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Become A Legend FAQ's


Registered User
I'll tell u guys what I know about Mentality.

I've been playing PES since Winning Eleven 6, like a religion XD.

And since i love simulations, i usually had teams square off against each other.

Now im pretty sure that in PES/WE it states that the higher the Mentality rating, the better the player plays if the team is losing or in a bind. And i must admit it is true.

It's amazing that ever since i started playing this game series, no one knew what Mentality was for :S

So ill let u guys know... Mentality works best if you assign a player with a high Mentality as Team Captain. That way your whole team is affected by that players mentality. I've done it many times and can say it works approx. 3/4 times.


Registered User
I'll tell u guys what I know about Mentality.

I've been playing PES since Winning Eleven 6, like a religion XD.

And since i love simulations, i usually had teams square off against each other.

Now im pretty sure that in PES/WE it states that the higher the Mentality rating, the better the player plays if the team is losing or in a bind. And i must admit it is true.

It's amazing that ever since i started playing this game series, no one knew what Mentality was for :S

So ill let u guys know... Mentality works best if you assign a player with a high Mentality as Team Captain. That way your whole team is affected by that players mentality. I've done it many times and can say it works approx. 3/4 times.

Cheers for this. Must try it out. :)


Registered User
I've posted this in another topic, and I'll do the same here...

Just thought I'd share a trick that works because I've tested it myself is... Some might know about this, but others wont.

Go into the edit mode (this is not a cheat BTW!) then select the team that you would like to settle at and change their formation. If you want to play as a WF then make sure the formation you make has a WF position, same goes with other positions...

I know this works because I edited the England and Liverpool formation to save me doing it online, then when I looked, the AI use it! They might change the formation at different times in a match, but they always start with the same formation.

I think there's only one problem with this though... You might have to restart the BAL for the formation to take effect. I edited mine before I started BAL.


Registered User
You can only improve the stats you have control over. Agility is not one of them. I personally think its all down to your player when he's created. Look at Carew compared to Owen...

- Carew is massive, so he will be slow but strong.

- Owen is tiny, so he will be quick and weak.

I think most people try and make their player taller than Crouchie and stronger than Adriano. So maybe agility plays a factor when you create your player? Remember this is just my theory, it hasn't been testing, its just common sense... :)

This isn't common sense... It's not difficult to think of tall, fast, strong, agile athletes. Usain Bolt, for example?


Registered User
Runners pride themselves on how agile they are, they don't need to be big and strong. I was just comparing to "football" players, not the world :)

BTW, it is common sense :) You will hardly any football players that are tall, strong and move like Messi... There may be some, but not many.


Registered User
Maybe, but not he's only position. If anything I say they he can play SMF, WF and SS. Don't quote me because I don't play with Barcelona and never will :)


Registered User
I'll tell u guys what I know about Mentality.

I've been playing PES since Winning Eleven 6, like a religion XD.

And since i love simulations, i usually had teams square off against each other.

Now im pretty sure that in PES/WE it states that the higher the Mentality rating, the better the player plays if the team is losing or in a bind. And i must admit it is true.

It's amazing that ever since i started playing this game series, no one knew what Mentality was for :S

So ill let u guys know... Mentality works best if you assign a player with a high Mentality as Team Captain. That way your whole team is affected by that players mentality. I've done it many times and can say it works approx. 3/4 times.

Yeah, Whenever I've chosen a captain I always compare stats for Mentality, Teamwork & Condition

Dale C.

Registered User
I'd like to contribute...
I created several players in BAL and so far it seems you can't have a player have Agility, Mentality and Aggression at or over 80.

Now on agility; One was a SS and had 72 agility (which sucks).
Another was an AMF and had 75 agility and another AMF had 78 agility.

Another guy i created was a WF and his agility went way up to 86, which is pretty good.

So far it seems that WF's are the best position to be so that u can get good agility.

Also, I know now that all BAL players have the same learning curve. Which also sucks. I might add more data later on.

Im a centre forward and i had 84 for agression (because i like to get forward a lot)
and 83 for mentality ( becuase i played consistently god throughout the training match)

but the agility thing MUST depend on position you play

anyone got any special abilities yet???


Registered User
Runners pride themselves on how agile they are, they don't need to be big and strong. I was just comparing to "football" players, not the world :)

BTW, it is common sense :) You will hardly any football players that are tall, strong and move like Messi... There may be some, but not many.

