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Search results

  1. J

    [PS2] & [PSP] Ultimate British Master League Opt File v3.3 (2008/09 Season)

    Hi. does anybody have a version with all the stuff from The PES shop unlocked please?
  2. J

    Pes6 Online tornament (X360) Sign Up Thread

    im in too, gametag = pinoy soldier
  3. J

    is any 1 able to play online? (pes6 pc)

    soon it will be available via other sources within the next day or two, trust me
  4. J

    [ALL] PES5 Watson V4.0 Option File: Season 2006/2007 Update

    so theirs no way around this then? i have saved it onto my psp but the kits are messed up. their must be a way to extract the umd to a iso (like i did) and apply a patch to it the same way has the ps2
  5. J

    [ALL] PES5 Watson V4.0 Option File: Season 2006/2007 Update

    how do i get this to work on the psp?
  6. J

    psp, is it poss?

    yea has anyone got any idea?
  7. J

    psp patch

    does anyone know?
  8. J

    psp patch

    Hi is there any PSP patches for pro evo? if so can someone point me to the right link/thread. im looking for a patch with the 2006/2007 kits. thanks
  9. J

    when is pes6 demo out and will online play be like pes5

    dont worrie, mods like the transfer patch should sort that out for pc users
  10. J

    Pro Evolution Soccer 6 - PC Next gen or PS2 port?

    i would like to know this question too because i have both 360 and pc but the thing is that if the pc version has gfx the same has 360, i will cancel my 360 order and buy it for the pc because like mentioned above you can play up 2 8 players online.Plus you can play againts ps2 users and have...
  11. J

    PSP editing?

    and it dont have master leagye which is a big cons
  12. J

    online tournaments (pc)

    cheers mate will have a look and see whats its all about
  13. J

    Best Patch for kits

    and what do i do with this kit server? does real kits work online because i heard that in some patches it doesnt unless both players have the same patch
  14. J

    Best Patch for kits

    ??? come on guys
  15. J

    Best Patch for kits

    any suggestions please?
  16. J

    Great News For Pes6

    only the next gen consoles could pull that off...
  17. J

    Widescreen resolution?

    Yep because widescreen is the way to go IMO. all my tv's and monitors are widescreen
  18. J

    online tournaments (pc)

    hi is there any online tournaments similar to the world cup that anyone is organising at the moment??
