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[BLES01408] DFL OptionFile 2012 1./2.Bundesliga|Transfers|HQ-Kits|Nationals


Registered User
kann einer mir erklären warum ich bei werde zur legende modus trotz guter leistung nur noch die spiele von der tribüne aus ansehen darf?liegt doch hoffe ich nicht am of, oder?


Registered User

hab die drei dateien aufn Stick kopiert, aber im spiele verzeichniss drück ich auf den stick und da steht nur informationen, leider nichts von alle anzeigen.
im foto verzeichniss finde ich alle.

hab ich was falsch gemacht?



Registered User
moin sevenup, die ordener müssen PS3 heißen. hatte zuerst auch das problem.und der usb-stecker muß fat32 format(oder so) haben.


Registered User
I really would like to upload an update, but the demand appears here and on Facebook to simply not be there. Therefore, there is no reason for it.

Du musst in den Trainingsspielen einfach dauerhaft gute Leistungen bringen, in der ersten Saison wirst du ohnehin sehr wenig zum Einsatz kommen, wo psielst du denn? (Position und Team)
Schau di rauch mal an wie dien Stand in der Positionsrangfolge ist.
Ausserdem ist deine Form (Pfeil) entscheidend ob du spielst.

Downloads from my Links:
17.069! Thank you!


Registered User
Do you really need everyone to demand an update? You know that everybody here (in this thread + facebook) is always looking for an update =)
Some authors even don't like constant demanding for updates...maybe that's why you don't get so many. Anyway, yes, update please ^^

17.000+ Downloads...enough indication that they'd all appreciate an update ^^


Registered User
DLF OptionFile Version 2.5 on Sunday!:
- More than 200 new Faces!
- New Created Players for example: Sternberg,Aycicek, Radlinger, Musona, Hildebrand, Thoelke...
- New Stats for Bundesliga Players (for example Pukki :) )
- New Nationalteam Trikots: Most are African (new Puma tyle kits) but also some american
- Jordan and Panama Kits!
and a lot mor fixes.

Please write me if you want a player or a kit to be changed (Stats, Faces or complete New!)


Registered User
Hi, Cristiano, when can you put your awesome 20 stadiums up for download?
Would like to import some stadiums from you...

Any time soon?


Registered User
general question

Hi there,

i joined the forum just a few minutes ago :happy: so: HELLO EVERYBODY!

I used Cristianos OF a few years ago, but this time I took a different one
*shame on me* :innocent:
Now i'm considering about changing again to Cristianos OF, so can somebody please give me a few informations about the state of development? Especially concerning the Bundesliga.
Which development-status have Stats/Tactic/Faces(/Stadiums)???
When i read the threads in this forum, i can see many activities concerning the bundesliga, but which of them are included in this OF?

Thanks a lot and looking forward to your new release!!!

Uwe Wöllner

Registered User
Hi Leute,

ich habe mir die erste OF Anfang Oktober gezogen. Wie funktioniert das jetzt, wenn ich die nächsten Versionen installieren möchte? Wieder alle Datein einzeln rüberkopieren?
Und wie komme ich an neue Stadien, Fangesänge und so?

Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe


Registered User
"newbie" or not, you could at least(!) read 1st post and few last pages. In fact, 1st post and the one right 2 post before yours give you all information you need


Registered User
"newbie" or not, you could at least(!) read 1st post and few last pages. In fact, 1st post and the one right 2 post before yours give you all information you need
Thank you so much for that!!! :mellow:
oooh yes i read the first post and i'm reading this thread since a couple of days but where can i see information about how much Bundesliga-Players (approximately) have already got a realistic ingame-face (ok 200 more will be added - very good :)) or which teams have their unique tactic settings. Where can i see that state of development?

And in terms of stadiums i'm not the only one who is asking:
Hi, Cristiano, when can you put your awesome 20 stadiums up for download?
Would like to import some stadiums from you...

If you are getting angry because of questions like: why does my OF installation quit at 96% i can understand that, because that can be read everywhere, i think. But read my questions an say me what they have to do with the posts you mentioned. I thought somebody could give a little more information than "new stats" and "200 new faces" or if the newe Version 2.5 contains new tactics settings for Bundesliga.

;) so thanx in advance :blush:


Registered User
I'm not angry...did it seem that way because I didn't post ";)" smiley? ^^
Well, you didn't ask for specifics like "how realistic are the faces", you just asked generally about development status. And that's clearly stated in 1st thread and last post by Christiano. "Stadiums" is the only information not stated, but nobody else knows it except asking "can somebody" won't help you there (didn't want to mention it, but you insisted on me reading your question carefully ;p).
Anyway, I thinkt that's not worth arguing about. If that made you angry, I'm sorry ;)


Registered User
Cristiano does this thing on his own, more or less... so he is the only one who can give you info about the "state of development", which he, sort of, does regularly.

As for what is in right now:
A general understanding of the editor is existent.
Players have ingame Editor Faces (no scanfaces), which makes them..... "recognizable". It's the maximum that can be squeezed out of the ingame editor.

Tactics have been announced for version 3. Right now they are pretty ok.

Stats are completely subjective anyway. I wont add to this quarrel.

If that is not enough info I can only recommend to try it out yourself.
You should create another User in your PS3 Menu for that purpose, so you can delete all the 600+ Files at once (by deleting the whole user), if it is not to your liking.
And please be aware of the BLES Version, this OF is for.


Registered User

thanks for your answer. My current OF uses scan-faces, some look very close to the real player, but most of them do not! Then I saw some awesome ingame-editor-faces (most impressing are the faces of spanish PrimeraDivision) and started thinking about using Cristianos OF again.

But perhaps I'll wait for Version 3 - when the new tactics are implemented.



Registered User
@ cristiano

ich war an 2ter stelle und hab auch gute leistung gebracht....und dann auf die tribüne. weiß jemand wo ich die gesichter von hansa herbekomme? hab keine lust die alle selbst zu machen :p


Registered User
DLF OptionFile Version 2.5 on Sunday!:
- More than 200 new Faces!
- New Created Players for example: Sternberg,Aycicek, Radlinger, Musona, Hildebrand, Thoelke...
- New Stats for Bundesliga Players (for example Pukki :) )
- New Nationalteam Trikots: Most are African (new Puma tyle kits) but also some american
- Jordan and Panama Kits!
and a lot mor fixes.

Please write me if you want a player or a kit to be changed (Stats, Faces or complete New!)
Hello cristiano92,

what´s about your update 2.5???


Registered User
Hallo, ich war schon länger nicht mehr hier. Kann mir einer sagen ob ich den dlc 1.00 runterladen kann? Also ein kumpel hat schon die version 1.02 und die passt nicht mit dem update. Ein link wäre super. Achja ist wieder nen suoer update !!!
