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"All Unlicenced National, Classic & Unlockable Players Real Names"


Registered User
:shocking:UNF#$#IN REAL!!!:realmad:

Just did all of andylaw31's updates which had taken me ages...clicked save changes and got totally screwed with a website error and now ive lost all the changes id made to the first post!!:fplm:...somethin about a missing token or some bullshat!....Dont know if i can be arsed to do it all again right now people. My eyes already feel like their f%#*in bleeding. Man i hate it when that sorta stuff happens.:angry:

lol what a joke. cheers major_weirdo for the classics, just came on to get the classic brazil ones.


Registered User
Corrections to major_weirdo's Classic Brazil - in between these two:

15. Flávio da Conceição “Flávio Conceição” F. CONCEIÇAO
6. Antônio Carlos Cerezo “Toninho Cerezo” T. CEREZO

you missed out 'César Sampaio.'

Otherwise, perfect.


Registered User
Thanks again to andylaw31 and major_weirdo for the updates. The list is really coming together now thanks to people like you.
Finally got around to updating the first post after the burn (read post #39) i got the other day.
Im definitely gonna try and get this thread pinned so it doesnt get lost in the mix. Imo its helpful enough to alot of people so why not. I hadnt even noticed how many views this thread had until the other day but tbh the amount in such a short time kinda speaks for itself really.
@ people who find this thread helpful: Dont forget to +rep all the people involved in making this thread what it is.
Thanks everyone:D


Registered User
go for it suv mate.
i tried to get the poll and the comparison threads pinned but baddar touchy on that , now they are lost to the pointless threads on here now.
they were helpfull aswell.
hope you can, as you say this threads very very helpfull (it heplded me)


Registered User
Cheers for the support man. I appreciate it.
Ive already sent him a request email explaining why i think it should be pinned. Its just a case of waiting for the reply now. Certain things definitely have a purpose which means they've gotta be worth pinning. The option file poll and comparison threads shoulda had a good chance really imo coz when newbie's come on this site lookin for an option file they usually just race into makin a new thread and ask which ones the best to dl which just clogs up the subforum with needless threads, hence the poll and comparison threads shoulda had a decent chance imo. If they dont wanna pin it thats fine, its not the end of the world but i'll just want a decent explanation tbh.


Registered User
Have done some investigation to find out who Chinese Hua You and Zhao Yan are.
According to age and other tracable statistics I can assure you Zhao Yan is indeed, as andylaw31 posted, Chao Yang. Besides that I have founded Hua You as being Zhang Yaokun, Apr 17 1981 of Dalian Shide.
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Registered User
Cheers for that info man:D
I'll do a quick update and credit you for Zhang Yaokun ok.

Thats done...i send a +rep your way mate. Thanks again:D


Registered User
All that crap you gave me sorry baddar but i think your bit of a prat..
hope i didnt patronise you lol
ban me if you want, all ive done for this fucking editing section, ungrateful prik

sorry suv to post this on ya thread , youve done some good work


Registered User
:erm: Im not. I just thought it was a good call mate. Nothin more, nothin less.


Registered User
^^ Weird.

I dare to confirm that ZAZEK from Iran is indeed, as andylaw31 stated, the 25 year-old Eman Mobali of Al Wasl FC in the UAE.

Thanks for the rep mate :)


Registered User
:erm: Im not. I just thought it was a good call mate. Nothin more, nothin less.

I know, hence the " ¬_¬ " at the end. It was a joke. Thread title changed as requested, by the way.

And also, arsenald - I'm not going to be banning anybody. Just stop complaining about what threads are/aren't pinned. You saw, and agreed, with my reasons for not pinning that last thread.

Now, back on Suv's topic...


Registered User
^^ Weird.

I dare to confirm that ZAZEK from Iran is indeed, as andylaw31 stated, the 25 year-old Eman Mobali of Al Wasl FC in the UAE.

Thanks for the rep mate :)

No problem on the +rep front mate. You deserve it for helpin out.
On the ZEZAK - Mobali may dare:)...I'll edit that now then if youre pretty sure.

Ok, thats done!


Registered User
I know, hence the " ¬_¬ " at the end. It was a joke. Thread title changed as requested, by the way.

And also, arsenald - I'm not going to be banning anybody. Just stop complaining about what threads are/aren't pinned. You saw, and agreed, with my reasons for not pinning that last thread.

Now, back on Suv's topic...

Fair play mate. Im not familiar with the "¬_¬" tbh. I thought it was meant to be a p#~*ed of look or somethin. Cheers for changing the title.

On arsenald's situation: Ive gotta admit that i personally think a couple of his threads are definitely helpful enough to be pinned but i aint a mod so its not up to me. The guy has helped alot of people including me with this particular thread. He has been a big + to this forum recently tbh.


Registered User
No problem on the +rep front mate. You deserve it for helpin out.
On the ZEZAK - Mobali may dare:)...I'll edit that now then if youre pretty sure.

Ok, thats done!

Okay I'll take back that 'dare'. I now can say that I'm sure that ZEZAK is Mobali ;)
Besides Mobali I am SURE ;) that Saudi Arabian players ALEMORAN and MAK AHSAI are, respectivily, Ahmed Al-Mouath (January 27, 1981 - Al-Wahda (number 30)) and Malek Mouath (August 10, 1981 - Al-Ahli (number 9))

So that means andylaw31 is right, once again ;)

Off: By the way. What kind of job do you have, working at KONAMI making these fales names? "Hello I am Shirota Nawguchi and I am Chief Operator at the False Name Design Department of KONAMI's Winning Eleven/Pro Evolution Soccer Studios." -.-'


Registered User
:D Yeah init. I wonder if that is someone's actual job.
I'll av to do those other updates later or somethin mate coz im going to band practice in a few minutes so i gotta get sorted.
Catch u all later:)


Registered User
I've done some research to the 'to be confirmed' players of Thailand and the UAE. I can confirm that SUPOIL KHAIL (UAE) should be Subait Khater (February 28, 1980 - Al-Jazeera). However, after doing research for the Thai players, the three unconfirmed players are definitely are not the names mentioned by andylaw31. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any other options for those three players. That leaves us with three wrong names or KONAMI just pretty messed up the age and length of those three players. In that case, Andy might be right. I'm sorry not to give you the right names nor to confirm the already given names.

EDIT: O yeah, and whilst looking for the Thailand players I came on a Thai guy's website and he mentioned the goalkeeper as HATHAIRATANAKUL. That is with one T less and a U instead of OO compared to the posted name. Nothing special, but the "less T and U instead of OO version" DOES fit in the PES edit Name entry bar.
