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Big V wants solution


Registered User
:w00t been a while people.

So yeh, havn't played PES for a bit now, missed out on last one as I disliked the demo so much, when I've been gaming I've just stuck to Halo 3 and Battlefield Bad Company.

But yeah, I'm going to pick up PES 09 tomorrow after playing some of it in HMV the other day, now I hear that the Option Files are stricter, so how exactly would I go about getting my teams all updated and stuff?

Which version would be easier as well? XBOX 360 or Puss3? I've read some tutorials about the Puss3, I just need to save the file on a USB stick or something.

But yeh, basically, will there be an option file made available to me like in the good old days or will I have to download a PDF with info on how I change them myself? :eek:hmy:

Where's the sexy woman thread? :unsure:


Mr Lover Man
No, I'm not The Mig. I use to be latinomig

Yeah transferring option files is easy, just download it off the net then stick it in a file called PS3 then put that on a pen drive or what ever you want to transfer it to your PS3.
