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Search results

  1. wrigh2uk

    Name Change

    If thats how you get your kicks...
  2. wrigh2uk

    Name Change

    ^^ I have faith in you scrouge :)
  3. wrigh2uk

    Name Change

  4. wrigh2uk

    Name Change

    :faceplm: , well just remember its the time of giving
  5. wrigh2uk

    Name Change

    Who are Milan playing ? and more importantly is Kaka 100% ??
  6. wrigh2uk

    Name Change

    ^^ Thats cold :(.. com'on sweey Forza Milan and all that!!!!!! and your from Birmingham aswell, help a fellow west midlander out
  7. wrigh2uk

    Name Change

    I know I'm not eltie but i've been here long enough and fuck I haven't ever asked for much.. Wing Zero Thanks
  8. wrigh2uk

    This is Fred!

    I'd like to see Fred comforting Gerry and Kate Mccan
  9. wrigh2uk

    Village of the Banned

    point made mate, I didn't say downloaded for that reason so people can't imply anything.
  10. wrigh2uk

    Village of the Banned

    Meh All I said is i watched a DVDrip and got a warning , its not fair. I want justice :(
  11. wrigh2uk

    Village of the Banned

    Edited my original post Sweey, check again
  12. wrigh2uk

    Village of the Banned

    Please somone point out to me where I posted a link or where I even said I downloaded . for all you know I could of brought it off a chinese person called Lee!!!!
  13. wrigh2uk

    How do you become a Veteran?

    K seriously sombody Vet me now, Been here so long im starting to grow ROOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ninja:
  14. wrigh2uk

    Manhunt 2 denied uk entry

    It only makes the video game more wanted and people will always get what they want some how
  15. wrigh2uk

    How do you become a Veteran?

    I Said most my dear boy lol thanks Yoda
  16. wrigh2uk

    It's time to come out of the closet....

    sombody give me the cliffnotes i've just jumped in :(
  17. wrigh2uk

    How do you become a Veteran?

    All the veterans suck anyway, infact most people over 2000 post here are assholes...
  18. wrigh2uk

    Football Manager 2007 [PC]

    In 2008 with Spurs : 1st in the prem .. Last season won the prem, fa cup, , champions league Editions : Daniele Dessena - 7m Claudio Marchisio - 7m Diego - 19m Curtis Davis - 7m Nani - 9m Kerlon - 9m Radwan Hamed - Youth product Thomas Pekhart - Youth Product (next Jan Koller) Bale - 7m...
  19. wrigh2uk

    Wii Sex

    Disturbing on sooooo many levels