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Agimar´s XBOX360 Superpatch!


Registered User
Super Patch Problem!

I don't mean to appear stupid, but i haven't got a clue how to flash an x-box 360. my technical knowlege is that of a five year old!]


Registered User
Agimars super patch

Thanks for info Kristoff, much appreciated. Once i have 360 flashed, what do i have to do to get on my x-box, i haven't got a clue.


Registered User
You need the game as an ISO on your computer, then you open it in GGS and put the patch in. Then you have to burn the game to a dual layer DVD using a dual layer DVD burner.


Registered User
Forum virgin!!!

Many thanks for that, i'm sure i will be asking many more questions in the not to distant future.


Registered User
How exactly heavens this I took down the game and I have the files of the patch now will tell me how I put this thank you


Registered User
My problem is the following one. I do correctly the patch and everything works out correct for me on having played without the hard disk. When I put the hard disk almost quite it(he,she) returns to the normality.
My this OF erased(smeared). That I must do?


Registered User
Yes, delete all of your PES saves - and then clear your system cache...

To clear your Xbox 360 memory cache, do the following: go to the "System" blade and select your console's hard drive. With the hard drive selected, input the following buttons: Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X. A message will appear asking you if you wish to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices. Select "Yes," and within a few moments your Xbox 360 hard drive will clear its memory cache. Keep in mind that clearing the memory cache will remove all software updates that you may have downloaded for other games, so you'll need to go and download the updates again.


Registered User
Hey guys, this is an excellent patch apart from 2 things (for me) colar's and shirt numbers/letters for EPL

Is there a fix out? sorry i aint got the time to read all 751 comments lol

plz reply thanks :D


Registered User
Part 10 CRC error is what i have.. ne plausible solution ? man u still uploading or wat ? just cant wait dude


New Member
After veiwing the whole 38 pages of this thread , i got it to work first time for me no probs thanks.

Just take your time to veiw this thread as it is quite self explanatory

Just like to say big thanks to you guys for the effort on taking the time out to create the patches.



Registered User
Please can someone help me find the patch with the english links or to upload all files for the english patck thanks


Registered User
Help Me About Superpatch

Please can someone help me find the patch with the english links or to upload all files for the english patck thanks

HAVE all 20 rar on coputer but cant entpack ist ther special key or its becaus i am on a MAC need i pc ?

HELP he said that he need



