] pategato's PES 2012 Option File - Spain's 2nd Division & Bundesliga

    Thanks pategato, But concerning about the players. I remember when i did my first patch done by Sammy it was weird cause there were extra players in the npower team and the bundesliga team. I know if you put extra players in a team you need to transfer him from another team therefore, a team...
  20. J

    [BLUS30805][USA] pategato's PES 2012 Option File - Spain's 2nd Division & Bundesliga

    How you doing everybody; I am new to this forum and I am trying to fix all the mess that the latest update of konami did to my freaking bundesliga and erasing my free agents and wiping players where i used to 25 players in a team now i see only 18 players (that sucks!!) Anyway I went online...
