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[Ali & Sminky's] PES Support Thread - Saving your sanity and your controller.


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Every alternative controller I have used has died on its own accord so I stay away from non official pads, joytech may be your best bet they are usually thinner, I love the 360 pad due to the placement of the analog, I struggle to use a PS3 pad nowadays.

I heard rumours konami were developing a specialist PES pad for 360 but nothing came of it.


It is happening again
I'm onto my second pad and copy of pes, HMV only have wired controllers now and they dont fly across the room with the same elegance as wireless pads.

I love this game but it turns me into an animal, luckily all is calm on the PES front at the moment.

The trouble with wired controllers is that if you throw them too hard, you could take the whole console with it :eek:hmy:

Every alternative controller I have used has died on its own accord so I stay away from non official pads, joytech may be your best bet they are usually thinner, I love the 360 pad due to the placement of the analog, I struggle to use a PS3 pad nowadays.

I heard rumours konami were developing a specialist PES pad for 360 but nothing came of it.

With a more functional left analogue stick, perhaps?


Registered User
With a more functional left analogue stick, perhaps?

Yeah, I heard that too but it wasn't a real analogue Dpad. IMO that's what would be ideal for PES. And no, the new "transforming Dpad" version of the 360 controller won't do, it's not actually analogue, it just "feels" like it is.

Anyway, my hands hurting is probably a sign I should just take a break and let the muscles uncramp. My hands look like a couple of tangled tree roots. :(


It is happening again
Yeah, I heard that too but it wasn't a real analogue Dpad. IMO that's what would be ideal for PES. And no, the new "transforming Dpad" version of the 360 controller won't do, it's not actually analogue, it just "feels" like it is.

I was actually joking about the left stick thing. It was a bit of a dig directed to a certain member of our forums..... let's just say he hasn't reached "Professional" status yet ;)

Anyway, my hands hurting is probably a sign I should just take a break and let the muscles uncramp. My hands look like a couple of tangled tree roots. :(

How much PES do you actually play? Sounds like quite a lot.


Registered User
Random observation of the day: Not sure if anyone has noticed this, but I'd thought I'd post anyway, I played a tournament at a mates flat a few weeks back and I noticed that I felt fresher playing every other match - but then when it came to playing two games back to back I noticed my concentration dropped in the 2nd game.

I've had this recently on MLO and ML. I don't get this with any other game than PES, the sheer level of concentration for PES is probably why when I used to play it late at night it was impossible to get to sleep!

I thought it would be wise to stick to only playing 2 games at a time but I'm giving serious thought to only playing one match an hour now during a free evening or day. Anything more seems to gradually build upon the frustrations and I lose sight of how to play effectively. In all reality, despite the problems with the game, it is ridiculous to be playing any game for 4-6 hours at a time that requires intense concentration.


Registered User

I think i need a stress ball, I cant afford to go through any more controllers or consoles for that matter, I might start punching the cat but that would be a bit harsh and I would probably be sectioned.


I agree, PES is such a mental game and takes a lot of effort and concentration due to the vast myriad of controls, I always find my worst performances and pes rage come when I have played the game too much(especially ML Offline), as someone on evo web always says, hardcore pes players suffer from PESITUS, if you play to much you end up trying the same things and not executing commands properly. As a student I have many late nights on pes and know exactly what you mean, ML offline has me hooked this year and sometimes I feel proper wired after an ML session.

For me this game is even better after a break, patience is a virtue in pes its such a subtle game in many regards.

EDIT - Did someone mention the left analog stick ;)


Registered User
I've taken breaks of two months before(!) played it again and found it enjoyable to play. I then start playing game after game and I've completely frazzled my mind by attempting to play to a formula. Its definitely a game that has to be played instinctively as opposed to considered design.

I lost 2-1 to a D2 team last night, and he had an unbelievable team compared to my mainly default D5 team but I played fluid unpredictable football whilst he played in only one way, I should have even equalised in the 90th minute but I know with a better team I would have beaten him.

I can tell when someone has been playing the game all night now on MLO because they will only play one way ... hold down the through ball button out to the wings, cut back or through ball into the area ... by the way, 3 centre backs works a treat against that if you change your DMF in a midfield diamond to a centre back.


It is happening again

I think i need a stress ball, I cant afford to go through any more controllers or consoles for that matter, I might start punching the cat but that would be a bit harsh and I would probably be sectioned.

Sminky I agree, PES is such a mental game and takes a lot of effort and concentration due to the vast myriad of controls, I always find my worst performances and pes rage come when I have played the game too much(especially ML Offline), as someone on evo web always says, hardcore pes players suffer from PESITUS, if you play to much you end up trying the same things and not executing commands properly. As a student I have many late nights on pes and know exactly what you mean, ML offline has me hooked this year and sometimes I feel proper wired after an ML session.

For me this game is even better after a break, patience is a virtue in pes its such a subtle game in many regards.

EDIT - Did someone mention the left analog stick ;)

Yeah, please don't hurt your cat :(

You right, with your main point. When you go on a bad run, it's harder to get out of the trap of playing the same failing tactics. Likewise when you're playing against a frustrating player.

After saying I would take a break from the game, in the PES Rage thread, I have only touched it ONCE. I had a quick game when the update came out. I'm not missing it hugely, because I do have other games to play. I'll be rusty when I get back to it, but I know I'll feel refreshed.


Registered User
I always play with a holding midfielder so I might try that sminky, I use Ajax a lot I think Vertonghen would be ideal for this role, especially when trying to protect a lead.

Ali I would never hurt the cat, it may be a judgmental smug bastard but I love it, besides I would be crucified if I hurt it, It always seems to lingering about whenever PES goes on.

One thing that gets on my tits at the moment is the AI's pussy formations in master league coupled with gang rape pressure, I played PSV last night away from home, they had 3 holding midfielders at 0-0, this tends to happen in the 2nd season of master league, takes away from the team individuality a bit when every team plays this way. Its good that the AI makes itself harder to beat but it can get a bit dull.

Oh yeh another thing, weed and PES does not mix as well as it used to.
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I've got to the Champion's League final after a few attempts, any ideas on how to not bust a nut when I inevitably lose?


It is happening again
Oh sorry, I thought this was the 'PES Support' thread, not the 'Ali makes sarcastic comments' thread :)

Thankyou for calling Ali & Sminky Industries.
This is a support line. If you are simply happy with PES and do no require support, you can jolly well fuck off ;)

All calls may be recorded for training purposes. Ali & Sminky Industries is not responsible for any PES and/or judgemental smug bastard cat related injuries.


It is happening again
BAL is controller-bashingly annoying. As is online. I've never had much of a problem with ML though.

EDIT: Matt... if you played it on anything less than the highest difficulty, it would make you less of a man :)


Registered User
This thread got popular whilst I was in writing away offline ... agree that anything other than Top Player is not worth playing. Far too easy! :)


Registered User
Profession still gives you a game, well it does me anyway. But yeah, overall it the game is slightly too easy. Is there a sixth unlockable level?
