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Search results

  1. Billy Minof

    New Admin - Joel

    Jesus, I go way for a while come back and see that you can win an admin job in a cereal box these days lol.....jokes aside, great choice and im sure he wont let the team down. :hug:
  2. Billy Minof

    Earliest Gaming Memory

    Atari(the Black one) playing Centipede for hours/days on end. I remember playing it on a small portable tv that we had in our sitting room, one with a knob to change the channels, no buttons on the tv lol....those were the days.
  3. Billy Minof

    Xbox One

    Yeah, I have a 360 and its a great console but I will never pay to play online while there are consoles offering a similar service for free.
  4. Billy Minof

    Xbox One

    Do you still need to pay for xbox live?(biggest joke going) Why would ppl choose Xbox over PS or even Wii when both offer free online gaming.
  5. Billy Minof


    Fuckers, sounds like a right laugh, I (Dundons) tried to install it on my Laptop but it isnt powerful enough to run the game(its 3 or 4 years old) so I am now thinking of bringing my Pc into my front room(much to the dislike of my wife) :blush:
  6. Billy Minof

    Black Ops 2

    Ill check it out later this evening, are there many of you on xbox live for Black ops 2?
  7. Billy Minof

    Black Ops 2

    Started it today, very good, im playing it on the xbox, I have never used xbox live, is there a free pass for new users?
  8. Billy Minof

    Your inbox is full dude.

    Your inbox is full dude.
  9. Billy Minof

    Omg!!! This game is what konami need to look at

    Game looks good, gameplay looks well bad, the passing seems too easy, the goalies look awful and the shooting seems ridiculously easy to execute, I could see double figures beatings on a regular basis.
  10. Billy Minof


    Anyone got this game yet? I got it for the child for xmas but there was a problem with it, have it sorted now and she has been playing it today, I got it for the wii and its a really good game with some great features. There are 30 characters to collect all of which have different...
  11. Billy Minof

    Kaka not very good

    I agree, he is only bad when bad players use run as fast as you can, you cant catch me im the ginger bread man, thats the way some people play the game and when they have gifted players that arent as fast as others then they dont use them, substance > Style being there motivation.
  12. Billy Minof

    Team PESInsight (PS3) - FIFA 12 Clubs

    Are you the Christy Brown of the team? :tongue:
  13. Billy Minof

    Team dGalactico's FC (Fifa clubs PS3)

    Looking foward to a game soon. :)
  14. Billy Minof

    Team dGalactico's FC (Fifa clubs PS3)

    Im hearing some very bad things about ye here lads off Dundons, he said ye are all glory hunters.
  15. Billy Minof

    Team dGalactico's FC (Fifa clubs PS3)

    Its the only way to beat us.:ninja:
  16. Billy Minof

    Team dGalactico's FC (Fifa clubs PS3)

    Gave you rep for that. He needs a good ban. :laugh: Ill join next week, im getting a ps3, I thought you were with the other team I was going to join them and all.
  17. Billy Minof


    The game title sounds like futuristic porno. :ninja:
  18. Billy Minof

    They have destroyed a footballing Giant!

    :laugh: He missed the greatest years. :crymore:
  19. Billy Minof

    Chicharito is rubbish - why?

    You will have to be on the judging panel also, only makes it fair since your not the accused. :laugh: The man will get the death sentence.:erm: Anyway, Littlepeas rating seems fair.
  20. Billy Minof

    ban people making homosexual slander

    Well that is just people being sad and insecure about there own sexuality or a reason to rebel, people need to chill the f out, everyone is different, isnt that what makes us great and unique? I have no problem with any race or gender but thats just me, people need to grow up and accept that the...