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I did do it, but seemed to work after switching off, back on then off again. Sorted.
Instructions were great. Thanks to the lads involved making the option file
I installed the stand alone file because I just got a PS4. The classic teams names were all wrong, then checked a few teams like Bayern Munich and it was completely wrong. Unknow players in there. Am I as well to delete everything and start from scratch?
EDIT: I just did a fresh install. Don't...
Even then, it used to be much better. For instance, classic england used to have 22 of their best players. Stanley Matthews, Dixie Dean, Tom Finney etc. Then they changed it to the 1990 team and the 1996 team.
Sort of a weird goal, surprised to see it go in. In real time it dipped wickedly, and from the angle behind the player you can see the swerve on it. Sorry about the woeful quality and video split in 2!
Normal wide angle:
Replay here:
Agree with basically everything there! No idea why they don't go back to the physics of an old classic game but just improve the graphics and add in a few more animations.
Passing has never been an issue with me in any pro evo or iss game. But this game is unplayable for me just because of the...
I noticed there was no lag at all in the few games I played, very impressed. If only they added a replay option instead of having to go back to the room.
And the Barca merchants. REally annoying when people wont pick anyone but barca. In my experience 2 out of 3 people pick barca
I'm actually close to giving up on this game. I can't build a passing move because about 1 in 4 pass goes to the complete wrong player! And at a slow pace!
I've played about 30 games at this stage and it's driving me mad!
I've played a lot of pro evo over the years, even the bad games I've...
Anyone else having problems with passing? Hitting passes that are really slow and passes going to the wrong player?
I've tried with pass support off, pass support at 1 and pass support up full. But it goes to the wrong player far more often than in PES 2011.
As for the slow passes, think I...
Yesterday he said he was on course to have it today. But nothing would be done when Newcastle are playing!
I'm guessing today this evening or possibly tomorrow.
I like the game so far. Only problem I have is the AI can score so many headers. Playing a champions league, let in about 10 goals, almost all headers. Almost every cross they put in, bang, a header, a goal.
Not see a replay of a goal. Did you even read the post!?
Yeah, annoying but that's going to happen. Look at peoples last 5 teams they played as and it's barca x5.