Liverpool away kit is wrong isn't it? I think it is black
Yes it is black but that away kit is actually the third kit for this season so not much of a problem, and i prefer the one they put on the patch so i'm cool with that
Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 148, #166 Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 595-0884
Liverpool away kit is wrong isn't it? I think it is black
Sorry daimpa but I am bit lost... are you going to officiallly release all SERIE B teams or not? Got lost I guess with all the posts and some people making reference you would do the Bundesliga 2. instead. I am waiting the final and 3rd version of your OF so I can download it once and for all and put everything in its place... he he he. Keep up the great work! QUICK QUESTION: Do I need to download all 3 versions of your OF in the 3 links and the copy all files to my PS3... or are you going to insert the 3rd version of your OF as one final link and I should only use that one? Thanks.
Nice man! thanks alot for your work..still waiting for the 11th to have a full pes to play and your OF is the cherry on the top of the cake
Thank you mate![]()
just one question daimpa, when we install the Konami DLC the things from your of like national kits, EPL and Liga Zon Sagres kits will disappear or not?
Hi Daimpa, when you release your version tomorrow will you fix the Cote d'Ivoire kit (home kit is away kit IRL and vice-versa) and Liga Zon Sagres small errors in kits??
We've fixed some kits. Regarding Liga Zon Sagres we've a problem: we can't find many images.
We've also add kits to ALL classic national teams.
We should release the OF tonight. All things are ready, but one of our guys forgot to pass me one stadium :/
We've to wait him...
No, they don't disappear, the only thing that would disappear was, for instance, if you already had created a bundesliga, the kits would still be the same, the logos the same, only thing that would change is that the players would have their default names, abilities etc. at least that's what happened to me last year... sorry if it's too confusing but there's not really much to tell :happy:
ainda bem que és português man. então na terça se eu instalar o dlc as cenas do OF do daimpa como por exemplo os equipamentos das selecções e das equipas da EPL e da liga zon sagres, os nomes verdadeiros dos jogadores das selecções e os vários emblemas não vão desaparecer.
É que à aqui pessoal que pensa que ao fazermos o download do dlc e instalarmos, essas cenas vão voltar todas ao que estavam antes, não licenciadas.
XD, ya não há problema ficas com os equipamentos com os emblemas com tudo na mesma, a cena é que por exemplo se já tivesses a bundesliga e tinhas criado um gajo kualker tipo o raúl ou o jurado os gajos ficavam com akeles nomes todos marados e ficava tudo default, os stats... essas cenas todas, por ke qnd eles meterem o dlc vai fazer overwrite nisso mas nos kits e isso não. A mesma coisa acontece por exemplo se mudares chuteira dum gajo kualker, fica a chuteira ke ele passa a ter com o dlc uma dakelas inventadas pela konami por exemplo, n sei explicar bem pk lol, o ano passado aconteceu-me isso com o dlc com as transferencias do mercado de inverno e eu qnd dei por isso tinha a bundesliga toda marada ent tive de pôr uma OF antiga ke eu tinha o ke fez com ke os novos jogadores tipo o elias no atl madrid, o salomão ou o cédric ficassem nos free agents, e eu tive de 1 a 1 pôr no jogo com o register player :realmad:. na altura n conhecia este site nem sabia ke eles mais tarde lançavam uma OF nova com isso tudo por isso foi tanto trabalho para nada mas pronto XD. aí tens a tua resposta:lol:
sorry for speaking portuguese, but i had already answered this earlier in english, just trying to explain it to him in portuguese so he'd understand better
"Our final OF version fille feature Bundesliga 1. and Italian Serie B.Obrigado man, mas então o daimpa vai lançar esta noite a parte final do OF , com a bundesliga e a serie b. Então, segundo o que estas a dizer, quando instalarmos o dlc da konami, a bundesliga e a serie b vão desaparecer
While waiting my friend, I'm add real stadiums names to each team, by using the new tool!![]()
What!? That's Great :w00t, when do you think it will available for download?
I think tonight. All depends on when he comes back home. As you know, I can wait until 4am :laugh:
Anyway we should publish it before 2am (Italy time). It means 1am UK time.