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Search results

  1. Z

    How to inseart Kits in We8Le

    question @orkyben Yes and No In We8Le all files begin with unknow...and that is my problem I can´t find the kits! The aren´t the kits in o_text? sven
  2. Z

    How to inseart Kits in We8Le

    hamburg and bayern munich @orkyben thank you for the fast answer but could you say what the name is of hamburg and the bayern munich kit!!! that would be very very nice! sven p.s.I have opened the 0_text with Graphic Studio is that the right file for kits?
  3. Z

    How to inseart Kits in We8Le

    question @ mumpleaser could you say me how the name is of the hamburg and bayern munich kit is(unknow... and unknow...)bacause I can´t find them! I tried so inseart a bmp but the Graphic says that these bmp completly transperently is!!! Please help me! Sven
  4. Z

    [WE8LE] Ole Mix Gangsta Edition Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution Ps2

    question where can I download the ole mix gangsta patch+update?? sven
  5. Z

    How to inseart Kits in We8Le

    question the kits are bmp! I have AFS Explorer and Graphic Studio!
  6. Z

    How to inseart Kits in We8Le

    I want to inseart the new Hamburg and Bayern Munich Kits but don´t know how to do i!!!Can somebody help me?! Please explain it for WE8LE and not for Pes4 Sorry my english is not very(it would be verry nice if someone can explain it in german
  7. Z

    To All Patch Makers Of We8:le

    Hello, I need the helf from Patch Makers!COuld one of you make a para_we8.bin of my WE8:LE Save?Or say me how to do this? That would be very nice Sven
  8. Z

    Patching We8:LE

    At first: Excuse me my english is not very good! with which OptionsFile editor can I open a We8:LE Optionsfile??? And in is the SLPM_657.88 on the WE8:LE iso the same file like SLES_527.60 on PES4 iso? PLEASE HELP ME!!! sven
  9. Z

    [WE8LE] Ole Mix Gangsta Edition Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution Ps2

    question hello, i have a question about inseart a bootpack! I have open the iso with we graphic studio and open the 3600 file and I allready found the "old" bootpack(it´s unknow_03611.str) but I don´t know how to inseart to new one(i have only the spike_ee.tex and spike_gs.tex) please...
  10. Z

    [WE8LE] Ole Mix Gangsta Edition Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution Ps2

    question i had donwload a torrent file "gangsta" and "gangsta ole fix" which ppf file should patch now????! excuse my bay english
  11. Z

    [WE8LE] Ole Mix Gangsta Edition Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution Ps2

    question I have a question I have bootpack for Pes4!Can use it for We8LiveWare and is it compatibly to your patch??? please answer fast sven
  12. Z

    [WE8LE] Ole Mix Gangsta Edition Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution Ps2

    part 7-10 hello, how can I get part7-10???can somebody send me these parts? [email protected]
