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Guys, just relax. To Luisao82, if u dont like this topic so please just leave it. But if u think u want to help us, kindly share ur tactics with us. We are in one family when we in PESForum.
hi guy, i have one question about trough pass. when I want to make trough pass, the striker looks like to turn back and not run forward. why is this happening?
Hi guys, I playing ML on PES2012 and even I choose a Beginner Difficulty, the A1 is so hard to beat. So I want to ask what the difficulty U choose on your ML?
Me = Professional (Update!)
its very difficult to beat A1, even i playing with Amatuer difficulty but the A1 player looks like profesional... damn it! what is this??? im using keyboard to play and to control the crappy player i hv on master league, it look so crazy lol >,<!!!