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Search results

  1. V

    Bolloxmasta's pes2011 patch xbox360/ps3

    I know, I tested new features on PC (hex...) because files are very similar this year and then convert for 360, one step more than Bolloxmasta but I know how much it's complicated and long to do this so quickly. :) I had absolutely no DVD errors, that's why I didn't send you iso to test :happy:
  2. V

    Bolloxmasta's pes2011 patch xbox360/ps3

    Incredible work mate ! congratulations ! I don't know how you've made this so quickly :shocking: I stopped my V2 waiting for your patch... I'm not also motivated as you and I must find time to play PES now :blush: I hope my patch has managed that people have waited patiently for yours...
  3. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    No bundesliga or english championship for my V2, really long and hard work, sorry :( Maybe in Bolloxmasta patch...
  4. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    Extra Content : Messi preview images not changed - First (messi) : C.Ronaldo - Second (messi) : D.Villa - Third (messi) : Eto’o
  5. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    That's really the problem : I've spent a hundred of hours to manage to do my own patch. If you want to publish your own patch, start by the original iso or publish just the files you've really edited like an add-on for my patch. ;) But most of your features are already in my soon V2 with more...
  6. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    Problem of dummy png, read my tutorial (PES 2010) : Too long to explain... ;)
  7. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    No download problem, I tried it. Try from other computer/connection... :)
  8. V

    [XBOX360] ilmatto80 kit Patch (based of Vince-nantes V1 patch base)

    Publish your "dt0c.img" via megaupload, no problem. :)
  9. V

    [XBOX360] ilmatto80 kit Patch (based of Vince-nantes V1 patch base)

    Good to know that people can customize my patch, no problem with that. :) But if you publish my patch "upgraded", just publish the "dt0c.img" (like an add-on) and send people to my thread for others files to download (dt04.img, dt06.img) because that will lower my download stats (I like them)...
  10. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    Works with all languages :)
  11. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    I don't test this but I think it's not compatible with DLC, but I might publish soon an add-on with transfers updated. So you'll not need DLC :) Try to clear the cache (search on google, it's on system/memory/hard drive/options/clear cache) and say me if you see my kits... I don't think...
  12. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    If you've read my first post : This is the result of hundreds of hours learning to patch PES on Xbox 360 (really more difficult as PC because there is no compatible tool) and a lot of DVDs DL wasted, so don’t ask me how I did : it would take me hours to explain, there are already some tutorials...
  13. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    I don't know how to insert it on PS3, sorry :no:
  14. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    Sometimes Megaupload makes the files unavailable for a few minutes, try again :)
  15. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    Hi Bolloxmasta, Thanks for the compliment, especially coming from you. :happy: I didn't know you were planning to release a Xbox 360 patch this year (because of last year's events), so I decided to make a patch, mainly for me, and share it with others. But it's really a pleasure to edit my...
  16. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    It works with all languages :-) Screenshots are in french cause it's my language... Enjoy
  17. V

    Patch Vince-nantes V1 - Xbox 360

    This is my first patch, so it isn’t perfect (V1) but I wanted to publish it as soon as possible, so that people can start their Master League ! This is the result of hundreds of hours learning to patch PES on Xbox 360 (really more difficult as PC because there is no compatible tool) and a lot...
  18. V

    Bolloxmasta's 2010 xbox360 patch *all files uploaded*

    Hi Bolloxmasta, Thanks a lot for your work !!! :) I wasted 15 DVDs trying to insert kits before your release. It was so hard I hesitated to buy a PS3 (very easy to edit PES but limited). Are you planning to make some tutorials on your blog (I've read you'll stop editing after V2) ? insert...
  19. V

    Tutorial : update kits on XBOX 360 (Not completed, share your knowledge)

    Insert a dummy png before editing a licensed team ? I think so... From my tests I must always insert a dummy in dt0c before editing kits, otherwise it freezes. :( Do you have found why your "emblems patch" freezes with EPL Master League ? I think it's a problem of dummy png, did you insert one...