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Anyone tested 2010 online??


Registered User
Any of you guys been online yet with the new release of PES2010.

Need to know if there is any lag and what options there are online. Ie; 1v1 - 2v2 ??
5min - 10min - 15min???

Appreciated thanks.


Registered User
Well as far as I concerned , I don't think anyone as up to now can play online since the server probably doesn't open until the releasing date.

We all just have to wait .

I afraid for my P.C version which come next week will not work since I am living in U.S. , and I am not sure it has the screen say that

" Unable to transmit using UDP 5730"


Registered User
Is this necessarily to buy original version in order to play online for this game ?

I did buy my P.C Uk version , but I saw some of my friends download off the internet and play . I am not sure if they can play online version .

If so , that will unfair for people like us to Buy Original Version and play online , sometime we can't even play online with original version .

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
i am going to fire up an online game as soon as i get home which should be about 00:20 or so tomorrow i will play a few games and post up what i have found.


Registered User
i am going to fire up an online game as soon as i get home which should be about 00:20 or so tomorrow i will play a few games and post up what i have found.

Excellent dude.

Will you let me know the times aswell. 5-10-15 ??

So Pro They Go Whoa

Registered User
In regards to the beta online demo it was 95% lag free, and the lag I did see was so quick it didn't disrupt the game at all. And there was zero play/ball warping. :)

So Pro They Go Whoa

Registered User
In regards to the beta online demo it was 95% lag free, and the lag I did see was so quick it didn't disrupt the game at all. And there was zero player/ball warping. :)
