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“DUMMY” appearing in edit mode


Registered User
Has anyone else noticed all of the empty create player slots being called DUMMY, only when you go into what looks like an empty slot? These don’t let me base copy or create new players from scratch.

I’ve imported 329 teams into the classic euro team using unused player IDs. Just over 7000 players. They all appear in game once I put the classic euro players back into that team.

But my create player slots are now unusable.

Just wondered if anyone else had come across this.

PES Buck

Staff member
Has anyone else noticed all of the empty create player slots being called DUMMY, only when you go into what looks like an empty slot? These don’t let me base copy or create new players from scratch.

I’ve imported 329 teams into the classic euro team using unused player IDs. Just over 7000 players. They all appear in game once I put the classic euro players back into that team.

But my create player slots are now unusable.

Just wondered if anyone else had come across this.
Just looked at Unregistered Players and when I click on an empty slot, name turns to DUMMY too.

On digital versions of the game, I had DUMMY issues on DLC5 where even regular players on even licensed teams became DUMMY. Yet my son had same OF's on Disc based version the game with no issues.

Every year on my Digital versions, I have issues with Dummy towards the end of the Data Packs. Don;t have these issues with Disc version. Biggest reason I do my ML on Disc and Classic file on Digital.

I'll check Disc versions later to see if same issue.


Registered User
I only discovered the issue after importing my to an unchanged edit mode. Before I imported I could use the create player slots, but not afterwards.

I did notice one or two NT players listed as “unregistered” and when I went into the player he was called DUMMY with the generic create player details.

Very weird.


Registered User
Just looked at Unregistered Players and when I click on an empty slot, name turns to DUMMY too.

On digital versions of the game, I had DUMMY issues on DLC5 where even regular players on even licensed teams became DUMMY. Yet my son had same OF's on Disc based version the game with no issues.

Every year on my Digital versions, I have issues with Dummy towards the end of the Data Packs. Don;t have these issues with Disc version. Biggest reason I do my ML on Disc and Classic file on Digital.

I'll check Disc versions later to see if same issue.
Did you notice any effect from this in ML?


Registered User
On digital versions of the game, I had DUMMY issues on DLC5 where even regular players on even licensed teams became DUMMY. Yet my son had same OF's on Disc based version the game with no issues.

Every year on my Digital versions, I have issues with Dummy towards the end of the Data Packs. Don;t have these issues with Disc version. Biggest reason I do my ML on Disc and Classic file on Digital.

I'll check Disc versions later to see if same issue.
Had a look over night, and the DUMMY stuff occurs at roughly 30000 players in the edit mode. As soon as I add a team of new IDs that takes me over 30k things change. But up to that point everything is fine.

I guess it might a limit on digital versions. I’ll have to be less greedy :D


Registered User
I'm always scared that something like this happens in my game. I have a digital version and so far I haven't encountered this problem.
Had a look over night, and the DUMMY stuff occurs at roughly 30000 players in the edit mode. As soon as I add a team of new IDs that takes me over 30k things change. But up to that point everything is fine.

I guess it might a limit on digital versions. I’ll have to be less greedy :D
I'm close to 24000 players right now, "only" about 800-1000 of those are players with new IDs that I used on my Option File. I'll try to keep that number down and not use too many new player IDs.

The amount of players is a good guess on why this problem happen (after all, you might have found the reason Konami removes players with their updates!), but there is also the possibility that you replaced some ID that you couldn't for some reason? Or perhaps you forgot to check the Live Update box in some of them? (that can cause some weird issues and it's easy to miss one when editing hundreds of players, even though I'm not 100% sure about what happens).


Registered User
I'm always scared that something like this happens in my game. I have a digital version and so far I haven't encountered this problem.

I'm close to 24000 players right now, "only" about 800-1000 of those are players with new IDs that I used on my Option File. I'll try to keep that number down and not use too many new player IDs.

The amount of players is a good guess on why this problem happen (after all, you might have found the reason Konami removes players with their updates!), but there is also the possibility that you replaced some ID that you couldn't for some reason? Or perhaps you forgot to check the Live Update box in some of them? (that can cause some weird issues and it's easy to miss one when editing hundreds of players, even though I'm not 100% sure about what happens).
I’ve been through every team and all players with new IDs have live update ticked.

Some players are free agents by defaults that some editors have over written to make players for their option files.

No matter what order I add the teams of new IDs, the problem happens at around 30k.

