Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
Those who think it's better than Modern Warfare 2 are just kidding themselves.
You say you traded it in after two days? That isn't even long enough to get to a decent rank. You should have just tried the demo if you weren't going to bother giving it a chance.
CoD is just awful. It's got more kids than Halo, more grenade spam and n00b-tubing than any game in existence and every game is just players trying to get the best kill-streak. I suppose if you're competitive and hammer the game everyday, that's ideal. For everyone else it's just a gigantic unfriendly clusterfuck. CoD2 was the best CoD. No lame perks or streaks, everyone had the same weapons to chose from and community was the best I've experienced.
If I'm not mistaken, it's PS3 only? Xbox'er here
Annnnddddddd... It's not so much full on teamwork, but it'd just be nice if people made an effort so it didn't feel like a one man army so much.
That said, the amount of teamworkless noobs seemed to die down towards the couple of months after BC1's release, and the game became a tad more enjoyable aside from the rare sniper hating extremists that'd join your squad and team kill you until the game was over or until you left.
If you can buy it preowned do it i had money to burn so i wasn't fussed about price. Campaign well i didn't give it a chance. Online is very good though, might take a little while to get into it but you really do feel like your on par with everyone else no perks, it's really good. I've really just been going on Assault guys got some guns on that now hitting the Engineer unlocked the gun that lets you fix up vehicles. You do feel good when you win, it's an actual achievement, you do kind of have to work as a team and joining squads helps a shit lot.
yeah, i'm interested on online.
is it like mw2 everyone for them selfs?
or more team based?