Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
there is any advantage in puting C on injury ??
like more starting stats?
Just thought i'd tell you lot about my BAL as i'd like to hear what you think of my stats so far- Im 19 play for Porto, 188 cm 70 kg CMF/AMF*/SS/
only scored about 9 goals in my 3 seasons and 1 assist, which is a bit crap. It is on top player tho.
Attack 76
defence 53
balance 72
stamina 80
top speed 80
acceleration 78
response 68
agility 80
d acc 72
d sp 81
sp acc 71
sp spe 71
lp acc 69
lp spe 69
shot acc 69
shot power 71
shot tech 67
fk 66
swerve 64
header 66
jump 69
technique 69
aggression 83
mentality 79
Do you always have to "make the bench" when you transfer to a new club? Do you eventually get to a point where you can immediately start either on the bench or in the starting 11 after a transfer?
I have read some where that in ps2 as in other consoles you can play with your national team in the Become a Leyend mode. My question is "How to get to the National Team in Become a Leyend?" because i have play like 3 seasons and i havent been called up and i have won in all seasons best goal scorrer , MVP team won league , team won cups , and they havent call me up...please does some one know how many time you have to wait or even some how to get there , or if just that you cant play with your national team.
Im currently on my 3rd season of BAL and doing quite well, however I have noticed that there isn't a Spanish league in my BAL, is this normal? I would really like to transfer to Barcelona or similar.
For info my player is English, I have an English league, French, Italian and a Dutch (?) league.
Do you have to be a certain nationality to get different leagues?
No, whatever you have now unfortunately you are stuck with as the only opportunity to change which teams are in your BAL is right after you create your character. The game only offers you a chance to change the teams in the 4 randomly selected leagues just before you advance to the scout game.