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[BLES01408] DFL OptionFile 2012 1./2.Bundesliga|Transfers|HQ-Kits|Nationals


Registered User
Jon Murphy
Noticed some confusion on forums about option files. This year you just copy one folder, not loads of individual files
14 Sep via Twitter for iPhone"

Anyone knows how is that possible?

This is true ? If is, how can we do ?


Registered User
XD Nem mais!

Because of stat changes?

because of a number of things. I know I'm a bit picky, it's just my opinion.

1) the badges for all the teams aren't in order..
2) the Swansea logo sucks.. there's a better one with a white circle.
3) the players in the squads created for the Bundesliga teams aren't in order. the first 11 should be the starting eleven, then you should have 12 other players that are the ones staying on the bench, and the following one were the ones that weren't called up for even that. I don't like seeing 3 GK in the first 3 spots for instance.
4) the D2 League should be empty, and since I want it to have default teams so the Master League doesn't seem weird if I decide to start with a portuguese, spanish or english team, it's hard to default all the players because the squads become incomplete.
5) the stats for ingame players should not be messed with.
6) some of the stadiums created need some stadium features to be unlocked or else they look like crap.
7) the Partizan team created deos not have the right badge
8) there is a default team in the Other Teams A that should be real. just leaving it there like it is is just weird..


Registered User
because of a number of things. I know I'm a bit picky, it's just my opinion.

1) the badges for all the teams aren't in order..
2) the Swansea logo sucks.. there's a better one with a white circle.
3) the players in the squads created for the Bundesliga teams aren't in order. the first 11 should be the starting eleven, then you should have 12 other players that are the ones staying on the bench, and the following one were the ones that weren't called up for even that. I don't like seeing 3 GK in the first 3 spots for instance.
4) the D2 League should be empty, and since I want it to have default teams so the Master League doesn't seem weird if I decide to start with a portuguese, spanish or english team, it's hard to default all the players because the squads become incomplete.
5) the stats for ingame players should not be messed with.
6) some of the stadiums created need some stadium features to be unlocked or else they look like crap.
7) the Partizan team created deos not have the right badge
8) there is a default team in the Other Teams A that should be real. just leaving it there like it is is just weird..

You noticed he released the OF a few days after the release of the game? And you also noticed its a DFL-OF so it's normal D2 League is the 2nd Bundesliga.

But I got a hint for you: Search another OF if you don't like it.

You seem like a typical german picking out only a few small things to make a big thing bad. :realmad:


Registered User
because of a number of things. I know I'm a bit picky, it's just my opinion.

1) the badges for all the teams aren't in order..
2) the Swansea logo sucks.. there's a better one with a white circle.
3) the players in the squads created for the Bundesliga teams aren't in order. the first 11 should be the starting eleven, then you should have 12 other players that are the ones staying on the bench, and the following one were the ones that weren't called up for even that. I don't like seeing 3 GK in the first 3 spots for instance.
4) the D2 League should be empty, and since I want it to have default teams so the Master League doesn't seem weird if I decide to start with a portuguese, spanish or english team, it's hard to default all the players because the squads become incomplete.
5) the stats for ingame players should not be messed with.
6) some of the stadiums created need some stadium features to be unlocked or else they look like crap.
7) the Partizan team created deos not have the right badge
8) there is a default team in the Other Teams A that should be real. just leaving it there like it is is just weird..

dont be a dick,be greatful someone is taking the time out of there busy real lives to do this file for nothing,do you know how hard it is to make a file???


Registered User
hey I have pes 2012 eu versıon bles-01407 and I could not fınd for eu-01407 versıon of the patch and for ıt ı tried patch versıon eu-01408 doesnt work and us versıon doesnt work 2! I tried many pacth but doesnt work! wtf! how can ı get patch for versıon eu-01407?


Registered User
Well my english is not really good enough for a discussion.

I said that i would help him (if he likes) with the EPL Kits, just the graphic stuff.

If someone needs chants, i can upload my collection but i only have good epl chants.

And then i asked for npower instead of second Bundesliga but i think that would be to much work and maybe i'm the only one who wants it.

edit: thanks for translating...... 5 chants for every team, yeah thats no prob, the only team i have nothing YET is qeens park, i think sunday i can give you all of them.

Hi mate, I would absolutely love your EPL chants if you are happy to share them :)


Registered User
Nach meinem Dafürhalten hat Cristiano eine sehr starke Arbeit abgeliefert...und dies vor allem unter Berücksichtigung des kleinen Zeitfensters.


