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About training?


Registered User
I've had the best luck with cycling through all, but emphasizing physical (defense) and technique (offense)…at least with the default players.

What I REALLY miss from last year are the weekly reports of player stat improvements.

Also, because I've seen it mentioned, I have seen improvement in a few of the better players - Shimizu, Ettori, Palmieri (I think everyone has the same default youth team players), but most players aren't improving.

The original ML players don't have much room for improvement. A few of them do have the potential to get better but for the most part they stay the same. At least that's what I've seen so far, though to be fair I have to say I had replaced my eleven by the beginning-middle of the second season.


Registered User
How often do you guys change training regime? and do you have any advice on a certain regime followed by an other in any particular order to have the most effect?
I can't seem to find a good system regarding this - i usually forget about it and change the regime, when the captain says he's getting bored at training :)


Registered User
I change it every time i'm able of do it. But i have to say this training system is the most boring, annoying and poor designed i've ever seen. Just copy the training system from Fm 2011 or Fm 2012.


New Member
Only use Strategy, Speed, Technique, and Physical to even out your grades. Other than that, use conditioning, the players progress nicely just using conditioning. I only use the others if a grade is far behind the others. There is no need to rotate the different trainings. Also, players won't progress at 16 years old, once they turn 17 they take off...


Registered User
Although its a ball ache u have to mix up your training everyday or two so everything improves train your players to much n they get unhappy and fatigued its more realistic but quiet annoying it has to be said.

I gotta admit, I do like the realism it provides, but I wish I could set it so that it cycles through the training regimes automatically for me.

Strangely, at the start of every ML game, the head coach says he chooses the training, unless you want to make the decision youself. Obviously, that's a load of bull, cos it's always you who has to choose the training.


Registered User
Yeah i agree. However some posts further above say it's unnescessary to change the regime, and i can't agree here. When i've used the same regime for a certain amount of time, the captain comes in to the office moaning about him being bored at training and do i think it's leading to anything and yada yada.. So i have to change it sometimes. However, i've had it focused on Condition for months now without him knocking on the door. Could be the only one i can use without any areas decreasing


Registered User
Rotating each week is actually not that much annoying, because you have a game each week -> automatically stops the timetable -> you can easily rotate training.

And I tried out a lot with it: Rotating gives the best results. It's actually pretty easy to see: With each training, you gain more experience in one category, than you would loose in that category during all other trainings combined.
So after rotating each (lets say 4 weeks in total), you have an average of "little red bar" on each category. If you choose "conditioning" for 4 weeks, you have an average of, exactly, "nothing" on each. Of course they still develop positively with "conditioning", but they develop even better with rotation.


Registered User
kbon, good advice. I am going to start rotating each week. I have been mostly on conditioning with the occassional change, but I am going to rotate every week now.


Registered User
I'd have to admit I much prefer the old method of training players individually, choosing where to focus - plus you have the option to give them extra skills - it seemed you could really focus on some players to get the best out of them. In my opinion, the new training method is a step back.


Registered User
I just wish you could set up so that they rotate daily

As it is i just leave it on conditioning, i find the stats are impacted more when signing players


Registered User
Are you all just clicking NEXT when it comes to moving the game on?

In that case, this tip will be very helpful.

Click the option SKIP TO CHOSEN DATE.

Now you can move the game along day by day and set different training types every day. If one area goes down, train on it the next day to get it back up. This works a lot better than training on the same thing for the whole week or leaving it on conditioning.


Registered User
Are you all just clicking NEXT when it comes to moving the game on?

In that case, this tip will be very helpful.

Click the option SKIP TO CHOSEN DATE.

Now you can move the game along day by day and set different training types every day. If one area goes down, train on it the next day to get it back up. This works a lot better than training on the same thing for the whole week or leaving it on conditioning.

Are people seeing stat increases with daily training changes? I feel like I have to leave training the same for a week (2 with areas where my team is lacking, like strategy) before I see positive gains.


Registered User
if you skip to chosen date, you might not hear if anyone wants to speak to you

you just skip to the next day, so actually you are not skipping any days and wont miss anything. Clicking next is actually the option that skips days.

Switcheroo, I find I do get stat increases, especially if you use one type of training twice or 3 times a week. Stat increases are pretty slow this way but its much better for controlling stat decreases. The natural development curve of players will help with stat increases anyway.


Registered User
you just skip to the next day, so actually you are not skipping any days and wont miss anything. Clicking next is actually the option that skips days.

Switcheroo, I find I do get stat increases, especially if you use one type of training twice or 3 times a week. Stat increases are pretty slow this way but its much better for controlling stat decreases. The natural development curve of players will help with stat increases anyway.

Ahh, yes, that makes sense. I leave training the same for a week at a time, and I notice a nice bump in play in that area (especially when I train technique), along with some serious deficiencies in other areas.

I'll have to give your method a try in hopes of controlling the decreases. Thx.


Registered User
"I'd have to admit I much prefer the old method of training players individually, choosing where to focus - plus you have the option to give them extra skills - it seemed you could really focus on some players to get the best out of them. In my opinion, the new training method is a step back."

^ Agree with you here stu. I really liked that you could make players go to special training obtaining skill cards of any desired kind. It's frustrating this year.
Has anyone tried playing a player out of position and then tell him you're converting him? How long will that take, and will he be purple during this entire period?


Registered User
Now you can move the game along day by day and set different training types every day. If one area goes down, train on it the next day to get it back up. This works a lot better than training on the same thing for the whole week
It's actually the same, I already tried it :/ . Training each category for a week, or switching them every day for the same time gives the same end result. The only difference is, that with day by day switching you get less unsteady values, so you'd have a more balance improvement. Instead of increasing one area by (lets say) 1 in a week, you increase all areas for 1/4 in that week.
The only question is, are you really willing to switch every day? ^^ That would be too much effort for me ^^


Registered User
I've given up with the whole training people thing. Its getting really annoying now, I ended up editing a team and making a 'dream team' with all the players who have the highest overall scores:

Xabi Alonso
Thiago Silva

I then turned off player development so you no longer have to worry about training and players stats dont decline when they get older.
