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BAL Personal Data Settings


Registered User
Hi, I'm having a problem with changing my control settings in my BAL game in progress. I changed the controls in Personal Data Settings at Home Menu but it didn't apply to my BAL game. Also, in BAL screen and during the live match I can't seem to find that option to change the controls as you could on the previous versions of PES. Can someone please help me with this? Thanks! :erm::)


Registered User
Hi Yoosto, welcome to the forums.

If you want to find the option to edit 'Player Data Settings' during a match, do this:

Pause-menu>>Select sides>>'x'(the blue button on XB controller)

Also, make sure the 'Player Data' file you're using is the same you edited and also choose the option 'save player data' when quitting that menu. :happy:

[Oh and this should be in the BAL sub-forum, mods...]


Registered User
Thank you for the welcome and thank you for the help. :) It never came to me to look at the side selector. And sorry, I realized too late that I should have posted in BAL subforum.
