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[COMPETITION] PES 2013 Build Awards Signup/Info

Should relinked hairstyles be allowed?

  • Total voters
Well this has moved on since Monday. I had to cover someone else's job yesterday- I came home, had dinner and went to bed. Blerg.

Welcome back Doogs. I did check your last activity when we started all this but you'd been off for a bit so I didn't push. It seems like a ready made solution to the missing competitor problem but it'd be up to paul as referee and Antonyc1977 as his opponent firstly and also if anyone else has anyone else has any objection then speak now.

As everyone's said already, posting the builds without names is a great idea. I was gonna suggest posting a reminder to vote for the face and not the builder at the top of each thread but this is much better.

I still don't understand davfanpes' objection to building Paul Slane. I can't see how it's unfair and I think it was very well handled by paul. As Guiterrez18 said though, I hope dfp doesn't disappear from the site. It'd be a massive shame to lose a good builder over something so trivial.

One more thing; @¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ-[14] if you have any ideas about how a kit competition could work then let me know. I think it might be difficult but I'll listen to any thoughts you may have.


[MENTION=181887]MeatGravyMeat[/MENTION] maybe it is better to write the end date of this knockout phase on the first post...


Registered User
Compañeros,es un gran campeonato,pero para no hacernos bolas,seria muy buena idea como lo expreso el Gran Edgar 12 que en cada enfrentamiento ,los organizadores pongan unas fotos de base,ahi nos guiaríamos mucho mejor y seria muy bueno para todos los competidores,claro eso ya seria en la segunda ronda por que esta ronda ya arranco,seria muy buena solución para los problemas de peinado,espero que al menos lo piensen,creo que muchos estaran deacuerdo ,saludos. :)

is a great tournament, a good idea would be for the second round, the organizers, we put some pictures of base, so there are no problems with the hairstyles, as edgar12 said would be very good solution, it's just a good suggestion you decide, greetings. :)


I have no problem with [MENTION=182692]99Doogs[/MENTION] replacing dav, as long as [MENTION=29513]anthony[/MENTION]c1977 doesn't mind.

6 faces have now been submitted ;)


9 now ;)
Last edited:


Registered User
regarding the previews maybe this format is the best for an easy comparison:

Just an idea, if the preview layout for contestants will be like this, then how about the admin of this competition provide the front and side pic that will be use for previews?


Registered User
No problem at all 99Dogs.
Shame about DavfanPes.

Okay, I'll crack on with my player tomorrow!

I'll post pics and my formula to Paul?



Registered User
Hey 99Dogs, have you seen a picture Paul Slane? I don't know how we're going to create that Spotty complexion!



No problem at all 99Dogs.
Shame about DavfanPes.

Okay, I'll crack on with my player tomorrow!

I'll post pics and my formula to Paul?


Hey 99Dogs, have you seen a picture Paul Slane? I don't know how we're going to create that Spotty complexion!


Good stuff, ok [MENTION=182692]99Doogs[/MENTION] you are in if you are still interested & can PM me a face by Monday afternoon European time.

Yeah just PM me the formula mate, you can include pics if you like, but you don't need to as rebelinho will be making standard previews for everyone


Registered User
I have no problem with [MENTION=182692]99Doogs[/MENTION] replacing dav, as long as [MENTION=29513]anthony[/MENTION]c1977 doesn't mind.

6 faces have now been submitted ;)


9 now ;)

When there are 9 faces, we can expect the battle-threads soon:w00t

BTW, why are you awake this late?


When there are 9 faces, we can expect the battle-threads soon:w00t

BTW, why are you awake this late?

Yeah mate, two battles have both faces, as soon as I get the preview pics from rebelinho I will open those threads :)

I don't sleep very much mate, but will be off to bed soon ;)


Registered User
I have wanted to see how it develops faces competition

For the next edition of the tournament will be available :laugh:


Tengo ganas de ver como va la competición de caras

Para la próxima edición del torneo estaré listo :laugh:


Registered User

may somebody help me?
someone can tell me which of these hairs is more updated? I do not know which photo is more updated.
maqui, have you finished your face? by which hair is that you have followed?
I just need to put the hair to finish the face.

good work ;)


Registered User
Me he guiado con la foto de abajo, la que lleva el pelo más corto...

I have been guided to the photo below, which takes shorter hair...

Regards :cool2:


Registered User
alright Paul, thanks.

so Paul Slane is the guy? where's he play? I've done those generic UK white guys before, its not so bad. Will be a good way to see if I can still make builds