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Search results

  1. S

    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    Well, the regular download will be open for download if you wait about 45 seconds or so :)
  2. S

    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    If you start master league with the fake players, you should start in the n-power league. If you start with the real Liverpool squad, I guess you begin in the PL.
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    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    With feedback and a list, we could fix a update for eveyone. But if its just a few players, its probably faster to do it on your own.
  4. S

    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    Hi mate, we have only done the n-power so far, the rest of the optionsfile is from the first edition. It should be pretty quick to remove fake players, as I guess its not a bunch of them?
  5. S

    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    No problem mate, been hours with editing, but it keeps GTM at the top as it should be :)
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    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    Damn good we are finished with the file :) it was a lot of work, but I think it turned out to be a great optionsfile. Enjoy everybody. Its nice with some feedback lads :)
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    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    We will soon release the full n-power league with real stats from fm. Just 6 teams to go :-)
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    [BLES01407] GTM Pro World PES 2012 of [ps3 EU]

    Still working on the npower league with MathisBorgen, but the stats editing take a lot of time. The Genie Scout 2012 will probably be released today or tomorrow, so I guess with that editor out we should be able to finish the options file pretty fast. Stay tuned :) btw, the face and hair...
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    Von Option File 2010 (V1.0 NOW ONLINE)

    Is this option file better than chimps and goalgerds file? I used von options file on pes 2009 and it was the best for sure.
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    Goalgerd & Chimps Prologue Pes2010

    I really look forward to the release, the gameplay changes will make the game much better, so thank you very much Chimps. All the hard work with the optionsfile from Goalgerd is just amazing. So, will you guys release today?
  11. S

    Rosh's PES 2010 PS3 Option File

    He was in Barcelonas squad on 2009 or atleast someone created him in a optionsfile. I used von optionsfile then. But its possible he was at the game even without a optionsfile. So hopefully he will be added.
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    Rosh's PES 2010 PS3 Option File

    Rosh: Could you add Barcelonas Gai Assulin to the next update? I love your optionsfile, but his missing..great potential in that player, huge talent.
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    Rosh's PES 2010 PS3 Option File

    hehe bad question :) I mean, have you added talents that konami have left out of the game? Its one guy on the forum here who have made a great list with talents who should be in the game.
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    Rosh's PES 2010 PS3 Option File

    Does you option file contain talents?
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    Sound good mate, I will for sure go for this options file :) ml is much better with plenty of talents :)
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    Sound good mate, I will for sure go for this options file :) ml is much better with plenty of talents :)
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    Will I find players like Eden Hazard and Gai Assulin on this option file. It sounds really great by the way :)
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    Goalgerd & Chimps Prologue Pes2010

    @Jasperinho Could you post the other talents also. Maybe others can help out with someone you have missed :) I hope Gai Assulin will be added to Barcelona, a real prospect :)
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    Best Youth Players ML

    The best ML player for me in PES 2009 was Barcelonas Gai Assulin, but I dont find him in 2010.
