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[Ali & Sminky's] PES Support Thread - Saving your sanity and your controller.


Registered User
Sminky - are you still sticking to your same tactics of frustrating the opposition? Because it really didn't work against me :cool:

Not really - and that first game against you I just hacked you all over the park, bit silly really but enjoyable :)

As Benfica (before the bloody connection went) I played a lot better against you and thats probably because the formation suited me better. I've ditched the diamond formation.


It is happening again
Not really - and that first game against you I just hacked you all over the park, bit silly really but enjoyable :)

As Benfica (before the bloody connection went) I played a lot better against you and thats probably because the formation suited me better. I've ditched the diamond formation.

In the 2nd game, the score was only 0-0 and you quit because you just couldn't handle my greatness :laugh:

But yeah, I did think you were just pissing about a bit in the first match. I didn't want to piss about because it was a ranked match :)


Registered User
I'm not too fussed about the rankings, I use MLO to get used to human opponents when I play my mates in competitions ... although sometimes its just good to go in completely fresh, I won the last one without having played PES in months. The too much PES curse can fuck you over sometimes, you start over thinking things and not playing instinctively.

I find PES one of those games where its hard to find a staple formation that works for all opponents, I'm hoping 4-5-1 will but then whats worked so far for me is having Holman as SS upfront.

EDIT: Just beat a German 1-0 on MLO, Mourinho tactics by myself, I only had 39% possession but still had more shots on goal than he did.


Registered User
Err... sorry I know this isn't the right thread to post this on here but I don't feel I deserve to overload the forum with a pointless one reply thread, so here goes:

I have just recently received PES2010 PC (using a controller), and my last football game was PES2008 for the PS2. Many, many things on here are very annoying and far below the quality of 2008, but this is the worst of them all: I cannot find the option to switch to players closest to the ball manually. I absolutely abhor it when it switches automatically for me, and for the life of me it is having me dumb down (no offense anyone, really) to regular level as I cannot get used to this for the life of me. Please, tell me there's a way to make it manual :(


Registered User
Yes, superstar was on PES 2009 and 2010 I think, and 6* has existed on the old games.

Sminky, have you ever played any of the Civ games? Deity was a difficulty level on Civ 3 (hilariously, not the hardest one either).

Best game ever. I was so hooked and I would totally try the installments that came after but I know that I would probably fail college if I played it.


It is happening again
Err... sorry I know this isn't the right thread to post this on here but I don't feel I deserve to overload the forum with a pointless one reply thread, so here goes:

I have just recently received PES2010 PC (using a controller), and my last football game was PES2008 for the PS2. Many, many things on here are very annoying and far below the quality of 2008, but this is the worst of them all: I cannot find the option to switch to players closest to the ball manually. I absolutely abhor it when it switches automatically for me, and for the life of me it is having me dumb down (no offense anyone, really) to regular level as I cannot get used to this for the life of me. Please, tell me there's a way to make it manual :(

Have you tried Controller Settings? The default setting is semi-auto I think. You can press L1 (on PS3) to change man.

You just wait till I can be arsed to get my PS3 online again Sminky I'll bone your ass.

You really do have an unhealthy obsession with the anus, matt :laugh:


Registered User
Only just started my first MLO and with, essentially, the ML default team, I managed to stink my way through to the final of the D5 Cup, beating far better teams through a combination of penalty shoot-outs and flukey own goals. I love this game :crymore:

And ftr, I was beaten in the 3-0 in the final by a far better team. That's right, I'm not gonna throw my toys out of the pram and say the game's scripted/flawed etc, because that would be silly. I lost fair and square to a better team and a better player than myself.


It is happening again
Only just started my first MLO and with, essentially, the ML default team, I managed to stink my way through to the final of the D5 Cup, beating far better teams through a combination of penalty shoot-outs and flukey own goals. I love this game :crymore:

And ftr, I was beaten in the 3-0 in the final by a far better team. That's right, I'm not gonna throw my toys out of the pram and say the game's scripted/flawed etc, because that would be silly. I lost fair and square to a better team and a better player than myself.

I can admit when I've been beaten by the better player, but I know when I've been beaten by scripting and/or cheap tactics.

I wish my internet was good enough, because I'd actually play online more. Basically, if anyone else is on the internet in my house, it goes very laggy. Hopefully, by this time next year, BT Infinity will reach my area and I might actually be able to play MLO properly.


Registered User
I beat a D3 team 5-0 and then promptly lost 5-0 to a D1 team! Against the D1 team I could not get my cursor controlled defender to run out wide to anticipate a pass, the player was locked into an animation where he could only run straight!

I'll switch to 3 centrebacks next time to compensate ...


Registered User
Hopefully, by this time next year, BT Infinity will reach my area and I might actually be able to play MLO properly.

Believe me one thing: Better internet will help nothing. It's KONAMI who's provided bad netcode. I have 16 Mbit, ping 10 ms to all dedicated servers whatever game I play and my girlfriend surfs youtube, picture and other bandwidth intensive sites and my ping gets max up to 100 ms there. Only PES is lagging for years. If the hope keeps you alive, ok, have it... but make sure you have another option to cling to and hope for when you realize the truth with your then new internet connection.


It is happening again
Believe me one thing: Better internet will help nothing. It's KONAMI who's provided bad netcode. I have 16 Mbit, ping 10 ms to all dedicated servers whatever game I play and my girlfriend surfs youtube, picture and other bandwidth intensive sites and my ping gets max up to 100 ms there. Only PES is lagging for years. If the hope keeps you alive, ok, have it... but make sure you have another option to cling to and hope for when you realize the truth with your then new internet connection.

Bloody hell! Talk about doom and gloom :laugh:

Well, my internet is pretty bad. It's not JUST PES that I rarely play online, it's most of my games. Due to 2 reasons:

1) Poor connection... obviously
2) Online gaming winds me up soooooooooooo much


Registered User
Servers are ridiculously poor it must be said ... still, with the amount happening on the screen its a wonder it works at all sometimes.


It is happening again
Servers are ridiculously poor it must be said ... still, with the amount happening on the screen its a wonder it works at all sometimes.

Well, I used to play Resistance 2. You'd get up to 60 players in a game, and I never had a huge problem with lag in that game.


Registered User
I wonder how the servers will cope when Konami's new game engine is created for PES - whenever that may be.


It is happening again
I wonder how the servers will cope when Konami's new game engine is created for PES - whenever that may be.

Judging by what people have said about PES 2010 online, it seems there has been some improvement. I mean... it's not unplayable. When I've played (when I'm in the house on my own), I've never seen players jumping from one place to another etc. The main problem I've had is with the delay between pressing the button, and the action occuring.
