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[ALL] PES5 Watson V4.0 Option File: Season 2006/2007 Update


Registered User
Watson, I was clumsy while going through the appearences on your file and i deleted the appearences for Z. Ibrahimovich and C. Tevez. I cant get them right again and i would be glad if you could post them again or PM me them. Thanks in advance


Registered User
Because I've already made a few changes to the OF to suit me that would dissapear and im only missing these two appearences.


Registered User
does any1 know a way to get the rangers badge and the carling proper logo on the gers strip i have other option files with the logo and pesfan editor but if i import it then put it on the badge couldnt go on any help plz?


Registered User
Why can't you make the changes again to the 'fresh' file? Bit annoying, but surely easier than creating 2 new players from scratch.


Registered User
lurio12 said:
Why can't you make the changes again to the 'fresh' file? Bit annoying, but surely easier than creating 2 new players from scratch.

I just need the two appearences, it's not to much to ask is it?

Anyone who's got the V4 could post them on here.


Registered User
Thanks from over here in the States , Updated stats are THE most important thing. Dont know why konami dont do em. For our sports games we get weekley updates for baseball and monthly for football ( american football, i mean) . Just as well as konami would screw them up too. And by the way, glad you did the file for we9 cause we10 jap. rotts compaired to 9. I got both . Defence much better in 9. Thanks sooo much again, you and Blue for such great work.


Registered User
Texas said:
Watson, I was clumsy while going through the appearences on your file and i deleted the appearences for Z. Ibrahimovich and C. Tevez. I cant get them right again and i would be glad if you could post them again or PM me them. Thanks in advance

He might do that for you, but try and think of how busy watson is at the moment.


Registered User
Feanor said:
He might do that for you, but try and think of how busy watson is at the moment.

Yes, i know. Thats why im saying that anyone with the V4 could help me out by doing it. :)


Registered User
lwwatson said:
No, only one file per card :)

99bstatton- You need to use the pesfan editor

saggie16- I'm sorry, I can't, I'm sure it won't take too long yourself to do it, but it took me long enough defaulting all kits

i tried but its making my game crash....


Registered User
lurio12 said:
Watson - I've tried all 3 links for the ps2 .max file and on each site it says that the download limit has been reached. Sendspace - it says that I can't download more than 1 when I haven't started any!!

Please can you republish them or is there any chance of this getting put onto megaupload as I never seem to have any problems from them.

Many thanks!!

Please ignore the above. All sorted now. Gracias senor


Registered User
lurio12 said:
Watson - I've tried all 3 links for the ps2 .max file and on each site it says that the download limit has been reached. Sendspace - it says that I can't download more than 1 when I haven't started any!!

Please can you republish them or is there any chance of this getting put onto megaupload as I never seem to have any problems from them.

Many thanks!!
This seems to be a problem, for the time being if you have an issue with downloading, can you email me what file you'd like and I'll mail you it, as this is an issue which can't be resolved quickly :)

smfcfan said:
Watson join Gamefaqs

shweeny- I think you misunderstand the stats, and have a read of PLF's thread to find out more about them, but for Crespo, I believe his stats are the default in mine, and CaptainCabinet is more correct with what he's saying, although IMO Crespo should be somewhere between the two values :)

Texas- Like Feanor says, I'm quite busy but if I get time, I'll post the appearances up, as they both have presets so won't take as long :)

cambo_cc- You'd need to import them from another file but be careful about which logo slots you overwrite as they are all in use, you will also lose the correct badge and umbro logo :)

Thanks to all who thanked me :)

Now to tackle questions on pesfan...:huh:


Registered User

Great OF, i've benn using yours since v3.0 and it's great. Could you do BIN/CUE for ps2 player who doesn't have x-port/max drive ?

Great OF i repeat
