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Search results

  1. R

    XBOX Kit & DLC Compatible Option file (D&C 1.5)

    All your kits are sick just want the current world cup ones for example (Chile,Swiss,Honduras,Mexico) and etc just the new ones, I know the other guy PESaddict has them but you have a lot more done.
  2. R

    XBOX Kit & DLC Compatible Option file (D&C 1.5)

    It would be sick if you made a new one for the current World cup kits too.
  3. R

    XBOX Kit & DLC Compatible Option file (D&C 1.5)

    I like this Option File way better than the World Cup one because it has every jersey done but is their anyway I can use these files and the other ones too(Just the kits) at all?
  4. R

    (X360) JON's OF V1.2 World Cup Edition PES 2010 (EPL, La Liga)

    Thanks PESADDICT word up man!! Can't wait been waiting haha got anxious when watching the Argentina Game and wanted to play! lol
  5. R

    (XBOX 360) JON's Option File V1.1 PES 2010 (EPL, La Liga,)

    HDD is your Hard Drive, Try this Website it helped a lot man! Do exactly!
  6. R

    (XBOX 360) JON's Option File V1.1 PES 2010 (EPL, La Liga,)

    Cool man should be dope! But one thing I installed everything worked fine! 1 thing Sergio Romero of Argentina GK was missing his face, Now he had it before I placed the option file but now it's gone so I erased it and waiting for the new update you got . Hopefully you see this and check it out.
  7. R

    [TUTORIAL] Transferring an Option File by USB! [takes about 25 minutes]

    NVM I got everything on there except that I do get 4 Corrupted files on there?
  8. R

    [TUTORIAL] Transferring an Option File by USB! [takes about 25 minutes]

    The part where I have to delete the files I don't know what to delete? If I delete from the Slashr or from the folder the file. That's as far as I can go preferably if you helped me out from the start to end? thanks bro!
  9. R

    hey man I need your help on that tutorial you made I get lost in steps 9 and up and I'm done...

    hey man I need your help on that tutorial you made I get lost in steps 9 and up and I'm done don't get it please help even better if you made a video! Thanks
  10. R

    [TUTORIAL] Transferring an Option File by USB! [takes about 25 minutes]

    Ahh common somebody please help out, So much better if someone made a video on how to do this I always get all the files on the XTAF but from their I'm lost!
  11. R

    [TUTORIAL] Transferring an Option File by USB! [takes about 25 minutes]

    Hey guys I've got everything downloaded, I'm stuck at the part where I'm suppose to delete files? I am seeing all the files on the Xtaf Xplorer Slashr but I'm stuck here what am exactly suppose to do?
  12. R

    Looking for the best Option File for Xbox 360

    Wow man this is pretty bad, No one out their knows a good option file that contains international kits, german teams & kits, and spain team kits & logos for an XBOX 360? I've also tried searching and found nothing and don't say I didn't look hard enough because I found nothing.
  13. R

    Looking for the best Option File for Xbox 360

    Looking for the best Option File for Xbox 360 that has updated everything and international teams with jerseys and bundesliga?
  14. R

    Forgive me Seabass for I have sinned...

    What's wrong with buying FIFA? I bought I like it and I'm going to buy PES 2009 also. Nothing wrong with having 2 great games man. If you regret it why didn't you just rent FIFA 09 and you wouldn't be here crying about it.Pointless.
  15. R

    North American Release Date ?

    Nope comes out October 29 I asked at EB Games in Ontario and they told me it comes out the 29.
  16. R

    A few kits I've created [360]

    Just awsome kits buddy, Any chance of posting a formula for the jersey I'll add the logos and emblems.
  17. R

    A few kits I've created [360]

    Very nice kits man props to those, I can't wait to start editing when I get it on wednesday.
  18. R

    Pes 2009 NA release update

    Yep I was at EB games not to long ago and I asked for PES 2009 and said it would be out Oct 29 in my area atleast of Niagara Ontario.
  19. R

    International Squads

    Thanks a lot buddy.