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[COMPETITION] PES 2013 Build Awards Signup/Info

Should relinked hairstyles be allowed?

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Registered User
I think there is alot of complaining here. Just do your thing and see where it leads you.

It's not like your bride will leave you at the altar. It's a video game competition for god sake. And it is for fun and it is not worth comitting suicide if you can't get through the first round!

That being said; Good luck everyone (even kitfisto, let the best man win)
speak well, no disrespect, always involved in my opinions, some problem.

no more to say, good luck to all, greetings. :)


Just to let everyone know I have recieved 3 faces so far, once I recieved both faces from a battle I will open the thread for it.

I will be posting the faces without the creators name, so the faces are judged with no bias ;)


Registered User
Just to let everyone know I have recieved 3 faces so far, once I recieved both faces from a battle I will open the thread for it.

I will be posting the faces without the creators name, so the faces are judged with no bias ;)

Nice decision;)


Registered User
Have a great life, Amigo!

C'mon guys,shouldn't gang up on him...the competition comes with its strains.
Can I say something?...This competition should be of benefit to all parties., here's what I mean by that; The players requested shouldn't be IG players, so that way they could be added to a the end it isn't a complete waste of time.

You do agree there's no point making someone that's already in the game, so losers aren't really losers, they contribute to another thread.
People really put a lot of time into creating and stuff, so lets all appreciate/value our or lose

Dunno if I made a wee bit of sense, but in my defense I tried

edgar 12

Registered User
I think there is alot of complaining here. Just do your thing and see where it leads you.

It's not like your bride will leave you at the altar. It's a video game competition for god sake. And it is for fun and it is not worth comitting suicide if you can't get through the first round!

That being said; Good luck everyone (even kitfisto, let the best man win)

Nobody can saw this more clear, and when we have message behind message like the last one we only need to quote M Ace again.


Registered User
Just to let everyone know I have recieved 3 faces so far, once I recieved both faces from a battle I will open the thread for it.

I will be posting the faces without the creators name, so the faces are judged with no bias ;)

I think thats the right thing to do, 100% fair


Registered User
Your opinion, not mine. Respect it please ;).

Regards :cool2:

Did you saw me disrespecting you?
You pouted because you didnt liked the face for your battle...too bad.
By the way, how old are you...? Maybe thats the explanation for your attitude.
Your attitude is pitful, that's my opinion. If you ask for respect, you have to respect the others opinion as well.


Registered User
Just to let everyone know I have recieved 3 faces so far, once I recieved both faces from a battle I will open the thread for it.

I will be posting the faces without the creators name, so the faces are judged with no bias ;)

Donde te las enviamos paul ?

Where you send them Paul ?

Regards :cool2:


Registered User
Don't know if I read in a previous message that it was necessary to put the physical if it is as well, Paul,tea i send, if you lack


Registered User
You're all a group of girls... Only talking doing nothing...
There are just 4 faces submitted, and these are made by the people who complain and talk the least...

Stop talking Start Facemaking!



Registered User
You're all a group of girls... Only talking doing nothing...
There are just 4 faces submitted, and these are made by the people who complain and talk the least...

Stop talking Start Facemaking!


Thats true!! :laugh:
I already submitted my Alexandre Alphonse face, just waitting for [MENTION=221595]Wingen[/MENTION] to send his to paul so he can open our battle thread... :cool:


Registered User
Guess you can join instead od Davfan..

Off: Haven't seen you for ages.. nor here nor on PESfan... How's life?:laugh:

That is a great suggestion, if you dont mind doing Paul Slane's face of course...

anthonyc1977 vs davfanpes - Paul Slane (Celtic)

Talk to paul2478 or MeatGravyMeat, maybe they will let you in...
