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Become A Legend FAQ's


Registered User
That's really simple. :)

Q. How do I choose my shirt number?

A. Depending on what platform you have PES for, when you look at the contract offers, you press the X(blue button) for the xbox, the Square button for PS2/3 or whatever mapping you have set the X(blue button) button for on PC. This allows you to select your shirt number :)

Yeh, but still some people didn't notice it.

Is this gonna be made a sticky or what??


Registered User
I got a question for you guys:

Now some of you have seen that if you are registered in the AMF, for example, you can eventually get the SS and maybe the CF positions "unlocked" for your player to play in.

But if you choose DMF (i think you can do this at the beginning, not sure), can you eventually go to the opposite side of the field, as in, LB, CB, CBW or *gasp* the Goalie? (man i really wanted to play as a goalie in this mode :().


Registered User
I got a question for you guys:

Now some of you have seen that if you are registered in the AMF, for example, you can eventually get the SS and maybe the CF positions "unlocked" for your player to play in.

But if you choose DMF (i think you can do this at the beginning, not sure), can you eventually go to the opposite side of the field, as in, LB, CB, CBW or *gasp* the Goalie? (man i really wanted to play as a goalie in this mode :().

I don't think you can become goalie :) they wouldn't of added controls for you to be the goalie. As for the other defensive roles one guy posted he manged to be left back in training, but I'm not sure if you can become CB.


Registered User
I'd also like to add (maybe this has been posted already)....

It seems that the strength exp points are not only gained in training matches but also regular matches, and I'm guessing that the match exp points are gained in direct proportion to the "popularity" of a certain opposing team or level of significance of a match.


Registered User
Why would it not be possible to be the goalie?
In past iterations, you could be if you wanted to, and if you did the goalie only had to be moved to the right positions so he can block a shot. His stretching and other moves were automated (so all those special moves a golie does were done by the cpu).


Registered User
Why would it not be possible to be the goalie?
In past iterations, you could be if you wanted to, and if you did the goalie only had to be moved to the right positions so he can block a shot. His stretching and other moves were automated (so all those special moves a golie does were done by the cpu).

Well one of the main reasons you can't become goalie is because Konami said that in BAL mode you can only be in positions that are midfield or striker.


Registered User
You would never be able to be a keeper anyway, the only way to acquire new positions is to be played there and they're not gonna constantly play you in goals now are they?


Registered User
Where's this?

Page 5 in this topic and its the 6th and 7th post on that page :)

I got a question for you guys:

Now some of you have seen that if you are registered in the AMF, for example, you can eventually get the SS and maybe the CF positions "unlocked" for your player to play in.

But if you choose DMF (i think you can do this at the beginning, not sure), can you eventually go to the opposite side of the field, as in, LB, CB, CBW or *gasp* the Goalie? (man i really wanted to play as a goalie in this mode :().

When creating your player, you CAN choose the WB position. :) As for CB, the only way you could possibly find this out is if you choose WB as your position. That's WB not WF. :)

I haven't tried this, but I'm sure it will work... When you play legends online, the host sets the formation and puts all the players wherever... So maybe he can play you CB or even GK?? As I said though, not sure if it will work. As for GK in BAL offline, I doubt that would be possible... Would be nice. :)

I'd also like to add (maybe this has been posted already)....

It seems that the strength exp points are not only gained in training matches but also regular matches, and I'm guessing that the match exp points are gained in direct proportion to the "popularity" of a certain opposing team or level of significance of a match.

Yup its in the list of questions :)

Strength exp points are gained when you play training matches, normal matches and when you skip matches... ONLY match exp points are gained when playing matches, if you skip matches you won't get any. :)


Registered User
My question/point about the 4 leagues was not "who is in" rather it was "who was left out". There are more than 4 leagues in the game, and a full league for editing and yet BAL/ML is STILL limited to 4 leagues and has been (in ML case) for several years now.

When playing in ML/BAL it should closely resemble the real Champions League and European major leagues. That means at least 6 leagues with 20 teams per league. And possibly a 7th "random" league with the "other leagues" teams.

Its not about adding in teams instead of others, its about getting ALL the teams in the game in the BAL/ML game modes playing against one another for an authentic experience.

And my point about the free-kicks was not to "get involved". You are physically incapable of moving any closer than the regulation distance from the free-kick taker. This means you can not move past them in to an area you may wish to. Many times a free kick has been given and I am not able to move around in the box/at the edge due to the free-kick being far to close. So I am limited in movement for no reason other than an obvious coding failure. A player in the same team should not be blocked from getting close to a free-kick taker period.

Oh and I only ever play on Top Player (formerly known as 5 star) as I have played every PES/ISS since the very first game :D .


Registered User
Little misunderstanding on the first part then :)

I think the freekicks might be down to AI on the same team. Meaning they will run within the 10yards and maybe some times block the freekick taker? Although I remember being able to go inside with PES6?


Registered User
I think someone a while back said 8 or 9, whether or not there's any truth in this I have no idea... Others have also said they get the ability from just playing and it comes automatically...


Registered User
It really do come automatically, but sometimes there're some special skill that i want to get but dunno how to get it. The only thing i know that is gettable is dribbling and tactical dribble --> just keep dribbling A LOT. I want to get 1-on-1 and outside of the boot.

Is there a complete guide to get every special skills?


Registered User
ok guys im translating a spanish pdf based on the pes 2009 guide, just the special abliities part n_n, will post in a couple of mins.


Registered User
Does anyone have any ideas to keep your stamina up, apart from the obvious "dont sprint"? Im playing CM and Ive got 90 stamina now, but I still find it hard to play a full match - even when Im hardly using sprint at all. As CM Im obviously running a lot back and forth, but Id expect to be able to use sprint at least once in a while - and obviously, its kinda hard to get a good score when you can only run around at grandpa speed.

So anyway, give me your ideas. :) Are any other stats affecting your ability to run longer?


Registered User

edit: I was gonna make a new thread but opted to post this here since its a faq on BAL.
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