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An issue rarely mentioned.


Registered User
From scouring this forum and many like it i've discovered, (probably incorrectly as i'm sure someone will hastely correct my in due course) that there is little said for 2 player master-league progression and play. I mean My friends and i love nothing more than battling it out co-op against the great and good of pes.

We've been playing many incarnations of the game for around 8 years, even during the ISS Pro days. That said we've never (and i'm really only talking about the last 3 or 4 installations of the game) experienced so many issues with the computer chopping and changing which one of us is currently in control of the player, than we have in this version of the game. We have opted to change many of the curser options as is most logical but all have their own unique issues. For example we usually play using sem-assisted however we've found that even when one of us is highlighted as having the ball and is is mid run or receiving a pass that the curser will inadvertantly change or disappear all together, IN OPEN PLAY! Irrespective of the issues i've seen listed on here with regard to corners from dead ball situations and the curser change resulting from them.

I appreciate this is a long complaint but it is probably the most irritating thing we have experienced in 2011 (and thats not the sum total of issues we have found). others we have found to be what i would say as liveable and something to overcome and compensate for as apposed to something that directly affects our play and subsiquent enjoyment of the game.

Again sorry for length.


Registered User
No need to apologize for the length of your apology. I know what you're going through, it has happened to me and my mate online so many times. I think Konami are looking into fixing this problem. For example, I done a faint last night, and after it, my mate was in control. It totally effects how we play as a team, we're pretty similar in the style we play too, so it ruins how fluid our movement is. It also makes you think about taking a player on, just incase it changes the user half way through the run and the other guy runs the ball out of play.

Also welcome to the site. Enjoy it.


Registered User
Thankyou Kindly, much appreciated.

Its imperative for us to have this corrected. I myself am not necessarilly interested in correcting all of what the forum seems adiment to rectify i.e licenses, etc, these things i feel are secondary to the overall feel and play of the game. My friends and i are more impressed if we score clever, well worked, team goals be it together or by ourselves. I've found that in many cases on this version it seems to disrupt this style of play, be it due to animation un-necessaries (stumbling for ages after being pressured off the ball and losing possesion) or a lack of CPU understanding when making runs into space or driving to the bylines and crossing the ball. However this said these are the reasons in some ways that we keep and stay with this game. we understand it's pitfalls and strive to gather the best out of it anyway. i For one have had to adapt over the years my style of play and ones muscle memory in order to overcome my go-to responses as they no longer work anymore. Where as with other football sims i can pick up any incarnation and know exactly what it will do.

If i were to complain, and i use that word harshly, it would be that konami are trying to spread themselves to thin to cater to the masses. The individuals who perhaps live directly for the hype of football. The 'Stars' and what the televisual experience of it all, which i'm not critisising as i to buy into it. But i would dearly prefer to see the time and effort going toward a game that plays and reacts in a way as to accomplish the closest, realistic, playable, team orientated, natural football simulation that there is and i beleive that they will achieve it soon. These other issues of style of substance are not important.


Registered User
This is in fact a very solid issue. To me and my mate it happened actually few times so that when I pull off a sliding tackle, I've ended up doing a sliding tackle with 2 players at the same time as somehow the cursor have changed to different player who also pulls off a sliding tackle. And I'm sure I only pressed tackle once. Luckily this happens very rarely though. Also cursor changing in a middle of the feints indeed happen, which is confusing.

We haven't been able to verify yet a bug which was in PES 2010 that if you crossed to a box where other player had control of the player, the cross would either never come to the target player or the target player was switched off control from the player when other crossed. Same in defensive situations.
