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  1. P

    Problems being a Client, reasons unknown.

    I don't think it was the firewall I disabled it mine and still couldn't client but with it enabled and DMZ set on my pc I can client so it has to be something related to dmz...
  2. P

    Problems being a Client, reasons unknown.

    Did anyone found a solution for this? please...
  3. P

    I think pes4 demo will be delayed

    are you counting it by the minute? hahaha you are lonely. Hey buddy leave me your MSN we can chat a lot.
  4. P

    pes4 pc is online (not a fact but well it could be)

    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 1000kb compared to 150kb of 1.5mbit so that 64k (6kb) refers to the internet speed most likely.
  5. P

    PES4 IS ONLINE : Look here...

    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 1000kb compared to 150kb of 1.5mbit so that 64k (6kb) refers to the internet speed most likely.
  6. P

    PES 4 Online semi-confirmed

    LOOK if money if what they want, why not release a PC online version that is CD-KEY AUTHENTIFICATION fool proof ? ehhh, that way millions will pour in the servers and all with their retail box.! besides more people have pcs then xboxes.
  7. P

    PES Online

    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 1000kb compared to 150kb of 1.5mbit so that 64k (6kb) refers to the internet speed most likely.
  8. P

    no online pes4 for PS2 and PC?

    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 100k so that 64k refers to the internet speed I think.
  9. P


    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 100k so that 64k refers to the internet speed I think.
  10. P

    What a disgrace.....!

    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 100k so that 64k refers to the internet speed I think.
  11. P

    pro evo 4 online questions

    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 100k so that 64k refers to the internet speed I think.
  12. P

    Willl PES4 BE ONLINE ON PC???????

    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 1000kb compared to 150kb of 1.5mbit so that 64k (6kb) refers to the internet speed most likely.
  13. P

    Network-gaming featured in PES 4 PC! (+System-Requirements)

    I'm pretty sure the PC version will be internet ready, because 64k is basic ISDN internet while 1.5Mbit is DSL, besides the slowest network card you can find is 10mbps or 1000kb compared to 150kb of 1.5mbit so that 64k (6kb) refers to the internet speed most likely.