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Best OF with PL kits?


Registered User
Is ArsenalD OF the best when it comes to english kits? I can do the transfers myself - just want good kits.



Registered User
according to feedback ive had, they are. but they are all good everyones done a top job.....
my file was originally for pl to edit themselves of they want to.

ive had OF before, 3 months down the line ive noticed theyve played with the stats not happy.. so i ilke doing my own work


Registered User
basically everyone has used arsenald's sponsors just some how he got bolton to look awesome and no one else can haha


Registered User
they are the best about at the min liams new option file looks good but would wait till later this week for his update with the tweaks


Registered User
ingie youve cracked the bolton kit excellent well done...i think its time i hanged up my editing boots, i think ive done enough for the editing community for one year now lol....
my OF cant compete in terms of transfers and teams etc wit hal these others:(
