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Search results

  1. billsterno1

    Freddy Adu, how good is he???

    Try it and see, his potential is very good.
  2. billsterno1


    Cool nice one mate ;)
  3. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Sunjun Mix Version DVD 1.0 we8le

    Thats because you don't need it just use the Fix 3.0+ thats in this thread. Just apply the main patch then this fix and you'll be fine :)
  4. billsterno1

    Which option file with patch?

    Have alook in the option file section of the file downloads forum and you'll find what you want in there ;)
  5. billsterno1

    PES/WE creating and inserting faces video tutorials

    No it's not got any special skin, pm me tomorrow and we'll sort something out;) Cya mate
  6. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    yes u need to use a fresh iso
  7. billsterno1

    PES/WE creating and inserting faces video tutorials

    PES/WE creating and inserting faces video tutorials (adding new faces)
  8. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    Ok heres the filefront link on inserting the faces, for tboth ps2 and pc versions. Enjoy ;);3849948;;/fileinfo.html
  9. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    Mirusts are amazing and his kits. They do work in WE8LE cos I put some in, but you have to extract the original str file (in other words the str with the original face) then use pic decoder to make it compatible with we8le. Obviousley the quality is not as good but there still better than the...
  10. billsterno1

    Graphic Studio

    From here mate: Try searching on google next time ;)
  11. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    Well to be honest mate for the amount of time it'll take me to upload it then you to download it you might aswell do it yourself. Cos the 0_TEXT.AFS is like 333mb+. It's easy enough to do it yourself mate. If you get stuck let me know, but doing that ain't really an option sorry :(
  12. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    Well i'm not sure how do kits but a quick search on here or you should find something. Faces I can do, I've made a video tutorial on how here: Face Making Video Tutorial Heres an Shearer I've done LOL You'll need Adobe Photoshop CS and a program little tool...
  13. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    Right the faces start at unknow_01123.str and go all the way upto unknow_01819.str If you want to add some of sunjuns better faces just go through them. Any that you like just right click on the str file and export the file to your desktop. Then after you've got all that you want just open the...
  14. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Sunjun Mix Version DVD 1.0 we8le

    Yeh i think th first face starts at unknow_01123.str
  15. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    LOL Graphic Studio :D Graphic studio can be downloaded from here mate :)
  16. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Sunjun Mix Version DVD 1.0 we8le

    Well andy johnson and stewart downing will be in the england sqaud. Thta's an easy one to find ;)
  17. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    Well it's not that they need fixing, it's just sunjun has added more realistic faces to some players. But you can only change them by exporting the str files in graphic studio. Then importing them into reefurs patch with graphic studio. Hope that makes sense LOL
  18. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Sunjun Mix Version DVD 1.0 we8le

    Esay mate just goto graphic studio and open sunjuns iso and export all the .str files like faces and kits etc that u want then open ur reefur iso with graphic studio and import them in ;)
  19. billsterno1

    [WE8LE] Reefur We8le Patch 0.9 Dvd/cd

    No thats right just call it 0_TEXT(1).AFS and it will work ;)