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[Ali & Sminky's] PES Support Thread - Saving your sanity and your controller.


Registered User
Dear MarceMarce,

My best advice is play some human players on MLO and then go back. When you play human players and then switch back to playing the CPU you'll notice the following ...

1. You'll be more focused at keeping possession
2. You'll notice the AI doesn't attempt to anticipate passing like a human player does meaning you can play more incisive passes.
3. You'll should learn to play long ball and go all out defense when leading in the last 10 minutes of a game. Reason behind this is because the CPU will most likely be using quick counter attacking and will attempt to squeeze play higher up the pitch. Just cut midfield out with some belting longs balls for your striker to win.

Its not pretty but its effective. Well it is for me. Another thing, try not to play too many matches one after the other as your concentration will wane. Its best to play no more than 2 or 3 matches and knock it on the head for the night.


Registered User
Thanks Sminky I'll have that in mind next time I dEcide to play PES again which will probably be later on tonight... I'll keep you posted.

PeS: I mostly play MLO I totally lost interest in any other type of play, freaking MLO is really addictive...


Registered User
Thanks Sminky I'll have that in mind next time I dEcide to play PES again which will probably be later on tonight... I'll keep you posted.

PeS: I mostly play MLO I totally lost interest in any other type of play, freaking MLO is really addictive...

No problemo :)

I find playing a narrow formation, like a diamond, against the CPU helps as well. Gives you a 'ladder' effect up the pitch when you pass.


Registered User
Since I'm almost Barcelona I pass alot, do you think that will work online? But I like having my 3 FWs though so that formation might not work for me


Registered User
Since I'm almost Barcelona I pass alot, do you think that will work online? But I like having my 3 FWs though so that formation might not work for me

Diagonal floated through balls will cut human defences to pieces, I used it at the weekend in a PES competition and didn't lose a game playing that way ... works like a treat.


It is happening again
I agree with what Sminky says about not playing too many matches. Plus, it's possible that you could get onto a bit of a losing streak, which will make you angry and play worse. You'll become one dimentional and your controller will take a bit of a beating :laugh:

As for tactics... well, I don't play with Barca at all, I use the smaller teams. I could suggest that you try using the smaller teams in a few friendlies online. Teams like Bolton, Fulham etc. You won't have to worry about points, plus it will allow you to see the game in a different way. In other words, you won't be able to rely on any Argentinian wonderkids to get you out of trouble. Give it a go!

It's not a bad idea to buy this game :D
It will piss you off like no game has before, but it will also give you great satisfaction when you pull off a great team move, or score a winning goal in the last minute :)


Registered User
great thread! here's what helps me to control my rage:

play PES 3 (best game ever)!!!
BUT: afterwards DO NOT start playing PES 2011 too soon again - you'd get too frustrated about how KONAMI managed to ruin such a perfect piece of football simulation (although it's sill far superior to FIFA).


It is happening again
great thread! here's what helps me to control my rage:

play PES 3 (best game ever)!!!
BUT: afterwards DO NOT start playing PES 2011 too soon again - you'd get too frustrated about how KONAMI managed to ruin such a perfect piece of football simulation (although it's sill far superior to FIFA).

I played PES 6 not long ago. It's like they were all on fucking speed! So much faster.

I wouldn't say they ruined completely. It has never been perfect either. The cheating has been there for a long time. There has been mistakes with every game.

You're right, it will always be better than Fifa though :)

I will continue to buy it, and be equally enraged and enthralled by the whole experience!


Registered User
Like I said before I mostly play MLO. I have two MLO teams my D1 team which is the one I posted about and my new team which is mostly defaults and my highest rated player is 72 I think, this team is on D4, and although I sence the AI is playing dirty on me I don't feel it as much as when I use the D1 team (soon to be D2) I manage to win with my D4 team even pull some awesome wins against D3s with a hell of a team robbens L.fabianos forlans but when I'm using the D1 I can't beat D5s with defaults!! It is that bad, and I really don't think I am that bad at this game I'd say I'm more than decent. thanks for the advice everyone.

PeS: I enjoy playing with my D4 team more than I enjoy my D1 now...


It is happening again
Like I said before I mostly play MLO. I have two MLO teams my D1 team which is the one I posted about and my new team which is mostly defaults and my highest rated player is 72 I think, this team is on D4, and although I sence the AI is playing dirty on me I don't feel it as much as when I use the D1 team (soon to be D2) I manage to win with my D4 team even pull some awesome wins against D3s with a hell of a team robbens L.fabianos forlans but when I'm using the D1 I can't beat D5s with defaults!! It is that bad, and I really don't think I am that bad at this game I'd say I'm more than decent. thanks for the advice everyone.

PeS: I enjoy playing with my D4 team more than I enjoy my D1 now...

Yeah, it's more satisfying with the shit players. I mean, you KNOW Messi can do something amazing every match.... but if Huylens pulls a screamer out of the bag...... :loopy:


Registered User
i give up guys i played yesterday 6 games lost 5 won 1, today i played two games vs D4s and lost both i scored an owngoal and missed a penalty, it hit the post.... this game is BS..


It is happening again
i give up guys i played yesterday 6 games lost 5 won 1, today i played two games vs D4s and lost both i scored an owngoal and missed a penalty, it hit the post.... this game is BS..

Just take a little break from the game. That always does me good, when I'm getting annoyed.


Registered User
Just take a little break from the game. That always does me good, when I'm getting annoyed.

Indeed ... and as absurd as it sounds, are you sitting close enough with decent lighting in the room? PES requires considerable concentration, especially if you have the camera on long view.


It is happening again
Indeed ... and as absurd as it sounds, are you sitting close enough with decent lighting in the room? PES requires considerable concentration, especially if you have the camera on long view.

I would also suggest you put your duvet or a couple of pillows down somewhere, so you have nice place to chuck you controller when the rage kicks in :laugh:



Registered User
I would also suggest you put your duvet or a couple of pillows down somewhere, so you have nice place to chuck you controller when the rage kicks in :laugh:


Good idea, either that or make sure you've got a padded cell! :D


Registered User
okkk guys thanks for all the advise, im happy to tell you that my losing streak is gone, i went down althe way to 395 pes points, i didnt get to stay on D1 but at least this bad run is over; and i didnt break any controller!


It is happening again
okkk guys thanks for all the advise, im happy to tell you that my losing streak is gone, i went down althe way to 395 pes points, i didnt get to stay on D1 but at least this bad run is over; and i didnt break any controller!

Well done.

You'll go through patches of bad for now and then. For example, I had a streak of about 7 games where I just COULDN'T score more than 1 goal per game. It was insane!! I've not played online for a while, but the last time I played, I had just come to the end of a run of about 30 games without a defeat. Swings and roundabouts as they say :)


Registered User
I'm onto my second pad and copy of pes, HMV only have wired controllers now and they dont fly across the room with the same elegance as wireless pads.

I love this game but it turns me into an animal, luckily all is calm on the PES front at the moment.


Registered User
Sorry if this is off topic, but 4 some reason the site won't let me create a new thread, and since we're talking about controllers (well, throwing them anyway), is anyone using an alternate controller on the Xbox 360 that they like? I am finding the standard xbox 360 controller is really killing my hands, especially my left, which keep cramping up so bad that it's painful even after half a match (MLO is intense!).
