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Is that something the admins have to do?!
Would make life sooo much easier to find strips...
or mibi there is an index page!? and i am being
During every football season, players emerge and earn playing time. Sometimes those are determined by injuries; other times it's just because one guy is making more plays
I always assumed when Konami had the licence that every team would be licenced in the game mode intself but unlicenced in other modes like exhibition match.
If i supplied some images and a general idea of what i required colour scheme wise, could someone knock something together. Im afraid my photoshop skills are only good enough for facescans atm, otherwise id do it myself.
This thread started out as a bundesliga appearance thread but evolved into a bundesliga creation thread. Here we are gathering everthing to help creating the bundesliga teams yourself.
Added Gojko Kačar (Hamburger SV) by Sempre Juve. Well i'm not that good in face-making or stuff like that. But this I can do please everybody help me find/make more faces. There are a lot of bundesliga OF's out there so there should also be faces!
There is a lot of missing kits but as he said he will update time to time. So far so cool. The most important is Premier league kits specially the strong teams. Thanks WENB ^_^
thank you very much for this works great
i have a question tho – when updating the OF, do we need to do the copy one by one thing from scratch every time?