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All National Teams 2.0


Registered User
What does it mean if the game is choppy for the national teams patch but not for the regular game? It doesn't make sense to me...


Registered User
Ok scratch that, I fixed it. The only beef I have is the absence of Dwayne de Rosario on Team can you have Jonathan De Guzman and Kevin McKenna but not De Ro? I love the mod otherwise, don't get me wrong...but Canada is quite incomplete without my man De Ro...


Registered User
Neugs, as you know, I'm one of makers of this patch and I made Canada. I noticed also that De Rosario misses, but 2 days ago. I don't really know how i missed that. I know De Rosario is one of best Canadian players, and I feel really sorry because of that miss. Canada was made when lot of other teams, in short period. You know when you have to do few houndreds of players, almost impossible not to make any mistake. Sorry once more, and one more thing: I started to play with Canada, and I updated it totally, I think it's almost perfect now:). If I started to play with them before, that mistake with De Rosario wouldn't happen.


Registered User
neugs, also, can you send me on private your msn contact if you have it. i would like to have you so i can consult you about canadian team etc.


Registered User
All National Teams 2.5 update

This update contains all kits from Euro 2008, kits for all African teams, alott of new kits for Asian and American teams, new keeper gloves, updated referee kits, new Pacific Games 2007 ball.

OF has bin updated alott also, more than half of teams have their roster updated acording to latest matches.

Big thanks to our new team member Exoma who helped alott on updating Asian teams
Also helped working on update: Lami, Pogoss, Ma$k_Hi3p

It is recommended that you delete certain files before installing the Version 2.5 update. The files to delete are:




New Member
the 2.0 patch is great, and the 2.5 sounds great... but the link provided above doesnt work, i just get a loading error.


Registered User
Well it should lead you to our patch site, but you can go to Evo-Web thread (link in first post). In there are direct downlaod links.


New Member
All National Teams in the World Patch 2.0

We have finally finished version 2.0 of our patch. This is the final version of the full patch, there will only be small updates from now on.


- Created by: Tottimas, Boca, Mracho, Zdravoumartini, FXGT
- Helped with OF: Zilandi(PES6 Asian teams), Pogoss, SG13, Not.SlyPee, SuchTheFool, Cristiwano, Denxho, GothicSpiky, lami, Bosniansc, Tailand Pes Community, Ukranian Pes Community, Cyprus Pes Community
- National Teams kits taken from EVO-WEB GDB Folder - thanks to all who worked on it and to all kitmakers whose kits are in it
- New National Teams kits made by: jvinu2000, zdravoumartini, August, Tottimas, door123, Buenos24, GothicSpiky, alen_petrin, irfank, Tunevi
- Thanks to Juce and Robbie for fantastic kitserver
- Thanks to all people who helped create all those OF editors
- Thanks to Evo-Web and PESSerbia for all material we used from them and to original creators
- Thanks to ninuzzu and other editors involved in banners patch
- Thanks magodemente for his banners for new national teams
I hope I didn't forgot anyone

New stuff:

New scoreboard with 3 letter FIFA code and teams flag
New medal for cup winers with FIFA logo on it like FIFA World Cup medal (look at picture with Venecuelan players holding the trophy)
New adidas 2008 referee kits by Kleimann
New balls for all continental competitions (no Oceanina though)
Over 100 kits for new national teams
Multilanguage suported, now you can play with any language you have instaled, no more just on english


Just unrar and install both exe files and you are ready to play with your favorite national team.

If you are using 16:10 screen resolution you just need to copy a file from folder antserver\img\16-10 into folder antserver\img\cv_0.img.

You are free to change anything you want to, to make patch better for you.
You can use anything from this patch in you patches just credit this patch for it.
Feel free to distribue this patch for free on any other PES or no PES forums.


Evo-Web link

i don't know what to do after i downloaded the patch.Please tell me what to do after i downloaded the patch...


Registered User
All National Teams 3.0 - torrent

Thanks to Gamingaccess this patch is now available through torrent.

This is ALL IN ONE installer. It contains all things from 2.0 and 2.5 versions and
- More than 300 new player faces
- 62 National stadiums



Registered User
hi, i rememeber that there was another option file which makes the gameplay much more faster and shooting and low passing and keepers are much more acrobatic and it was released for this patch , please anybody know ?


Registered User
where is the linK for pes 2008 all national teams patch v 3.0 please i want it....if you can Tottimas or someone else member...send me a link for downloading All National Teams 3.0 - torrent or All national teams patch 3.0 generally..
