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Bolloxmasta's 2010 xbox360 patch *all files uploaded*


Registered User
HI All,

Guys does anyone know how can we edit players DB with out using OF? is there a tool ? is there a way to import an OF in to the game ISO?




Registered User
HI All,

Guys does anyone know how can we edit players DB with out using OF? is there a tool ? is there a way to import an OF in to the game ISO?



this is why you need the edit file as bolloxmasta couldn't do player transfers onto the disc image so he's offering to add his edit into a fresh saved edit from your patched game,


Registered User
Does this mean that there is no tool for that :( !!!

so we can not use the DB tools for the PC for Xbox:(

is OF is the only answer for now?




Registered User
hi guys!
im a huge german pes fan and i would love to play with bollox patch but the patch doesnt work with my german iso.

i have already burned it twice but the game cant be load nevertheless i was following bollox tutorial!

What is wrong? Can anybody help me pls? (sry 4 my bad english!)


Registered User
you need to transfer your 360 hard drive to pc via sata or ms transfer cable will work,download an app called xport360,click file,open hard drive,located partition 3,select your gamerfolder,insde you will see a pes2010 folder,inside drag the pes2010 edit.bin to a folder on pc,upload it and send me the file,i will add transfers and send you the file back and you just replace it in the folder you took it from on your 360 hard drive

Cant I connect my XBOX 360 to PC via crossover networkcable?


Registered User
I im NTSC and I have a BUG!!!!

When you try to start a new "Champions League" 2 things happen:

1. The Auto-selection teams put me in 4 or 5 slots "AUSTRIA", and the teams in group G and H are shown in white and I can't select these slots in white, so I can't edit these slot teams.

2. After the screen team selection and groups appears, the next screen is the settings of the match (choose the "difficulty, time, lession, etc."), When I press CONTINUE the game CRASH!!!!!!!

What is happening????? what files do I have to modify??? or is just I'm NTSC, I insert all the files except dt05_e and dt07 (stadiums, it crash too).

HELP Bolloxmasta!!!

Does anyone is happening this crash???

Thank you
Me also and I have Pal versions


Registered User
I have problem when i choose a team the "other leagues" for example Lisboa, Porto, ranger for play a Master league, the all players are gk... help

Sorry for my english...


Registered User
Que archivos son necesarios cambiar para que sirva en el juego español?
Son los dos que has subido Chris_Alle (dtc04 y dt05_s.img), o son otros?

Podrias poner un mini tutorial de lo que tenemos que hacer para que no "pete" nuestro juego.

Y una duda sobre los fichajes, están realizados o no lo están, por eso que comenta Bolloxmasta sobre el OptionFile?

Sorry for the spanish, but it is questions about the patch for spanish .iso.


Registered User


Registered User
hi guys!
first, great work und thx to bollox. fantastic work for the community. yesterday i downloaded the patch, burn and test on a pal german pes (import all files except dto5_e). friendly matches works fine. cl mode crashes. thanks for fast fix and reaction to this forum posts ... i will test bollox fix on friday.



Registered User



sorry for the error but i didn't get time to test all areas of the patch before i released cl mode worked fine in master league mode so i presumed it was ok


can you do alternative everton shirt to use in away matches as you have the ivory coast home
the purple charity shirt thanks


Registered User
Hola Chris_Alle, me sucede en la Liga normal, aunque esta tarde mirare si tambien me sucede en la Liga Master.

Un saludo, y disculpa pero todavia no puedo responder a mensajes privados hasta que llegue a 10 posteos.:cool:

i have tested bilbao in normal league and it works ok

where abouts does it crash.

he probado Bilbao en la liga normal y esto trabaja bueno

donde sobre hace la helada animosa / accidente
