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[COMPETITION] PES 2013 Build Awards Signup/Info

Should relinked hairstyles be allowed?

  • Total voters


Ok first up I will say this one more time, this competition is just a bit of fun :D

The pictures rebelinho puts with the previews are a guide, if you want to get serious google the person to find more pictures to decide which is the best face.
[MENTION=215396]andre_9[/MENTION] are you saying I should remove the option to see who has voted for each face?


Registered User
Ok first up I will say this one more time, this competition is just a bit of fun :D

[MENTION=215396]andre_9[/MENTION] are you saying I should remove the option to see who has voted for each face?

I agree, this is just for fun!
yes that's right. I think it would be better because then we can vote on our opponent without anyone seeing (if they see, they know that this is the face of the opponent , because we can not vote for our own face) but if you think you do not need, no problem ;)


What I would suggest is if you are competing in a battle don't vote on that battle, as if it is done fairly it will just be one vote for each others faces (just my thoughts though).

Just a little info, rebelinho will do his previews as normal, I will also add a few other pictures in each battle including any that people submit with their faces.

Also once I have responded to say I have received your face, no changes will be accepted, unless something is missing. If you have any issues once the preview has been posted please don't post in the threads, but instead send me a PM ;)
Paul needs to know who has voted for who so he can discount anyone who has voted who doesn't meet the voting requirements.

I agree with that FACESCAN. I'd rather just have a link to a google image search. That said, I'm not too fussed either way- the photo chosen will be one of the best ones to show a player's face and if the build is good, it'll look like that photo.

EDIT: I've said earlier in this thread that it's customary in these kinds of competitions to vote for your opponent (but in the final, the competitiors should refrain from voting). It's really up to you guys though- if you see that your competitor has voted for you then you should return the favour.


Registered User
What I would suggest is if you are competing in a battle don't vote on that battle, as if it is done fairly it will just be one vote for each others faces (just my thoughts though).

ok mate, no problem, this is also a good solution xD
I still don't know how to vote? And how many battles have been published so far?

Thank you


There are two threads open at the moment. They're labelled IMPORTANT: Poll: Build Awards - Round 1 - Battle [number]

There's a poll at the top of each thread which will let you vote for face 1 or face 2.


Registered User
Have a poll for the three judges alone.

For instance you're having polls for people to vote, most people are occupied and wouldn't get a chance to vote, does that mean the spoils goes to the person with most votes out of a selected few? Think about it

If it's a panel of three judges as stated earlier, those judges have a duty and an obligation to cast their vote or the seeds don't go through..
3, 3 people that are chosen and not a multitude of tardy offence, but it feels that way


There isn't a draw with three judges...
It's a 2-1 thingy, judges are to judge not people...that's how you bring a professional non bias touch to the competition

it works this way: people, forum users, vote for the face they like most. the poll will be open for three days. once those three days are finished, the poll is closed and the votes are counted. in case, lets say, each face has 20 votes, it is up to those three judges to decide which one is the best face.


Registered User
it works this way: people, forum users, vote for the face they like most. the poll will be open for three days. once those three days are finished, the poll is closed and the votes are counted. in case, lets say, each face has 20 votes, it is up to those three judges to decide which one is the best face.

Kk let's look at it this way: first face >THREAD< has 20 people that voted
Second face >THREAD< totals 4 voted
Third face >THREAD< totals 0 voted, because people are kinda uninterested in your somewhat silly competition, DOES THAT MEAN THE COMPETITION IS SHOT TO HELL?
It's the other way round- the judges will only vote in the event of a draw.

You're missing the point of the competition- it's a bit of fun, an opportunity for the guys on here who are posting similar things to interact and get to know each other a bit and a chance to fill in some gaps in creation threads etc. with builds. It's more fun to have the voting open to the maximum number of people.

Besides, the competition has started. It's too late to be implementing major changes like this.


Registered User
la mejor solución para todo es que los organizadores pongan fotos de referencia antes de los encuentros,asi se evitaria muchos problemas.

the best solution for all, is that the organizers hand over reference photos.


Registered User
It's the other way round- the judges will only vote in the event of a draw.

You're missing the point of the competition- it's a bit of fun, an opportunity for the guys on here who are posting similar things to interact and get to know each other a bit and a chance to fill in some gaps in creation threads etc. with builds. It's more fun to have the voting open to the maximum number of people.

Besides, the competition has started. It's too late to be implementing major changes like this.

Kk I'd direct you to an excerpt from your front page
Competitors will be drawn at random into competing pairs with each pair being assigned a randomly drawn player. Draws will be conducted by our referees; paul2478, Schitzophonic and Guiterrez18.

I know I'm sounding a bit pedantic.
It's not a major change, earlier on I did suggest faces added to ongoing thread, so I'm lost


Registered User
If you say fair, I say guarantee each face would have a total of 20 votes, no more, no less
That's fair, I'm guessing you didn't read my whole tardy well-wishers explanation...


Sry Guys,
I can't post my facebuild, because today I used the W!ld@ editor on my file and I forgot, that then you can't work on your facebuilds, because the game reset your face, if you try to update them...

Any solutions?
So I'm out...