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Search results

  1. S

    Daymos Elite PES2011 & WE2011 Option File V1.1

    Firstly... great work Daymos... you've made the game far better for thousands of users... thank you :) Okay... I've just finished making ALL Premier league stadiums except for St James' Park, The Emrites(Ville Marie for example) and Hawthorns as they look similar to the stadiums Konami already...
  2. S

    FIFA08... why I have returned to PES2008

    asdf Look im not saying FIFA 08 is bad, far from it... I enjoyed it, but you can't do quite as much as PES in terms of things... I mean super cancel alone is so vital to PES, can't believe FIFA haven't stolen this but I believe soon FIFA will rule the roost of football and then Konami will...
  3. S

    FIFA08... why I have returned to PES2008

    Look im not saying FIFA 08 is bad, far from it... I enjoyed it, but you can't do quite as much as PES in terms of things... I mean super cancel alone is so vital to PES, can't believe FIFA haven't stolen this but I believe soon FIFA will rule the roost of football and then Konami will die out...
  4. S

    FIFA08... why I have returned to PES2008

    hmmm Look what im saying is... I've played FIFA 08 probably more than anyone in the world lol. Quite a daring thing that we'll never be able to prove but trust me, I put ALOT of hours into it and im finding, yes its a good game, yes its getting close to PES style... but it STILL lacks...
  5. S

    Camera Angles.. can I change these in the final game? (zoom out?)

    Camera Angles.. can I change these in the final game? (zoom out?)
  6. S

    FIFA08... why I have returned to PES2008

    I've been playing FIFA08 X360 solid and until now, I thought, wow this game is absolutely amazing and I've been a fan of the PES series since ISS. The only FIFA before this one that really tempted me away was FIFA05... but PES5 came out and was one of the best... especially with all the patches...
  7. S

    SpoonyPizzas [PES5] Goal Compilation! You won't be disappointed im sure!

    Thanks ^^ Thanks ^^ I will upload it to file front ^^ now i have access :) Cheers though! ::ALSO:: R2 Shot is a Controlled Shot.. bit like placement. lol :)
  8. S

    Can someone please upload or send DKZ Studio.MSI to me please!!! :)

    Hi guys, Im looking to get into editing but am having a problem, DKZ Studio says it needs that file and I can't find it anywhere... so if you could please upload here or send to: [email protected] I would really appritiate it! Thanks!
  9. S

    Please for the love of God someone change the pitch texture of the rugby ground... :(

    Hi, can someone please manage to change the texture of the rugby ground stadium please? I can't stand that horizontal lined pitch anymore :(
  10. S

    WOW!!! Henry Volley from way out! [PES5]

    I've yet to see a really good goal come close to this, although one on PESfan was a good goal... ;/
  11. S

    So who ordered from and had the game arrive today?

    I sure as hell didn't get the game today! Oh well.. back to Game for me! Sure I will have to pay extra in future but its worth it!
  12. S

    PES5 PC option file?

    Is that option file in english tho?... ROFL!
  13. S

    So, PES5 from When do you reckon it'll come through?

    I think we'll be very lucky if we recieve it tomorrow, if it does arrive tomorrow, i will continue using, if not back to game... who guarentee it to be delivered the day of release! Game haven't let me down! Lets hope doesn't either!
  14. S

    WOW!!! Henry Volley from way out! [PES5]

    Thanks for the comments! I think ALOT of good goals are going to be scored in PES5 because the shooting has improved ALOT! Feels great to score now.
  15. S

    So, PES5 from When do you reckon it'll come through?

    Status@ posted I expect it to come Monday, or Tuesday... if it arrives by Friday i would be happy but im not getting my hopes up. ::EDIT:: Im not too worried because it gives time for people to make the PES5 Option File :)
  16. S


    On the controller settings thing, where you can swap button for button, change the crossing procedure from Type 1 to either Type 4 (my fav) or Type 5... that way its totally manual, else you are letting the AI cross for you... you will need to use L1 and Square to cross semi automatic, or you...
  17. S

    So, PES5 from When do you reckon it'll come through?

    im at processing still because my card was out of date ;( I've updated it now, so.... as long as it turns up on Friday, else i doubt they will deliver on saturday due to high courier costs.
  18. S

    PC Demo vs PS2 Version Full Game?

    Im thinking about buying it for PS2 but... there were some HUGE differences in PS2 version of PES4 and PC version... I had to change playing style, and to be honest im only gonna get it cuz my gf likes playing WOW on the PC... Is it similar? Slower? Faster? Please note any differences...
  19. S

    How long did you take to get used to PES5?

    I have played every PES version, and at first like PES4 from PES3 conversion i thought OMG this is CRAP, but after playing it for a while it is GREAT! Same for PES5... after playing it a while, i finally realise, altho frustrating at first cuz its hard to break down defences, you will find its...