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Search results

  1. T

    [360] Edit stats

    Hi (First of all, sorry for my english, i'm french x) ) I would like to know if an editor tool exist to edit player stat quickly. I would change a lot of stats but one by one it is too long x) It is possible to export my edit file from my xbox 360 to my pc and with an editor tool edit...
  2. T

    Edit Champions League fisrt year

    Hi , I just want to know if it is possible to edit Champions League table for the first year in ML. I play with Dortmund or Manchester United (new kits, transfer update ...) and I play the Europa league ! Thanks :)
  3. T

    Player Face Index

    Hi !! I search someone who can make Yannick Bolasie face (Crystal Palace) :)
  4. T

    Create a new national team ?

    Hi everybody, I'm French, so sorry for my English! I play on XBOX 360 and I just want to know if it is possible to create a new national team (on PC, PS3, BOX630) Indeed, I would like to create Congo Dr, with kits (errea sponsor etc.) I know that it's impossible on xbox360 to import...
  5. T

    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    Yes ! Everything work :)
  6. T

    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    It's good for me! Thanks a lot! :) hahah!!
  7. T

    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    Well... i'm trying
  8. T

    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    One by One? I can't remove this "system data" after ?
  9. T

    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    I think my issue come from this message which appear when I copy my USB data files to me Xbox at the end of the transfer : "this item cannot be transferred between profiles." :s So I don't have logo with good team for all of the leagues that you created, and fake players too for domes teams :s
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    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    Yes...that would be nice. How I proceed?
  11. T

    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    Yes I can :) Never mind, thanks for this file.
  12. T

    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    Ok! thanks! But i'm on MAC, so I think I am going to try exporting teams! I DL the OF but I have some issues : I have for instance Hamburger SV logo for Dortmund... I tried to install the files 3 times, but I have same issue...
  13. T

    WENB PES2014 Option File (Xbox 360)

    Hi! I'm french so sorry for my English. I have one question. I want to download your OF, but I changed a lot of thing in my game (French League 1 stats, Rooney's hair ,Lewandowski's face etc..) And I know that if I DL your OF I will lose all these changes. It is possible to keep these...