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Search results

  1. V

    aussie legends online players

    Feel free to add me if you would like to play some BAL co-op online. Sick of the shitty ping i get trying to play legends online. Prefer if you have your own developed player you can use as opposed to using pre exsisting player but not essential. Add me via PSN on razorback2-5-5 Cheers
  2. V

    some questions

    Just thought id mention as i may have misunderstood your question.. I cant remember without the controller in my hand but its either L2 or R2 doubletap to call for the ball. All i wrote above regarding teamwork stat still applies though :happy:
  3. V

    some questions

    The first few seasons you might find tough until your player is built up enough , depends a lot on your build/starting attributes though. In terms your team mates not passing, i wouldnt worry about it too much. Whats your teamwork stat like? This directly affects how responsive your team...
  4. V

    Question about some mechanics (wrong forums?)

    Hows your body angle when shooting? Important to be front on or at 45 degree angle to goal otherwise your shooting accuracy decreases dramtically. Also, around the penalty area, a quick tap on the shoot button is enough shot height otherwise youll find your shots flying over the bar more...
  5. V

    BAL and superstar level

    Where did you find the info regarding the AI staying at same level as your settings? Just realised you are from Aus also. Do you mind if I add you on PSN? Would be great to play some BAL co-op on superstar online with some decent ping. Just started a new player so he's pretty crap right...
  6. V

    What else can I do with my money??

    Thats only wages though... Once you are on really high salary and have the best agent, theres no point to the money you earn accumulating
  7. V

    BAL and superstar level

    Long time pes and bal player, but have never tried superstar level before. Just wondering peoples thoughts on how well it works... I have avoided bumping it up to superstar before not so much because of my own abilities but more that of my team mates. Ive always found on top player that...
  8. V

    Legend combinations

    I had a play around with speed merchant last night. I`m guessing that the benefit is the quick 90 degree high speed turns... I`m playing on top player and after reading all the posts regarding it being overpowered was wondering if this is still the case after the december patch that was...
  9. V

    Legend combinations

    speed merchant I've been reading the posts about creating a build with speed merchant. I usually just aim for the highest possible overall rating. In response to an earlier question - after spending many hours (way too many than i'm willing to admit to), the highest i managed for a CF...
  10. V

    BAL MODE - How to get good ratings - idea's thread

    I wonder if the official guide + dvd has any words of wisdom in regard to BAL. I ordered it a couple of weeks back on ebay, so should be arriving anytime soon :)
  11. V

    BAL MODE - How to get good ratings - idea's thread

    Thanks for the replies. My games are 10mins and in that particular example I didn't have any intercepts. Having had exactly the type of game I was trying to have it's clear that that particular style of play the i've been trying is not really condusive to getting high ratings. After...
  12. V

    BAL MODE - How to get good ratings - idea's thread

    more results Thanks for any replies to my post. I am in game so will read them later but just wanted to post a couple of my latest findings.... I have been playing on professional as a CF for Man City. My main means of testing lately by method of play, besides from the obvious...
  13. V

    BAL MODE - How to get good ratings - idea's thread

    If I can add my own 2 cents worth as this has been very frustrating for me also. I have tried my own little experiments and also tried various ideas suggested in this thread. I once asked a local coach, who coaches at quite a high level in Australia, what is the difference between players...
