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[BLES01408] DFL OptionFile 2012 1./2.Bundesliga|Transfers|HQ-Kits|Nationals


Registered User
So how come that cedo can quote a post from only ONE PAGE back, containing what you were looking for?
Yet another perfect display of disrespect for guys who try to help.

Next time tell me that what i was looking for was one page back, and we could avoid this conversation. But no, you are just an idiot, and yet you tell me that i disrespect guys who try to help? Come on dude, shut your mouth.
And why the hell don't you talk english in this forum? it's better for all, i'm sure you guys understand it.

Thanks cedo for helping me!


Registered User
One more thing, yesterday i copied all the OF and i noticed that the created stadiums have errors. It appears red crosses for all the stadiums.

What's the problem?


Registered User
Next time tell me that what i was looking for was one page back, and we could avoid this conversation. But no, you are just an idiot, and yet you tell me that i disrespect guys who try to help? Come on dude, shut your mouth.
And why the hell don't you talk english in this forum? it's better for all, i'm sure you guys understand it.

Thanks cedo for helping me!

Wrong.... we wouldnt have this conversation, if you weren't too lazy to read this thread (at least page #1 + the last few pages) or do a search.
I am one of the few guys that speak comprehensible English when the situation requires it, like now.

And yes... popping in, reading nothing and demanding to get everything handed to you is disrespectful.

As for your stadium issue........that is actually something we discussed only in German. So here is some info:
This OF is missing the proper stadium import files. I dont know why Cristiano has not uploaded them. Maybe he will in his announced Update before the end of the year.
I recommend getting some other Stadium Pack.

@ Seaweed
Was hat dieser Thread mit der Serie B zu tun?
Ich bin sicher die Italienische Liga hat eine Homepage, wo es die Dinger gibt.


Registered User
As for your stadium issue........that is actually something we discussed only in German. So here is some info:
This OF is missing the proper stadium import files. I dont know why Cristiano has not uploaded them. Maybe he will in his announced Update before the end of the year.
I recommend getting some other Stadium Pack.

Could you recommend me a stadium pack or do i have to found it?


Registered User
Could you recommend me a stadium pack or do i have to found it?

I havent found anything worth using on this forum.

This thread here:

might be of some use. It at least contains some decent manuals and advice how to create some yourself. But it is pretty messed up, because several people offer stuff for different versions on different platforms (PC;PS3;...). Read it carefully.

I am not allowed to share the stadium pack I am using. If I was, I would have done it long ago. That is something this place is really missing.


Registered User
hab mal gerad bei facebook einige posts in dfl optionfile 2011 durchgelesen...viele haben dort die probleme mit den trikots in der 2.buli...also muss es an version 2 oder so liegen...erinner emich auch noch das es mal einer hier gepostethat,das die version 2 fehler hat...cris wollte es verbessern...hat er auch, nur hat er vergessen uns die richtigen trikots mit ins nächste update zu packen! im großen und gazen ist das of dieses jahr eine riesen enttäuschung..wie schon super-juhu sagte wurde der support komplett eingestellt! pes 2013 wird aus der UK bestellt damit man auch ein geiles of dafür hat...nie wieder dfl echt...euch allen frohe weihnachstage(die sie jetzt haben ^^) und nen guten rutsch! ;)

on facebook I read some posts by dfl OptionsFile in 2011 ... there are many problems with the jerseys in the 2.buli ... so it must be at version 2 or so ... I also remember the times it one has posted here that the version 2 fail ... cris has wanted to improve it ... he also has, but he has forgotten us the right to grab jerseys with the next update! by and large, the gauze of this year .. a huge disappointment as already said, the super-juhu support complete set! pes 2013 is ordered from the UK so it also has an awesome of it ... never again ...merry christmas to all of u!

p.s.sorry for the english, it's from google translator hehe just wanted to translate my post fast for the guys which don't speack german!


Registered User
hab mal gerad bei facebook einige posts in dfl optionfile 2011 durchgelesen...viele haben dort die probleme mit den trikots in der 2.buli...also muss es an version 2 oder so liegen...erinner emich auch noch das es mal einer hier gepostethat,das die version 2 fehler hat...cris wollte es verbessern...hat er auch, nur hat er vergessen uns die richtigen trikots mit ins nächste update zu packen! im großen und gazen ist das of dieses jahr eine riesen enttäuschung..wie schon super-juhu sagte wurde der support komplett eingestellt! pes 2013 wird aus der UK bestellt damit man auch ein geiles of dafür hat...nie wieder dfl echt...euch allen frohe weihnachstage(die sie jetzt haben ^^) und nen guten rutsch! ;)

Google translator sucks. So......:

I just read some posts on Facebook in DFL optionfile 2011. A lot of people are having trouble with the 2nd Bundesliga jerseys, which is caused by version 2. I remember someone also said here, that version 2 is flawed. Cris wanted to fix that, and he did, but forgot to integrate that into his update. All in all this years' OF is a huge disappointment.
Like Super-Juhu said, support has been completely stopped.
PES 2013 will be ordered from the UK, so that one will get an awesome OF for it. No more DFL, really.
Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new year.


Registered User
bei mir hats funktioniert und ich hab noch die 2.0

Warum sollte das auch nicht gehen?
Dass Gameplay Updates (1.02;1.03) keine Auswirkungen auf Edit Dateien haben, wurde hier schon mind. 10x gesagt.
Bei DLC mit Kaderupdates könnte es etwas ungemütlich werden. Aber auch da gibts schon Lösungen.


Registered User
DFL OptionFiles 2012 Version 2 Link is offline. Can you reupload it cristiano? Thanks!

greets eQual

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