New Member
I have pes 2012 eu versıon bles-01408 but it not have Menus & Commentaries(dt00_e and dt05_e) English , I can download it . Where ? Sorry english bad


Registered User
seems that you´ve an iso of pes. it will not work if you add the files manually. if you´ve the normal disc, all commentaries and files are present.


Registered User
Hallo Cristiano,

erst Mal vielen Dank für die schnelle OF. Natürlich ist das noch nicht alles perfekt, aber das ist ja auch nicht der Anspruch für eine erste Version, sondern für eine letzte Version. Ich freue mich schon auf deine abschließende OF. Daher sieh bitte Folgendes nur als Bitte oder Verbesserungsvorschlag an.

1. In der 2. Bundesliga ist Osnabrück (3. Liga) editiert und Eintracht Braunschweig fehlt.

2. Ich würde mich auch über eine OF freuen in der die Stats nicht verändert wurden.

3. Ich würde mich auch über die drei fehlenden Mannschaften der CL (BATE,Plzen,APOEL) freuen. (Vllt. ja für die beiden Teams, die aus der PES League mit Bayern und Leverkusen getauscht wurden und noch einer Mannschaft)

Ansonsten freue ich mich auf die Faces, die Kits der Liga Zon Sagres und die restlichen Kits der 2. Bundesliga.
Hello Cristiano,

first of all many thanks for that fast OF. Of course not everything is perfect now, but that doesn´t have to be in a first Version instead of al last Version. I really looking forward to your last Version. Please understand the following words as advices:

1. There is Vfl Osnabrück (3. German Division) instead of Eintacht Braunschweig in the 2. Bundesliga.

2. I would prefer an OF without stats changing too.

3. I would be glad about the three missing CL-Teams (Bate,Plzen,Apoel)

Till than Ím looking forward to the faces, the kits of the liga zon sagres and to the rest of the kits for the 2. Bundesliga.


Registered User
i think it wil be updated with braunschweig. i´ll try to edit the 3 missing cl teams first. maybe starting this evening after work. of course it´s better with complete cl.

ich denke schon dass braunschweig noch eingefügt wird. ich werde aber erst die drei cl teams in absprache mit cristiano einfügen.


Registered User

alles heute Nacht kopiert. Nahezu perfekt das OF. Hamer was du für Arbeit leistest.

Meister Liga auch super mit den Originalnamen. Muss man sich vorher für 100 GP kaufendas man dann mit den Originalnamen spielen kann.

lg x-rayer


Registered User
Soweit ich das sehen konnte, ist die Zweite Liga noch nicht auf aktuellem Stand, da fehlt nicht nur Braunschweig, zB sind die Trikots der 60er nicht aktuell, der Kader auch total alt und teilweise falsch (Hesl als TW bei 1860?) - wird sicher gefixt ;-)


Registered User
DFL Option File 1.0 + Portuguese Emblems + Kits:

- Default faces to the guys that had facescans on DFL OF (Davids from classic nether, a guy from lille and a guy from Man Utd.).
- Updated Competition Logos (You had wrong logos)
- Removed 2.Bundesliga (it is now the Div2 Default with 18 default teams)
- Added HD Emblems to Portuguese League
- Portuguese League now has Real Kits

Here it is:


Hi man, maybe it is possible to export the six missing primeira liga teams for me? So i can work on stadiums...

This goes out to the people who have an problem with this optionfile:

Show a little more respect for the people that make optionfiles or something else! If u dont like the file go on and search 1 that u want!!!
A less of the people know how much time people spend the last years into the games to make such a file. I can say i spend the last 7 years more time into editing as in playing the game. Most time 100+ hours in the editor!!!

so plz everybody calm down!!!!

DeeJay Pelle and not pelel ;-)


Registered User
would be great if he can export and update the teams, so we can insert it and overwrite the default teams in the portugease league. are there any new stadiums yet ?=)


Registered User
would be great if he can export and update the teams, so we can insert it and overwrite the default teams in the portugease league. are there any new stadiums yet ?=)


I started 2 work on the mestalla ;-) Check out the stadium thread, i´ve posted minutes ago an small image update for stamford bridge ;-)

Yes it would be great if he can do it, for the first 6 teams i posted the update of the kits, now i need all teams from nacional to vitoria setubal

Edit: But we can also use his update but it will reset the 2 bundesliga on the file and then for the 2nd Bundesliga cristiano must export for each 2. bundesliga team an file