Also, after installing them all, some don’t show until I close the game and restart then it shows 29999 or 30000 never higher.

I think I’ve settled on what’s happening now. I’ve picked out around 145 teams to add that should keep me below 30000. Also going to use the 285 NT duplicates by adding them to ML eligible teams so that they show up too.


Registered User
I’ve been through every team and all players with new IDs have live update ticked.

Some players are free agents by defaults that some editors have over written to make players for their option files.

No matter what order I add the teams of new IDs, the problem happens at around 30k.

Also, after installing them all, some don’t show until I close the game and restart then it shows 29999 or 30000 never higher.

I think I’ve settled on what’s happening now. I’ve picked out around 145 teams to add that should keep me below 30000. Also going to use the 285 NT duplicates by adding them to ML eligible teams so that they show up too.
Seems like you been testing quite a lot recently hahah

But yeah, if that's the case then the cause is probably the number of players. I was going to say to try to change the IDs to some other ones but if you say the order you add the teams doesn't matter then it's unlikely because of the IDs, and it's most probably because of the number of players, like you said.

At least now we understand why (probably) Konami removes players from the database and also why we have so little created player slots, it's to save space because their limit is not so huge as it seems. I still don't know what kind of database they have that they can't add more than a certain amount of players, but my guess it's the same as for why we have a limit on image slots - probably there is a limit on how much space the game and the save files can take on the consoles. Seems like there was some truth to the whole "not enough space" thing when they removed the 2nd divisions back in PES 2019 after all (still not enough to convince me that it was needed, but anyway).

@Buckshot do you know if your "DUMMY" player problems are related to this "limit" on the number of players? Have you tried going over 30k players on the disk version?

PES Buck

Staff member
@Buckshot do you know if your "DUMMY" player problems are related to this "limit" on the number of players? Have you tried going over 30k players on the disk version?

I had this issue on PES 20 around this point in Data Packs on my Digital versions. How I ended up resolving last year was to delete the game and re-install and use my Day 1 Edit Data and re-install my OF.

I just came in and saw that game finally installed 22 minutes ago, so I am installing my Classic File as we speak.

I did some studying up on my New ID ranges making sure that is not what is causing it. For me, my issue with Dummy Players is also om Brazil players (I have classic Brazil teams over the licensed teams).

The problem with that is the ID range and install order. I install everything in order of leagues in the game. So my Brazil Player ID range is numbered less than what I have in say Other Latin America, yet only the Brazil teams have Dummy players. If I reached the PLayer ID limit, I would think once I hit leagues past Brazil, it would happen at.

Once I finish re-installing the OF on the new install of the game, I will report back. Hopefully it resolves it like it did last year.

I am not having these issues on Disc based versions, which I can't understand the problems are only on Digital on my end.


Registered User
I did my quality check in my Now-digital, previously disc version, with DataBASE from day-one.
I have around 24.000 players at the moment 22K -something starting the ML database.

I do not have any DUMMY at the moment, neither i had in the past in every PES 2017/2018/2019/2020/2021 which were all digital versions.

I do not know why it happens, probably @vinnie07 research provides some good explanations. What i do is, i avoid to use any unused IDs and LiveUpdate tricks. I loose in quantity of added players, but i earn in stability (maybe).. Discussed it many times with @Buckshot ,of course i acn't proove that this may cause something, but just a personall preference.

From this year especially, to be safe, i did not even imported a single .TED with box to affect players ticked. I only import KITS and images basically and do the edits by myself.

So i keep my game stable and i am in control of each step. Of course all you guys that do shareable work, or multiple projects , cannot work like this, cause by this rate, i will finish my personall Option File, around by 2023!!!!

I have also a conspiracy theory that the multiple exports/imports may corrupt the data at some step, like iof you remember the old music cassete tapes .. :) :D

This for us the boomers!!! :p :p


Registered User
Just to add someting to DUMMY mechanics and how it works under normal circumsatnces.

Let's say you create a player. I DO NOT KNOW what ID the game assigns to him. You start a Master League he is inside fair and square.

Going back to edit mode and defaulting him , (NOTE: If you registered him in a team, you cannot delete him, you must first release him as free agent, and then delete him from created player slot, IN A CLUB you can only default him) he returns back to generic appearence , with right foot, and OPR of 85 IIRC, all stats are the same for him.

Going back to ML after this, he is still in your team. His stats, special skills (except for COM) and AGE, nationality, cannot change, it stays as they were when you started the ML.

