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Battlefield: Bad Company 2


Woo Woo Woo
Single-player is very nice and quite impressive in places. Online obviously isn't as good, put still pretty great considering the size of the levels and the amount that goes on. I'd say it's on par with MW2, maybe even slightly better in places.


Registered User
Not touched single player on this yet, the multiplayer is just too damn good. Its soo much fun, especially when you have a decent team/squad that use team work to plant the bomb/do the objective.

I like to snipe which is alot of fun. Finding and creating sniping spots in buildings, launching mortar strikes on tanks :D

Theres a nice mix in this game, theres not really one class that is used alot more than others.

I also like being a medic when my team is attacking (i only really play Rush) and using a LMG and giving out health is surprisingly fun.

Also the maps are awsome. They're huge with all sorts of terrain. The ability to destroy entire buildings is great too.

I find the gameplay perfectly balanced between defending/attacking. Defending is easier to do but its really hard if the attacking team work as a proper team.

The game is awesome! :D.


Registered User
Thanks for keeping me alive yesterday Dan. When you revived me, that was the first time i'd seen that, was quite impressed.

When I asked you how to give the med packs out, it was because some guy on our team was bothering me at one point because he really needed health but I didnt know how to give it to him. I found out afterwards that I needed to unlock it, which I have now.

Good game so far, quite enjoying it. Not entirely happy with the maps, I feel BFBC1 maps were better. But I am starting to enjoy them more.


Super Moderator
The story is gash, but the environments are quite nice and varied. Ending is hilarious.

I've had about 7 games online so far, and my team has lost every single one. Being annihilated by tanks and choppers is no fun.


Registered User
Ive had this game for about 5 days now and im finding the maps are shit. The only map i like, and really the only map i play is Arica Harbour. I love this map for some reason, its got alot of variety between towns and a harbour, open spaces its got everything.

When both teams are good teams that work as a team you can have a seriously awesome match. If your in a decent squad that works as a team it is also alot of fun.

I love being the Medic class, You can get kills from all sorts of distances with the MG. You can get a hell of a lot of points from healing team mates, especially when defending. I just generally keep putting medic packs behind players that are all bunched up in the same building and then just run round like a made man with the defibrillator out healing people as i go lol. Its funny when an enemy runs round the corner and you defib him in the face.

Recon class is my second favourite class to play, but i generally dont play this class because too many people use it and therefore your team becomes stupidly unbalanced. An example is when your attacking, everyone sits round camping in the hills etc and no one attempts to blow up the objective.

I only really play Rush on the Arica Harbour, its the only map i really like but it is a good map. I prefer defending to attacking but attacking is fun if your team works as a team. Its a shame none of my mates have/are willing to get this game as it has potential to be alot more fun.

I never played BFBC1 so the whole blowing holes in buildings really adds to this game. Nothings worse than when your defending the objective in a building when suddenly an RPG hits the wall and it obliterates in front of you leaving with no cover to protect the objective.

If only this game had a better map selection it could of been brilliant, its been the only game in my 360 for the last 5 days.

The reason i like this game is probably because i have been a big fan of Battlefield games, Me and a mate played BF 1942 and BF Vietnam to death when i was younger.


Super Moderator
Teammates are feckin' useless on Rush. Instead of defusing the bombs they decide to idly watch from afar, or worse; 4 of them cramp around the bomb and still do absolutely nothing.

Those who think it's better than Modern Warfare 2 are just kidding themselves.


Woo Woo Woo
You say you traded it in after two days? That isn't even long enough to get to a decent rank. You should have just tried the demo if you weren't going to bother giving it a chance.

CoD is just awful. It's got more kids than Halo, more grenade spam and n00b-tubing than any game in existence and every game is just players trying to get the best kill-streak. I suppose if you're competitive and hammer the game everyday, that's ideal. For everyone else it's just a gigantic unfriendly clusterfuck. CoD2 was the best CoD. No lame perks or streaks, everyone had the same weapons to chose from and community was the best I've experienced.


Registered User
You say you traded it in after two days? That isn't even long enough to get to a decent rank. You should have just tried the demo if you weren't going to bother giving it a chance.

CoD is just awful. It's got more kids than Halo, more grenade spam and n00b-tubing than any game in existence and every game is just players trying to get the best kill-streak. I suppose if you're competitive and hammer the game everyday, that's ideal. For everyone else it's just a gigantic unfriendly clusterfuck. CoD2 was the best CoD. No lame perks or streaks, everyone had the same weapons to chose from and community was the best I've experienced.

I play games to enjoy them and Battlefield wasnt very enjoyable. I suppose if I didnt play Call of Duty before I might like Battlefield but the latter falls way short of being better, or even on par with Modern Warfare.