After retrying the scout match countless times and finally gave up, i got 195 cm 80 kg BAL player with 88 agility... wakakak


Registered User
I have a question about stamina:

Does stamina goes down the same way in a guy that has 99 speed and 99 accel, that it does in a guy that has 50 speed and 50 accel?

Assuming both guys have the same stamina stat.


Registered User
Just like WF's will start with a better agile attribute, I think DMF/CMF/AMF will start with the better stamina attribute.

I don't think the speed attribute makes a difference with stamina. But that's just my view :)


Registered User
Just like WF's will start with a better agile attribute, I think DMF/CMF/AMF will start with the better stamina attribute.

I don't think the speed attribute makes a difference with stamina. But that's just my view :)

My question was because when you run stamina burns faster (obviously), I wondered if running with a faster guy would burn more stamina, as it does in real life...


Registered User
I shouldn't think so. Whether you have 50 speed or 99 speed it shouldn't make any difference. If your getting tired allot, only use the sprint button when your either on the ball running into space, or on the counter attack. Don't use it to track back or your player will die and get subbed off.


Registered User
Runners pride themselves on how agile they are, they don't need to be big and strong. I was just comparing to "football" players, not the world :)

BTW, it is common sense :) You will hardly any football players that are tall, strong and move like Messi... There may be some, but not many.

When you say "runners", I assume you mean "sprinters". The physiology, anthopometry and somatotype of a sprinter is quite different to an endurance athlete - a 10km or marathon runner, for example.

I agree runners do not need to be big - Bolt breaks the mold in this regard. Not many sprinters are 6'5". But my point is that just because someone is big, doesn't mean they are slow. Just because someone is small, does not mean they are quick. And someone can be agile (or not) regardless of body shape/size.

And agility IS trainable (I mean in real life - I don't have PES 2009 yet).

And no, you won't find many players who are tall, strong, and move like Messi. You won't find many who simply move like Messi, so of course looking for someone with his qualities and certain physical characteristics as well is going to be difficult.


Registered User
I know agility is trainable as I was a goalkeeper. I was making examples. As for moving like Messi... Did I say dribble like Messi? Did I say runs like Messi? No. So twisting it into something it ain't makes no sense. Its a proven FACT the lighter you are, the more agile you can be. Basically what your trying to say is, some as big as say... Rick Wallar can be trained to move as fast as Owen? No, not possible.

As for the "runners", I couldn't really care what they are... I used the term "runners" to save myself typing an essay, an essay that you have done for me, so thank you for that :)

I'm not going to get into a debate with how agile people are, as they we're given as examples. It also clearly shows these examples are how Konami see things. Look at the bigger players compared to the smaller plays... (IN PES not real life)


Registered User
Maybe, but not he's only position. If anything I say they he can play SMF, WF and SS. Don't quote me because I don't play with Barcelona and never will :)

I used Barca to win the CL and he plays right wing for them in the default formation.


Registered User
I know agility is trainable as I was a goalkeeper. I was making examples. As for moving like Messi... Did I say dribble like Messi? Did I say runs like Messi? No. So twisting it into something it ain't makes no sense. Its a proven FACT the lighter you are, the more agile you can be. Basically what your trying to say is, some as big as say... Rick Wallar can be trained to move as fast as Owen? No, not possible.

As for the "runners", I couldn't really care what they are... I used the term "runners" to save myself typing an essay, an essay that you have done for me, so thank you for that :)

I'm not going to get into a debate with how agile people are, as they we're given as examples. It also clearly shows these examples are how Konami see things. Look at the bigger players compared to the smaller plays... (IN PES not real life)

That's all fair. Sorry if I pissed you off. I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with you, Gaffa, I've read many of your posts and you make clear, helpful, well thought-out comments and replies to peoples posts.

And the effort that you go to to test and understand the game, and then the steps you take to share your knowledge are commendable. You deserve respect for the contribution you make to the forum, and I have not shown that to you.

I get a bit irritable in October every year, in the few weeks before PES is released. As I said before, I don't have the game yet, as I am a PS2 owner. My apologies again for being a pedant.

The game is never going to be ultra-realistic, especially in the way that it represents and develops player stats. So it was perhaps a completely irrelevant issue in the first place anyway.
