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Build Awards - Round 1 - Battle 5

Which face is best?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Here is the thread for the battle between andre_9 & Makiavelo.

They had to make José Gómez Campaña of Sevilla. Here are the preview pictures & formulas, I have randomized the order, please vote for the face you think is the best.

Face 1
Hairstyle : Steven Davis (Southampton FC)
Base : 1 / 8 / 5 / 0 / [ -3, -4 ] / +1 / +5 / +6 / +5 / 4 / [ -1, 0 ] / -3
Brows : 1 / 2 / 1 / +6 / -3 / +1 / +7 / +1 / 4 / [ 14 - 10 - 6 ]
Eyes : 10 / 5 / -1 / +7 / +7 / +1 / [ -3, 2 ] / -2 / -4 / -4 / -2 / [ -1, -5 ] / bright / 6
Ears : 0 / [ 1, -2 ]
Nose : [ -1, 7 ] / [ -3, -4 ] / +2 / -2 / [ 0, 1 ] / +1
Mouth : 7 / +2 / +2 / [ 0, 0 ] / [ 2, -2 ] / [ -2, -5 ] / +7
Jaw : +6 / +4 / +7 / 2
Facial Hair : 29 / 2 / [ 5 - 7 - 7 ]

Face 2
Hairstyle: Ranocchia (Inter)
Base: 2/5/3/0/1,3/+2/-3/+1/0/5/0,2/-2
Eyebrows: 7/2/1/+1/-1/+6/-2/-3/3/Colour: Same as hair color;
Eyes: 11/1/-1/+7/+6/+3/-1,1/-1/+1/+2/-2/-2,-3/light/light brown(7)
Ears: +1/-2,-4
Nose: 1,5/5,-3/-4/-4/1,0/-1
Mouth: 2/-1/+1/0,3/0,-1/4,-6/+1
Jaw: -1/+1/+6/0
Facial Hair: 23/1/Colour: 9-7-0



Registered User
las 2 son realmente espectaculares,elijo la 2 ,suerte compañeros.

2 spectacular, but I chose the nr 2


Registered User
The face 2 its very similar to the photo of the comparisons but the face1 it's more similar to the other photos. so I choose the first one

PD: the chosen photo will always hurt one of competitor =/


Registered User

Muy buenas,pero para que sea un poquito mas peleado me inclino hacia la primera

very good but im leaning more torwards the first one so it'll be more competitive.


Good work from both competitors. Face 2 is the winner, congratulations to andre_9 who advances to the QF's


Registered User
Mi enhorabuena para andre_9, suerte en las próximas batallas...

Saludos :cool2:

My congratulations to andre_9, luck in the coming battles ...

Regards :cool2:


Registered User
thank you all for your support ;) I was not expecting to win out in this battle, because maquiavelo is an amazing facemaker (and made a great face in this battle) :D thanks for your encouraging words, maquiavelo.
good luck to you too in future work, mate ;)

Obrigado a todos pelo apoio ;) nem eu estava à espera de vencer esta batalha, porque o maquiavelo é um excelente facemaker (e fez uma grande face nesta batalha) :D
obrigado pelas palavras encorajadoras, maquiavelo. boa sorte para ti
também, em trabalhos futuros amigo ;)
Classy as always Maqui. Well in.

Well done both. Both builds were excellent- you guys got a difficult player to build.

Congratulations andre. Great job.