But whatever can be changed, aka appearence, prefered foot, movement, name, is changed, with the usual generic face.

Maybe when a database-datapack update happens, a similar situation occurs that removes the players from the database by force. I do not know why, maybe some IDs do collide with KONAMIs used/new IDs...

As for the memory capacity, as far as i recall, the EDIT00000.bin is almost the same file since PES 2008. So basically KONAMI uses this structure since 2007, the early PS3/XBOX360 days. So indeed it is an old and aged database structure, that why there are so many limitations.

After the 2019 fiasco, 2nds divisions and unplayable THAI league, they were supposed to upgrade those old files, in order to fit all those "new teams", but i assume what they technically did upgrade, was just a cheap expansion to the current database system.

They did not updgraded to something newer/bigger/better/more modern they just tunned it to have a little bit more space.

I think the team behing smokepatch and other PC modders have deeply explained it, how it works in collaboration with the .exe, PS4/ and bits/bytes, hex editing. In the EDIT00000.bin file they can create some thousands of additional teams/players, but in the game it can be displayed as playable/visible almost only the teams and players that appear in vanilla/factory game, with some minor additions.

If they really jump to new engine next year, Unreal Engine, they must also upgrade the rest assets, database, system settings, to something more modern. It will need modding work to be done from scratch, and scrap all last years projects, but i hope it will open new paths, for more leagues/divisions/players/kit slots/image slots.


Registered User
I did my quality check in my Now-digital, previously disc version, with DataBASE from day-one.
I have around 24.000 players at the moment 22K -something starting the ML database.

I do not have any DUMMY at the moment, neither i had in the past in every PES 2017/2018/2019/2020/2021 which were all digital versions.

I do not know why it happens, probably @vinnie07 research provides some good explanations. What i do is, i avoid to use any unused IDs and LiveUpdate tricks. I loose in quantity of added players, but i earn in stability (maybe).. Discussed it many times with @Buckshot ,of course i acn't proove that this may cause something, but just a personall preference.

From this year especially, to be safe, i did not even imported a single .TED with box to affect players ticked. I only import KITS and images basically and do the edits by myself.

So i keep my game stable and i am in control of each step. Of course all you guys that do shareable work, or multiple projects , cannot work like this, cause by this rate, i will finish my personall Option File, around by 2023!!!!

I have also a conspiracy theory that the multiple exports/imports may corrupt the data at some step, like iof you remember the old music cassete tapes .. :) :D

This for us the boomers!!! :p :p
View attachment 1066
I'm also on digital, around 24k players (from which about 800 were added with the Live Update trick) and it's also fine, I played through multiple seasons on Master League and nothing happened, it's working normally. But of course, using these tricks always have some risk involved, since those features are not implemented in the game by default we can't be sure how the game will handle it, only their programmers know I guess :p

If you're talking about "normal" .ted files, edited in game without any kind of gimmicks, I don't think multiple exports/imports will corrupt the data, that would have to be a really major flaw in their code, and with my luck I would already have encountered it by now, after 4 years of editing PES, specially considering the amount of exports/imports I do each year. Code is a sequence of instructions to be always executed the same way, so if it has been working after several years and no one changes it, it is unlikely that it will suddenly corrupt your data (not saying it's impossible, but I don't believe it much).

I really hope they upgrade their database to something more modern on this new gen (PS5, etc.). I also hope the Edit mode gets improved, creating teams, stadiums or leagues from scratch would be awesome (but I don't have much hope by now)

PES Buck

Staff member
I just departed the editing train for PES 21. All my projects and plans are now cancelled. Finally resolved fixing over 600 players in a league to In Game Player IDs. Now done editing PES 21.

Everything was fine until DP6. And I am sure DP7 results in more issues.

Since I have 4 different region versions of PES 20, just going to edit on there until PES 22 is released.


Registered User
I just departed the editing train for PES 21. All my projects and plans are now cancelled. Finally resolved fixing over 600 players in a league to In Game Player IDs. Now done editing PES 21.

Everything was fine until DP6. And I am sure DP7 results in more issues.

Since I have 4 different region versions of PES 20, just going to edit on there until PES 22 is released.
Another mystery i noticed yesterday. Same case as Haaland case last year, when incosistencies started happening in PES 2020 database after datapack 3.0. And concluded with one the last datapack 7.0 and one of the last live updates.

