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Search results

  1. P

    [FACES] by SouuL44 no requests

    Thank you. Finally ....Kagawa. Go on with your great work!!!! Thank you.
  2. P

    [LEAGUE] The Bundesliga Creation Thread 2014/15

    Kagwa face!!! Ps4 still needed -no preset- yes me too, i need kagawa face, its the last missing!!!!!
  3. P

    Shinji kagawa face ps4 for all updaters!

    Hi, I still need a good Face for Kagawa from Borussia Dortrmund. I have a digital copy of PES 2015 and the update runs right after download and installs automatically. Therefor I (and I think many other Fans) need a good Kagawa Face and not the preset. Who can help? Woud be really...
  4. P

    Faces by KoBr24

    Kagawa and bvb jerseys Hi, thank you for your great work, you saved my day. I have seen many faces but yours are best. i need just Shinji Kagaw because I have not saced him before i ipdated pes2015 for my ps4. can you be so kind to give the data for Kagawas face? that would be awesome...
  5. P

    [PS4] I Need Kagawa Face Datas

    Hi, Who has the Data for Face Kagawa (Borussia Dortmund) PES2015 before the dlc Update from Manu? And secondly who has built a jersey kit with the inbuilt editor for borussia and can share the data which of the prebuilt kits to use? Thank You.