We all know the noob-tubbers are bastards, and Ive always said about them perks, how I prefer the old set up, but lets be honest here, realistic... Modern Warfare is not awful, its the best FPS out there and Battlefield doesnt come close, in my opinion of course.


Woo Woo Woo
I'll let you off seeing as it's you Charles, but MW is too broken for me to find enjoyable. Maybe if I was any good at it things would be different. :shfty:


Registered User
This game simply appeals to my sniping/blowing-shit-up tendencies. I've always loved sniping in games, but the sheer scale of the levels, and the detail to sniping is easily enough for me to fall in love with it.

That said, I was quite annoyed yesterday as I was basically arming crates all by myself, in a team of 8, 7 were recon, and doing a bad job at it. That said, I was able to use them as a distraction and sneak into the enemy base, but when it counted (the last crate), they didn't perform. Didn't help. And didn't seem to posess a brain cell between them. The crate needed to be armed, and I was the only one making en effort... I finally armed it, and you'd think 7 snipers all looking at an enemy base would be able to kill any defenders going for a disarm... Well I was wrong.

the game is awesome, but I can't wait until some of the more k/d ratio bummers get bored and leave the game to the guys who want to play as a team.

I remember in BC1 after the initial rush was over, you could join a game with virtually anyone, and it'd be a team effort to simply win the game, and not to see who can get the most kills,


Registered User
If your after a game purely for Teamwork why not try MAG? not having a dig it's just a suggestion dude. I hear decent things about it


Registered User
If I'm not mistaken, it's PS3 only? Xbox'er here :(

Annnnddddddd... It's not so much full on teamwork, but it'd just be nice if people made an effort so it didn't feel like a one man army so much.

That said, the amount of teamworkless noobs seemed to die down towards the couple of months after BC1's release, and the game became a tad more enjoyable aside from the rare sniper hating extremists that'd join your squad and team kill you until the game was over or until you left.


Registered User
If I'm not mistaken, it's PS3 only? Xbox'er here :(

Annnnddddddd... It's not so much full on teamwork, but it'd just be nice if people made an effort so it didn't feel like a one man army so much.

That said, the amount of teamworkless noobs seemed to die down towards the couple of months after BC1's release, and the game became a tad more enjoyable aside from the rare sniper hating extremists that'd join your squad and team kill you until the game was over or until you left.

Ah cool dude, yeah i know what you mean. I'm getting full on pissed off with COD players like that and might buy this next week


Registered User
So i bought this game and it is pretty decent, ranks are taking there time but i'm getting there unlocking some cool guns. Hopefully a map pack will come out in a few months for more to do destroying buildings is minted. Good game and atleast you won't get killed and think you shot him first kind of shit.


Registered User
If you can buy it preowned do it i had money to burn so i wasn't fussed about price. Campaign well i didn't give it a chance. Online is very good though, might take a little while to get into it but you really do feel like your on par with everyone else no perks, it's really good. I've really just been going on Assault guys got some guns on that now hitting the Engineer unlocked the gun that lets you fix up vehicles. You do feel good when you win, it's an actual achievement, you do kind of have to work as a team and joining squads helps a shit lot.


Registered User
this game is driving me insane

i bought it just for online and i cant connect to the shitty EA servers.typical EA i had the same problem with fight night and its only EA games.COD MW2 always runs smoothly online.

when i press join game.the box come ups and it says

SEARCHING FOR GAME then it moves onto JOINING GAME then it says after a while.Unable to connect to Game servers.Check your network connection

What a joke.can anyone help


If you can buy it preowned do it i had money to burn so i wasn't fussed about price. Campaign well i didn't give it a chance. Online is very good though, might take a little while to get into it but you really do feel like your on par with everyone else no perks, it's really good. I've really just been going on Assault guys got some guns on that now hitting the Engineer unlocked the gun that lets you fix up vehicles. You do feel good when you win, it's an actual achievement, you do kind of have to work as a team and joining squads helps a shit lot.

yeah, i'm interested on online.

is it like mw2 everyone for them selfs?

or more team based?


Registered User
yeah, i'm interested on online.

is it like mw2 everyone for them selfs?

or more team based?

Definately more team based dude.

The game has two modes which one is Rush - You have your map your either attacking or defending. Say your defending the attackers come and try and destroy bombs A and B once the do both you drop back and defend another two bombs then drop back if they blow them up i think 8 or 10 bombs per map. If you get into a squad it helps alot you can respawn in decent positions.

Conquest - Is basically capture the flag all 5 flags start of neutral and you have to gain and stay in control of the flags.

You get these two modes in Hardcore version too. There isn't any team or death matches in this game so players really do play this to win. Not for self glorifying.

Molonono1 I have this for PS3 and have never once had a problem connecting to a game, i always join in with ease except once when i was joining with a mate it was a full server though so i tried a few times till someone left. Then it was awesome.