Registered User
sooo freunde der nacht! jetzt möchte ich mich doch auch einmal zu wort melden;

vorweg: brillianter OF wieder einmal! seitdem ich bei pes2011 auf deinen namen gestoßen bin und die dinge nichtmehr selber editiere, lieb ich es einfach nur! 2012 schließt da FAST makellos wieder an.

ein "paar" wenige kritikpunkte habe ich aber dennoch ( alle bezüglich der spielerstärken in der BuLi).

punkt 1: in der Bundesliga deines OF gibt es mit Benaglio, Wiese, Fährmann, Ter Stegen, Rensing, Sippel, Starke, Kraft, Zieler, Drobny, Baumann, Weidenfeller, Neuer, Adler und Leno GANZE 15 Torhüter mit einer Stärke von =/< 80. Ich weiss nicht, aber wenn nichtmals ein Szczesny von Arsenal eine stärke von 80 aufweist, dann sollten hier die Stärken noch einmal editiert werden! zum anderen ist z.B. ein Joe Hart ( seines Zeichens bzw. meiner Auffassung nach im Moment bester englischer und bester Torhüter der Premier League) mit 84 laut spielerstärke schlechter als ein Tim Wiese oder ein Roman Weidenfeller. Das passt einfach nicht. Ich kann mich erinnern, dass es damals eine eigene Fanpage gab, auf der Spielerstärken über einen längeren Zeitraum genau ermittelt wurden ( habe leider den Namen vergessen). Diese waren nicht nur "sehr realistisch", sondern auf nicht zu "OP" im Vergleich zu den von Konami gegebenen Werten.

Beispiel Mario Götze: Messi hatte, wenn ich mich recht erinnere, weder Bei EA noch bei PES mit 19 Jahren schon eine Stärke von 88. Entweder ist das ein gutes Zeichen für die Zukunft des deutschen Fussballs, oder ein Versäumniss von euch. Das ist nicht böse gemeint, aber ich denke, dass eine Erhöhung der Spielstärke von Konamis Wert von 77 ( oder was das in der Vanilla war) auf maximal 81 vollkommen ausgereicht hätte! Vergessen wir nicht, dass auch ein Schlaudraff mal total Overrated war, nur im später herauszufinden, dass er mehr oder weniger 75+ ist!

Vielleicht liegt es nur an mir und vielleicht habe ich auch ein wenig Kritik dafür verdient, allerdings denke ich, dass die deutschen Teams und hier MAXIMAL ( ohne FCB Fan zu sein) Bayern München von den Spielstärken her auf Augenhöhe mit der europäischen Elite sein sollte! Die Art und Weise, wie die Dortmunder Spielstärken (sogar zur letzten OF von 2011, die meines Wissens nach ja nach dem Wintertransferfenster 10/11 herauskam) total inflationär angestiegen sind, ist in meinen Augen nicht gerechtfertigt.

Und, um das noch einmal zu verdeutlichen nach all der Kritik: ICH FINDE DIESES OF TOTAL GEIL! Leider kommt es mir bloß so vor, dass die Spielstärken hier ein wenig Subjektiv editiert wurden, da ich einfahc der Auffassung bin, dass nicht jedes deutsche Team gleich mehrere über 80er als 19 oder 20 jährigen haben kann/darf! Das würde in einer 5 Jahre ML eine überdeutliche Herrschaft ehemaliger BuLiSpieler in den Ligen heraufbeschwören ( und das kann ich mir trotz der guten Jugendarbeit des DFB wirklich nicht vorstellen!

MfG, Alex


Hello, the english part will be a bit shortened so please excuse me!

Well im at all and after the first few hours of gamign of the opinion that this OF is as amazing as the elder ones were aswell! But, i do dislike the fact that the german goalkeepers ( and lots of our former youth squad players at the age of max. 20 ) are way too overpowered. It might be my own opinion and others may see this different, but i would not be able to handle a 5 year old ML file where 8 out of the 10 best players around the Leagues would be germans, just for the fact that they have been overrated.

I made a short comparisson for the German forum viewers regarding e.g. the stats of Szcesny from Arsenal and german GK's like e.g. Roman Weidenfeller ( due to the fact that the Bundesliga has 15 +80 GK's in this OF) or Mario Götze at the age of 19 compared to Lionel Messi.

In my eyes, they would do better decreasing the german league players power.

Still, this OF is really amazing and i will definately love to play with it ( same as C92's former OF's btw)!!!!! At all, im just not happy with the inflationary increasing power of the Bundesliga ( MY MIND!).

So, after this bit of criticism: Lovely HQ Emblems, lovely dresses, lovely real Player Names! KEEP THE GOOD WORK UP!

Best wishes, Alex
