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How do I get special skills like "1 on 1 Finish" or "Passer"
Is it like the last few years where you would have to have a certain stat. For example if you have 85 pass acc you would get "Passer"
Anyone got a list of what training boosts what type of skills? Because I need to know what improves ball controll the most (dont insert a rude joke haha)
Thanks :)
Anyone notice no one gets a through ball anymore from AI that a striker would love?
It's like they notice you but prefer to press x instead of triangle (short pass instead of through ball)
When you buy it, does it last for 1 year and then you lose it and have to re-buy it?
Or do you train it for a year and have it manualy without adding it to your items?
Disagree completely, Kakuta was my first signing, he was amazing for me as a small team. Cheap, great dribbler, fast, good passing, alot of creativity. The number 1 tip is to play him as a AMF not a Winger or a SMF, he is alot better is AMF.
figure out how to fix this :D
You don't need to restart anything at all, just go to system setting on main menu, go to controlls or something and then it should say manual shot on or off, click off :)
Honestly what the hell? Is there a shooting assist bar I'm missing? I just lost a MLO match, completely dominated, I missed an open goal twice by just pressing R2 and the shoot button. The only goals I have scored are in the 5 yard box I tap the shoot button and it goes in. I mean all I can do...