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Backside Lob


Registered User
Since i have been playing pro evo from 2 till 5 this is without doubt the best i have scored. Its special because i love loobing and this very good and the team i was playing as was Iran so they didnt have wery good players so it makes it even more special... I was playing v my bro when i socred this beuty..

Please comment aswell thx..


Registered User
Sorry for having no replies on this..different goal, lol
It was really nice and with great class!Even though Iran players are not that good.
Well done ;)


Registered User
Hasilegend, I'd love to see this goal of yours - could you possibly upload it to a different site? Such as or - if you could, that'd be great!


Registered User
Dude that was sweet. I have never seen anything like that. Were you trying to do that on purpose? If you were, then well done. But if you werent, heck... still well done. haha