J. Brekalo of Croatia, who was added to game in the latest datapack , IIRC was infiltrated by force to old existing ML saves, breaking the 'MASTER LEAGUE" firewall, which is usually the No1 defense for the database and the reason we must restart our saves, every after updates or big editing sessions.

It is the most know issue since many years now, that whatever player is newly added, you have to restart your ML save, in order for him to show up.

BREKALO poped up in all of my 4 saves, in his default PES state, 22 years old, in a save i started during previous datapack, and i am now in 2nd season, so i had one (created) Brekalo aged 24 years old (this can be fixed easily though, i edited the fake Brekalo to another player).

He also appeared in an old save since February, being in 7th season, 2027 as 22 years old again!!! The same happened with Haaland last year, no matter the season the ML save was, he was like someone injected him in each ML save timeline.

The only commom between Haaland and Brekalo is that they are playin only for NT teams and not for clubs, if this adds any detail to the mystery!
Last edited:


Registered User
I just departed the editing train for PES 21. All my projects and plans are now cancelled. Finally resolved fixing over 600 players in a league to In Game Player IDs. Now done editing PES 21.

Everything was fine until DP6. And I am sure DP7 results in more issues.

Since I have 4 different region versions of PES 20, just going to edit on there until PES 22 is released.
It's not easy to edit a game like PES when they keep breaking things on Data Packs, sometimes I think the best time to edit PES is after they release their final Data Pack. A bit late for a lot of people, but at least it's stable.
Another mystery i noticed yesterday. Same case as Haaland case last year, when incosistencies started happening in PES 2020 database after datapack 3.0. And concluded with one the last datapack 7.0 and one of the last live updates.

J. Brekalo of Croatia, who was added to game in the latest datapack , IIRC was infiltrated by force to old existing ML saves, breaking the 'MASTER LEAGUE" firewall, which is usually the No1 defense for the database and the reason we must restart our saves, every after updates or big editing sessions.

It is the most know issue since many years now, that whatever player is newly added, you have to restart your ML save, in order for him to show up.

BREKALO poped up in all of my 4 saves, in his default PES state, 22 years old, in a save i started during previous datapack, and i am now in 2nd season, so i had one (created) Brekalo aged 24 years old (this can be fixed easily though, i edited the fake Brekalo to another player).

He also appeared in an old save since February, being in 7th season, 2027 as 22 years old again!!! The same happened with Haaland last year, no matter the season the ML save was, he was like someone injected him in each ML save timeline.

The only commom between Haaland and Brekalo is that they are playin only for NT teams and not for clubs, if this adds any detail to the mystery!
Never noticed that! I'll have to check it out


Registered User
It's not easy to edit a game like PES when they keep breaking things on Data Packs, sometimes I think the best time to edit PES is after they release their final Data Pack. A bit late for a lot of people, but at least it's stable.

Never noticed that! I'll have to check it out
If you tick the "NT players box option" during DP updates, you will probably have him too mate!


Registered User
Just check this out. It is December of 2021,middle of 2nd season. Brekalo starts as 22,so in January of 2021,1st season 1st half, he should become 22->23 yo.


Registered User
Just check this out. It is December of 2021,middle of 2nd season. Brekalo starts as 22,so in January of 2021,1st season 1st half, he should become 22->23 yo.


  • Screenshot_20210525_145122.jpg
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PES Buck

Staff member
So DP 7 causes even more DUMMY players for me. Spent yesterday replacing Player IDs on another League.

Interesting on DP 7 and installing my Classic OF - If I installed with Live Update, I had DUMMY Players in most of my Leagues. If I didn't do a Live Update, then I had Dummy Players in a little less than half of the OF.

So I tried one last thing. So I deleted System Data and Edit Data. Created my Edit file and installed my OF. Before I installed my OF, since I did not do a Live Update, there was no Free Agents. This time I was left with only 1 league with DUMMY Players.

Very interesting on how the DUMMY Players were in the game verse whether I did a Live Update with current EDIT Data, No Live Update with current EDIT Data, Live Update and No LIve Update with a Day 1 EDIT Data file I saved, and creating a new EDIT Data and no Live Update.

Besides the typical Fake Leagues, my Classic OF has Classic Teams over 8 Licensed Leagues/Players and 60 in game National Teams as well. So I am using more Unused Player ID's than probably most out there.

DP 6 and DP 7 made me lose using Unused Player IDs over 2 Licensed Leagues.

Thank God the end of Data Packs for PES 2021!!!!!!
